Yeshu 25th January written episode update


Yeshu 25th January written episode update

Yeshu 25th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Rabbi Guru ji coming to Yeshu’s house,. Mary asks, Yeshu to go inside,. Leena asks, Neema not to say anything to her father infront of everyone,. Rabbi Guru ji blames him for ruining Toyseller’s devotion towards God,. He tells, may be your mother showed you wrong path and that’s why you have done this, but I will not let my devotees divert from their devotion,. Joseph requests him to talk to them later and not to blame his wife and son,. Guru ji asks, People and then God to look at them, how is he ordering him,. 

Maria tells, we all trust you and assures that they will never trouble him,. Guru ji tells, but what about present, Yeshu has provoked my devotees and tells that they reach God through me, and take their message to God through me and problems are my problems etc,. Yeshu requests him not to say anything wrong about God and tells Mary that he comes in the circle,. He tells Guru ji that God listens to everyone’s prayers and asks, him not to lie about God,. He tells, only the God’s wish is fulfilled and tells, if our devotion is real then God helps us as he is the only one who can hear our prayers,. Guru ji tells, ok and tells that his daughter Neema is blind,. Everyone is shocked and tells, Guru ji’s daughter is blind,. 

Guru ji asks, yeshu to make his blind daughter get her eye sight and tells, if you can’t do this then you have to leave from this village,. He asks, do you accept this condition,. Mary asks, what are you saying? Guru ji tells, I want your son to reply,. Joseph tells, you are asking a small child to return a blind girl’s sight,. Yeshu tells, I can’t return her sight, but can pray that she gets her sight back,. He tells, even you and Neema can pray so that the latter gets the sight,. Guru ji tricks everyone and tells, Yeshu has accepted his challenge,. Mary tells, Yeshu haven’t accepted,. Guru ji tells, you have two days, either bring my daughter’s eye sight or leave this village for forever,.

 Maria tells, I will go and pack our stuff,. Her husband asks, what is Yeshu’s mistake in this? Joseph asks, Mary not to worry and tells, he will make bhabhi understand, we shall be together,.

Yeshu asks, did I do wrong? Mary tells, we will talk later,. Devdoodh prays to God to help yeshu as whatever he said is right,. Shaitaan laughs and tells, Rabbi Guru is very clever, I will give very special place to you after your death, you have won my heart by conspiring against Yeshu,. He tells, yeshu must not have thought that his birthday will end this way,. He tells, he will make his puppets dance,. He makes idols of Yeshu, Samrat/Herod II and Rabbi Guru ji,. He tells, even God can’t save you,.,.and laughs,.

Yeshu prays to God and tells that his mother, father and everyone are worried after whatever happened between Rabbi Guru ji and him,. 

He tells, I don’t know anything how to relieve everyone’s worry and prays to him to make everything fine,. Mary recalls Rabbi Guru ji’s condition,. She asks, Yeshu, how did he wake up so early? Yeshu tells, you had said that we will go out in the morning,. Mary thinks this is the excuse to find answers to your question, I am your mother and will always be with you,.

Senapati asks, Soldier to keep something safe and tells that they have returned, so that he can meet the new Samrat and show his loyalty,. 

Mary gives the example of Plant and asks, him to make house of God in his heart, so that he don’t feel afraid,. Yeshu agrees,. Mary prays to God to hold his finger,.   

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