Teri Ladli main 21st January written episode update


Teri Ladli main 21st January written episode update

Teri Ladli main 21st January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Akshat looks at a gift he brought for Bitti and thinks he will gift it to her an apology,. Bitti is seen bicycling nearby,. Driver Raghu informs him that madam/Vaishali is calling him repeatedly,. He picks Vaishali’s call and walks into his car,. Gift falls down,. Bitti notices it and signals him, but he busy on phone doesn’t notice her and driver drives car away,. She picks gift box and continues signaling him,. Akshat reaches home, and Vaishali emotionally hugs him,. Supriya tells, their wait is over, Vaishali’s mother and her son-in-law came,. Vaishali tells, she was missing him a lot and kept her busy in work, hopes this time he stays for long and returns soon,. He apologizes for getting busy in work and tells, he came to stay with her permanently,. 

She gets happy hearing that,. He asks, about Sakshi,. Sakshi watches him hiding,. He tells, she got a line on her nose due to her anger,. She tells, she is like that since childhood, but he has turned handsome from dumb,. Everyone laughs,. She asks, him to apologize her for coming late,. He asks, why should he apologize and asks, bhaisab to explain her,. Bhaisab tells, he can’t say anything as husband should apologize always after marriage,. Akshat walks into house and tells, returning home has an unique feeling,. Sakshi tells, he never noticed her at all,. He looks around her and tells, she has put on weight,. She fumes,. He taunts and she runs behind him,. Vaishali tells, time flew and children grew up so soon, she is happy to get Sakhsi as her bahu,. 

Supriya tells, even they are happy to get Akshat at damad,. Vaishali tells, good Akshat didn’t like a girl abroad,. Bhaisab tells, he will not as he and Sakshi are made for each other,.

Bitti carries tiffin on her bicycle to deliver it to customers,. Her friend stops her and seeing tiffin asks, if its rogue Raja’s tiffin, she doesn’t like him as he misbehaves with all girls,. She also sees gift box and asks, who gave it,. Bitti signals what happened and signals she will return to him tomorrow,. Friend asks, how will she find him,. Bitti tells, she trusts god,. Friend asks, to finish work and come to her home soon,.

Akshat sits for lunch with family,. Vaishali asks, to have food properly,. He tells, he was missing home cooked food prepared by mom and thanks her,. Sakshi asks, him to have her prepared jalebis,. 

He tells, these are from shop and asks, not to lie as she cannot even boil water,. He asks, Supriya to teach to cook or else she will just make faces in kitchen,. They all laugh,. Bhaisab asks, why was he late,. He tells, he went to search a tiffin girl who saved him in childhood,. Sakshi gets jealous and tells, he remembers 10-year-old issue and inauspicious tiffin girl, but didn’t remember to call her after getting into flight,. She walks towards her room leaving food midway,. He stops her and tells, he had called her, but couldn’t connect due to network issues, requests to have food with family and feeds her kheer,. Richa tells, she can see his bright future,. Everyone laugh,.

Raja goon gets massage by his puppet and eagerly waits for Bitti to flirt with her when she brings tiffin for him,. Puppet seeing Bitti asks, him to wear his wig,. He wears wig and waits for Bitti,. Bitti enters with tiffin,. 

He asks, why did she come late as he is hungry,. He asks, her to apply pain balm to her aunt’s knees as she is writhing in pain,. Bitti hesitates,. He tells, Bua is in room and needs help badly, he will inform her boss Durgeshwari reason for her coming late,. Bitti agrees and walks into room, but doesn’t find anyone,. He enters and locking door from inside tries to convince her to romance him and when she doesn’t agree tries to molest her,.     

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