Yeshu 27th January written episode update


Yeshu 27th January written episode update

Yeshu 27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with  Leena asking Neema to have food with her hand,. Neema tells, she can have food with her hand and tells, she don’t want anyone’s sympathy,. She tells that Yeshu asked her to come and play with him,. Rabbi Guru ji comes there,. Neema tells that she is feeling suffocated suddenly,. Rabbi Guru ji tells, she is not the daughter, but the snake baby,. He twists her ears and tells, if you go out then will know the difference,. He tells, if I was on your place then I would have apologized to my father daily,. She tells, because of your bad karma, you are blind,. He asks, her to apologize to God and be thankful to him,. He forces her to eat the food,. 

Neema eats the food and cries and tells, even Yeshu’s sayings are fake like my Pita ji,.

Yeshu asks, Aashiya to call Neema to play with them,. Mary worries that if Yeshu returns Neema’s sight then everyone will know that he is a special child and his enemies will come to know,. Devdoodh comes there and asks, them not to worry, tells, Yeshu will succeed,. He asks, them to guide him always,. Yeshu, Yakub, and others play the ball,. Aashiya tells Yeshu that Neema will come surely,. Leena brings Neema there,. Neema tells, I came here to walk and not to play,. Yeshu looks at the box,. Mary asks, Joseph what was in the box,. Joseph tells something,. Mary smiles and tells, at one side, I have worry for him and at the other side, I feel proud of him,. She tells, we are lucky to be his parents,. 

She tells, first he relieved Manu’s hunger, then showed the way to his father and now what he is doing for Neema,.

Yeshu throws the ball far,. Elder brother asks, who will search the ball now,. Yeshu tells, I have another ball and takes out the ball from the box,. He makes sound as something is in the ball,. The special ball with sound, which is made by Joseph for Neema,. Yeshu plays with Yakub, Aashiya and others,. Neema hears the sound and gets happy hearing them playing,. Yeshu asks, Neema to catch the ball and throws ball near her,. Neema forwards her hand to catch the ball,. 

Neema jumps in air and catch the ball in her hand and falls down,. Everyone claps for her,.

Neema smiles happily,. Leena kisses on Neema’s cheeks,. Yakub, Aashiya, elder brother and others appreciate her and claps for her wonderful catch,. Rabbi Guru ji comes there and asks, what is happening here,. He asks, Leena if her daughter is doing penance like this,. He tells it will be prove in the morning, if my devotion is true or of Yeshu, then cry all life that you didn’t remember God even on my sayings and be helpless all life,. Neema throws the ball on Rabbi Guru ji’s chest angrily,. He gets angry,. Yeshu keeps hand on her shoulder,. She feels peaceful and tells, sorry to Rabbi Guru ji,. He tells, I know you are upset, but we shall never insult our parents ever and asks, her to forget all her anger even if it is for God or her father,. He asks, her to see then what happens,. 

Neema closes her eyes and tells, forgive me pita ji, I did a mistake,. I shouldn’t have done this,. Rabbi Guru ji is about to slap her, but stops,. He takes Neema forcibly from there,. Mary hugs Yeshu,. Yeshu thanks Joseph for making that ball and apologizes for losing the first ball,. Joseph appreciates him for his doings and tells, you made Neema realized that someone is there to understand her and her world,. Mary tells, you made her believe that she is not alone, now she can befriend you and trust you too,. Joseph tells, I will make 10 more balls for you,. Everyone gets happy,. Yeshu hugs Joseph,. Maria asks, Joseph and Mary to come home as she wants to talk to them,.

In the house, Maria gives an apology letter to Mary,. 

Mary tells, it is an apology letter from us, towards Rabbi Guru ji,. Maria asks, them to apologize to Rabbi Guru ji before they kicked out from here, like they were thrown from Misr,. She asks, them to go to Rabbi Guru ji and plead infront of him for forgives and prays to him to leave him,.   

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