Yeshu 28th January written episode update


Yeshu 28th January written episode update

Yeshu 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with  Maria’s husband tells Joseph that he loves Yeshu so much, but whatever happened this time, is not right,. He tells, you shall not support Yeshu,. Maria asks, if your son is God and will return Neema’s eye sight,. Joseph tells, the matter is about Yeshu’s trust on God and we shall not demotivate him,. Mary tells, we just want him to help Neema,. Maria tells, I will tell Rabbi Guru ji that we are leaving this village,. Mary tells, may be this is our test too, towards God,. She asks, her to trust God and have faith in Yeshu,. Maria asks, her to leave her hand and tells, tomorrow she will go with her kids,. Her husband gets shocked,.

Joseph tells, yeshu is born to give love and peace to the people, but his family has so much anger and hatred for him,. 

Mary tells, I am sure that Yeshu will win everyone’s heart, Maria and Rabbi Guru’s hearts,.

Yeshu is sitting in his room,. Yakub tells that the sound ball was really good,. Aashiya asks, Yeshu if he is thinking that Neema’s eye sight will return or not,. Yeshu tells, I can just pray for her, like I prayed for the bird,. He tells, Neema has so much anger in her for her father and God,. If she forgets her anger then God can bless her with eye sight,. He tells, Maa had said that devotees have to keep their faith strong in God,. Just then Rabbi Guru ji pushes Neema on the floor,. Leena asks, her and Rabbi Guru ji to calm down,. Neema holds his hand and slaps herself with his hand,. Guru ji slaps her and she falls down,. Guru ji blames Yeshu for her stubbornness and tells, I know the way to get her stubbornness out,. He makes a sound and asks, did you hear the voice ? 

Yeshu feels everyone and tells, make God’s home set in your heart,. Guru ji picks the stick to beat her,. Yeshu feels her pain,. Aashiya runs to call Mary,. Yakub and Manu get shocked,. Neema tells that she will bear the beating if his anger calms down,. Leena asks, him not to beat her,. Rabbi Guru ji tells, I will take out her stubborness and takes her out,. Mary comes to yeshu and finds him afraid,. She tells, open your eyes, I am with you,. He opens his eyes and tells, I have to go and see Neema,. He runs out,. Everyone go behind him,.

Rabbi Guru ji take Neema out and pushes her,. He warns Leena not to give her food today and tells, she will be fine if she stays outside today,. People gather there,. 

Rabbi Guru ji starts acting and tells, she had hit me with ball, but I have forgiven her,. He tells, God got upset and asked me to punish her, so that she can do penance,. He picks a stone and asks, her to keep the stone on her head till sunset and stand all day,.

He warns Leena and takes her inside,. Neema stands keeping stone on her head,. The people feel bad on her,. Neema calls Yeshu and tells, she didn’t get angry,. She tells, I know you are here,. Rabbi Guru ji tells, I asked you to stand under the sunrays,. Neema stands under the sunrays,. Yeshu hears her and picks a stone from the ground,. Mary tries to stop him,. Yeshu keeps the stone on his head,. Mary asks, him to take it off,. Yeshu tells, whoever is standing for God, I will stand for them,. Joseph, Maria and her husband come there,. Maria taunts Yeshu,. 

Mary tells, Yeshu is supporting Neema so that her bad times end fast,. Neema feels thirsty and tells Yeshu,. Yeshu tells, even me, but don’t worry, hunger will get slow slowly and then we will not feel thirsty,. He asks, her to tell how she felt about the sound ball,. Neema is about to faint,. Yakub tells, she is about to faint,. Yeshu prays to God to help her,. The sunrays are covered by the clouds soon and the sky becomes dark in the afternoon itself,. 

The guy tells, how did the clouds come at this time,. Mary looks at Joseph,.

Leena serves food to Rabbi Guru ji,. He starts eating the food, while his wife looks at Neema and cries,. Yeshu tells, the clouds will be set like this till evening, then you will not feel thirsty and hungry,. Neema asks, him to return to his house,. Yeshu tells, friends never leave other,. He tells, I can’t lessen your pain, but can stand by you,.   

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