Yeh hai chahatein 18th January written episode update


Yeh hai chahatein 18th January written episode update

Yeh hai chahatein 18th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Vasudha asks, GPS what is Rudra doing here,. Sharda says, that she called Rudra to pick her and Saransh,. Saransh takes Rudra and Preesha to the room,. Rudra says, he won’t be coming with Preesha,. Saransh asks, Rudra to come with them right now,. Rudra says, OK if you say so because I cannot stand Preesha for a second,.

Gautam hears the doorbell ringing,. He opens the door to find no one,. The doorbell rings for the second time, this time it’s the delivery boy who came to deliver the pizza he ordered,. 

Gautam eats his pizza while Mahima appears in his room,. She asks, him if he is done eating so that she can kill him,.

Mahima tells Gautam that she has placed a tracker in his pocket,. Gautam pleads for his life and swears never to help Preesha again,. Mahima tells him that he has signed on his own death warrant by going against her and says, that even she is sorry for killing him because he is a threat to her,.

Mahima asks, Gautam to get ready to die and pulls the trigger of the gun she is holding,. Gautam yells in fright but is safe because the gun has no bullets in it,. 

Mahima says, that the first round was empty but the other might have a bullet in it and she pulls the trigger again,. Gautam is safe once again but he pleads for his life and asks, Mahima not to kill him and let him go,.

At home, Saransh cries and says, that he wants his family back,. Preesha tries to console him and says, that a game is going on and we will have to play it till they are playing,. Saransh agrees but says, that he feels scared without Preesha,. Rudra tries to console Saransh and says, that he is with him,. Both Rudra and Preesha try to hug him but Saransh cries in pain,.

Preesha asks, what happened, Saransh looks at Mahima’s picture and remembers her warning not to tell anyone or else she will kill Preesha and Rudra,. 

Saransh quickly gets up and leaves,. Preesha realizes that Saransh is lying and wonders why will he lie to her,.

Mahima pulls the trigger four consecutive times and laughs saying Gautam you are so lucky,. Go ahead and live your life,. Gautam asks, nervously if he can leave,. He is about to when he feels something and falls on the floor,. Mahima tells him that the gun was a gimmick to distract him and will die because of the poison he added to his pizza,.

Flashback: Mahima stops the delivery boy and asks, who this pizza is for,. Meanwhile, a hired goon holds the delivery boy from behind and takes his uniform,. 

Mahima adds poison to the pizza and goes inside the warehouse,.

Gautam is choking on the poison and tries to grab a glass of water,. Mahima throws the glass away and says, sorry Preesha you failed in your plan,. She calls her goon to come inside and get rid of the body,.

The next morning Preesha and Rudra go to the warehouse to see Gautam but he is nowhere to be found,. Bothh of them are shocked,. Rudra tries to call the airport to find out if he has border the plane,. He is told that Gautam never boarded the flight,. 

Preesha also tries to confirm his presence in Mumbai but in vain,. Preesha decides to confront Mahima about Gautam,.

Mahima talks to Sharda and says, that we will celebrate Lohri,. Saransh asks, what is Lohri, Sharda explains to him that they do bon fire and celebrate around it as the winters are over,.

Preesha arrives and asks, Saransh what are they planning to celebrate,. Lohri answers Saransh and asks, her to join as well,. Sharda says, that you should if Saransh is asking for it,.

Preesha agrees and goes with Mahima to her room,. She closes the door and asks, about Gautam,. 

Mahima says, that she has left Gautam with her only, how would she know,.

Preesha says, that they hid Gautam somewhere and now he is missing,. She says, that she is sure Mahima would have done something, she asks, again where he is,. Mahima says, that she has sent her up, not upstairs by up,. She admits that she killed him but then pretends as if she is jocking,. Preesha warns her to tell her the truth,.

Mahima asks, Preesha to leave as she has to prepare for Lohri celebrations,.    

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