Yeshu 22nd January written episode update


Yeshu 22nd January written episode update

Yeshu 22nd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Mukhiyan telling Senapati about Yeshu and tells that boy was different from other children,. Senapati tells, every parents think like that,. Mukhiyan tells that Yeshu had made her dead son alive,. Senapati asks, what are you saying? She calls Jeevan and tells that Yeshu had made him alive,. Senapati asks, can you tell more about him,. Manu thanks Yeshu for returning his baba to him,. He bends down infront of him and tells, I prayed infront of God and you fulfilled my prayers,.

 Yeshu tells, I didn’t do anything, it all happened due to God,. Toyseller tells yeshu that he wants to give him something and gives two coins,. Yeshu refuses to take, but takes it when the toy seller insists,. Yeshu asks, can I keep one and gift other coin to someone,. Toyseller tells, yes,. Yeshu tells Elder brother that Chacha ji promised to give you a coin and tells, take your coin,. He gifts the coin to him and thanks him for his love,. Elder brother gets happy,. Yakub tells, today’s utsav is looking dull without sangeet,. They all dance,.

Rabbi Guru ji asks, his wife to check outside,. She peeps out and tells that the voice is coming from toyseller’s house,. Rabbi Guru ji tells, if the toy seller has killed yeshu and tells, we shall go there,. Toyseller dances with Yeshu and others,. 

Rabbi Guru ji comes there and gets shocked seeing everyone happily dancing and Yeshu alive,. He asks, them to stop dancing and comes to the toy seller and slaps him hard,. Toy seller falls down,. Rabbi Guru ji asks, if you will do the seva of God like this and asks, him to meet him in his house,. Toy seller cries,. Yeshu comes to Toyseller and tells, Maa tells, that if we walk on the right path then he will solve all your problems,. He gives his hand to toy seller,. Toy seller witnesses the divine light in Yeshu and tells, you said right, I felt as if God is with me,.

Toy seller comes to Rabgi Guru ji,. Rabbi Guru ji scolds him for dancing with Yeshu,. He asks, where did your loyalty go towards God and tells, you lied to me and God also,. 

Toy seller tells, I had gone to throw him out of the village, but he told me something which surprised me,. He tells, God has given me two hands, using which I will make toys for kids and will do God’s devotion,. He tells, Yeshu is not bad, as God himself has sent him on earth,. He tells, he is still devoted to him and goes,. Rabbi Guru ji fumes,.

Senapati recalls Mukhiyan telling him that when everyone went to Yeshu’s house after Jeevan’s death,. 

Yeshu came out and spoke to Jeevan something, and then he started breathing,. He asks, Jeevan if he remembers what he said,. Jeevan tells, no, I am thankful to Yeshu, but scared and surprised too,. Senapati asks, where did they go? Mukhiyan tells, they had gone to old house in Nazareth,.

Rabbi Guru ji’s wife asking him to stop drinking and meet the people in the sabha,. Rabbi Guru ji pushes his wife and throws his glass,. His daughter comes there and picks the class,. 

Rabbi Guru ji tells, she has come, tells, my daughter is problem of my life,. His daughter tells that she thought that she is blind, but the villagers are more blind than her,. He tells, he don’t want to see her and she can’t see him,. He tells, God has punished me by giving me a blind daughter and tells, if Yeshu is not punished then God will be upset,. The girl tells that she is the result of his sin and tells that if his God can make him fine,. Yeshu hears her,. She tells, if villagers come to know then they will question you,. Guru ji pushes her and tells, now it is yeshu’s turn,.

He tells, I will take you out and knows what to do,. He asks, his daughter Nima to come and takes her out,. The kids think what to buy with the coins,. 

Maria gets worried and asks, why Yeshu interfered in toyseller’s life,. Mary tells, Toyseller and Manu has become a family now and tells, I am sure that even Rabbi Guru ji will accept us,. Maria asks, when? Yeshu hears them,. Joseph comes to Yeshu,. Toy seller asks, Rabbi Guru ji to calm down,. Rabbi Guru ji tells, I will decide,. Joseph tells, we never wanted your birthday to end like this, kids are happy, but the elders are tensed,. He asks, if he is fine,. 

Yeshu tells, he is watching everyone silently,. Joseph asks, what is going on in your mind? Yeshu tells, I am happy for the happy people and sad for the sad people and worried for the one who is coming,. Joseph asks, whom? Guru ji brings his daughter outside Yeshu’s house and asks, him to come out,. Villagers are also there,. Yeshu, Joseph and Mary come out with others..    

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