Yeh hai chahatein 22nd January written episode update


Yeh hai chahatein 22nd January written episode update

Yeh hai chahatein 22nd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Rudra insists Saransh to tell if Mahima hit him,. Saransh tells, after Rudra didn’t attend TV interview, Mahima thrashed him with belt and he has marks on his back,. Rudra panics seeing marks on his back,. Preesha enters,. Rudra shouts Mahima lashed his son,. Preesha tells, she knows,. He asks, why didn’t she inform him,. She tells, she saw just sometime ago,. He shouts how dare she is to lash his son, he didn’t say anything when she killed many people and wouldn’t tolerate if she lashed his son,. He angrily leaves,. Saransh seeing his anger hugs Preesha afraid and asks, her to stop rudra,. Rudra walks to Mahima and slaps her repeatedly shouting how dare she is to lash his son,. She tells, he touched her at least this way,.

 He strangulates her saying he slapped her for trashing her son,. She tells, he should kill her instead of hating her, she loves him immensely and will get him at any cost,. Preesha drops Saransh with Sharda at lohri venue and waits for Rudra,. She goes to check on him and stands shocked seeing Rudra Romancing Mahima in her room saying he was waiting for this moment since long,. She shatters seeing them removing each other’s clothes lustfully and getting into bed,. Mahima looks at a bottle on cupboard,.

Preesha runs from there crying reminiscing Rudra romancing Mahima and leaves Khurana house in her car,. GPS noticing that runs behind Preesha calling her, he thinks where did she go and where is Rudra,. 

Vasu with everyone walks to him and asks, where did Preesha go,. He tells, he doesn’t know and even Rudra is missing,. Ahana tells, even Mahima is missing,. Preesha drives car reminiscing Rudra’s love for her,. She shouts why did Rudra do this to her,. Car stops when petrol empties and she runs on road,. Vasu asks, GPS how can Preesha go like that,. Ahana tells, where must be Rudra, they should go up and check,. Mishka tells, Mahima is up and everyone is so much worried about Preesha, she is troublesome and doesn’t let them enjoy parties,. GPS tells, Preesha ran from inside home, that means Mahima must have done something,.

 Mahima tells, she didn’t do anything,. GPS tells, he will go and check,. Balraj tells, he will send guards and let us go inside and wait,.

They all walk inside home and nervously wait for Preesha,. Balraj tells, guards didn’t come yet, that means Preesha is not found yet,. Mahima forwards her and Rudra’s romance video on social media and tells, now the real dhamaka will happen,. Guards return and inform Balraj that they searched for Preesha everywhere and couldn’t find her,. Mahima gets video and seeing that tells, this is embarrassing and shows it to everyone,. They all fume,. GPS asks, Mahima how can she do this,. Mahima tells, she doesn’t know,. 

Ahana tells, its spreading like fire on social media,. GPS thinks Preesha shattered seeing Rudra’s betrayal and goes to confront Rudra,. Mahima continues acting,. Yuvraj thinks what happened suddenly that nalla Khurana Rudra went with Kavvi Mahima leaving chipkali Preesha, Mahima must be a witch that she can control anyone, he just needs to enjoy this drama,. Balraj tells, he can’t understand what is Rudra up to, earlier he hated Mahima and then married her for Saransh and now got intimate with her, he also acts as hating Preesha but then dances with her,. 

GPS goes to Rudra who is sound asleep and splashes water on him,. Rudra wakes up and asks, what happened,. GPS asks, why did he betray Preesha and shows video,.    

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