Yeshu 20th January written episode update


Yeshu 20th January written episode update

Yeshu 20th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with  Guru ji telling his devotees that something is kept in the tokris for everyone,. He asks, them to come infront of him and see what God has kept for them,. He scolds a man for not giving a big charity to the temple fund,. The guy says, he will soon present a good amount to the temple fund,. He then calls other men and then asks, Manu’s father to check,. Manu’s father doesn’t get anything,. Guru ji asks, him to keep his eyes closed and sit down,. He says, God might have kept something for you,. 

While the toyseller or Manu’s father sit with his eyes closed, Guru ji keeps knife on the basket,. He then asks, him to check again and throw the basket on the ground,. The toy seller/Manu’s father finds the knife in it,. Guru ji tells that God wants to solve all your problems and asks, him to end/kill the person who has troubled God recently,. Manu’s father takes Yeshu’s name,. Yeshu comes to Manu’s house and tells that he has brought kheer for him, as he didn’t eat it at home,. Manu takes out the light and sits to eat it,. Guru ji tells Manu’s father that he is right, as Yeshu has troubled God so much,. 

Manu’s father asks, if God wants me to kill Yeshu and asks, how can I do this? Rabbi Guru ji scolds him and asks, if you are doubting me, and says, your wife died as you didn’t listen to me at first and asks, if you want your son to die as well,.

Manu’s father says, no and tells that he will work for the God,. Shaitaan thinks Rabbi Guru knows to fire poisonous arrow without my help and thinks he and his plan are both great,. Yeshu asks, Manu if his father asked him to make these toys,. Manu says,, he had made it many years ago and feels that everything will be fine, if he does Rabbi Guru ji’s work,. The toyseller thinks to kill yeshu,. 

Shaitaan asks, him to go to his house as Yeshu is there,. Manu closes the door and tells Yeshu that he will show the toys which his father made,. Yeshu looks at the toys and smiles,. He takes the toys in his hand and cleans the dust from it,. The toy seller thinks to kill Yeshu and thinks if I kill him then God will do my betterment,. Manu tells about his father who used to make toys with much hardwork,. Manu says, the toys are good, I didn’t see such nice toys,. Manu says, my father was a toy seller, but since my mother left everything changed,. He says, my father got immersed in Rabbi Guru ji’s bhakti and he has kept all his tools in the box,. Yeshu asks, why did he leave such work,. 

Manu’s father comes there,. Yeshu and Manu get shocked seeing knife in his hand,.

Mary gets worried for Yeshu and asks, Aashiya and Yakub to see where is Yeshu? The toy seller is about to throw knife at Yeshu and asks, Manu to go out, as he wants to talk to him,. Manu says, Yeshu didn’t do anything,. Manu’s father asks, him to go and holds the knife to kill Yeshu,. Shaitaan comes there and is happy,. Yeshu says, I know that you are angry with me,. Manu’s father keeps his knife down,. Shaitaan asks, Manu’s father not to hear him and kill Yeshu,. 

Yeshu tells that he didn’t intent to insult Rabbi Guru ji and says, it is good that you came, and says, just as I see this toy, I got the thought of Devdoodh,. Manu’s father says, there is no such devdoodh,. Yeshu says, my mother says, that devdoodh exists,. Devdoodh comes there and says, lets see what God’s son do? Manu’s father sits to keep the toys back,. Yeshu says, it is a God’s blessing that you used to make nice toys and asks, why did you stop making toys? Manu’s father asks, him to go,. Yeshu says, I have a condition and says, I will be with you till evening and will convince you to make toys, and will agree to your all sayings,. He says, if you don’t agree till evening then also I will accept your decision,. The toy seller thinks this boy will lose and I will throw him out of the village,. He says, I accept your condition,.

 Shaitaan asks, Devdoodh not to think that the story is over,. Devdoodh says, story has just began, says, Yeshu’s sympathy will change the toy maker’s life for good,. Yeshu says, your tools will not be locked in the box for long now,.   

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