Yeshu 26th January written episode update


Yeshu 26th January written episode update

Yeshu 26th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Yeshu asking Mary why they didn’t get the result of their prayers immediately,. Mary looks at the larvae on the tree,. She tells, if we break the shell then butterfly will come out immediately,. Yeshu tells, no, and realizes that God hears their prayers at the right time,. Mary tells, lets go home,. The Soldier tells Herod II that the Soldier who was sent to kill Centurian is unsuccessful and asks, if he was wearing our dynasty’s uniform,. 

The soldier tells, yes,. Herod II tells, you need a special prize and takes his sword and stabs him repeatedly,. The soldier dies,. Herod II tells, he will make special arrangements to welcome Centurian,.

Leena comes to meet Yeshu at Mary’s house and tells, she had prayed to God for her daughter and feels that Yeshu is the sign who can help her daughter,. Mary tells, I don’t know how Yeshu will help your daughter,. Maria comes there,. Yeshu tells, he wants to talk to Neema alone,. Maria tells, no,. Leena tells, he can talk to Neema,. 

Yeshu tries to talk to Neema,. Mary and Leena look at them from far,. Yeshu tells, you are scared,. Neema tells, I am blind and that doesn’t mean that I am afraid to talk,. Yeshu tells, when Rabbi Guru ji challenged me to return your eye sight, then you held her hand tightly,. He tells, if you make God’s house in your heart then everything will be fine,. She asks, what will happen with your thinking,. Yeshu tells, I feel that you will soon everything with your eye,. He tells, even a feather can fly, it needs the support of the air,. He makes the feather fly and tells, I want to help you, just like air is helping the feather,. 

He tells, I am sure that you can see the world and you will fly high,.

Centurian throws the knife at Herod II and tells that he wants to talk to him,. Neema tells that she don’t want his support,. He tells, I want you to become my friend and tells, friends take care of each other so much,. He asks, can we be friends,. Neema tells, no, I know that this is your way to show sympathy towards a blind girl,. She calls Neema and tells, she wants to go home,. They come downstairs,. Neema falls down and gets up, tells, she is hearing the sound of air,. She comes out of the house,. Yeshu asks, her to come and play with him,. She tells, she will not come for his sympathy and goes,. Mary asks, him not to feel bad,. Yeshu tells, he will not feel bad,. 

Centurian asks, Herod II to kill him, if he wants to kill him,. Shaitaan asks, Herod II not to kill him and find out about the boy,. Herod II makes an excuse and asks, him to go and find the boy, then get back to the dynasty,. Centurian goes,. Herod II looks on,. Shaitaan thinks he is waiting for the day, when Centurian brings Yeshu here, and then he will ask him to kill him,.

Yeshu closes his eyes and hears the wind chime sound,. He closes his eyes and tries to walk hearing the sound and falls down,.

 Joseph comes there and holds him,. Yeshu asks, him about the sound,. Joseph tells that Blind people hears from where the sound is coming,. Yeshu tells, he has found the way and tells that he wants to make something, whose beauty is good to hear rather than to see,.   

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