Story 9 months ki 28th January written episode update


Story 9 months ki 28th January written episode update

Story 9 months ki 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Alia feeling pain in her tummy and asks, her baby not to worry,. Sarangdhar gets shocked and asks, if she is fine,. He holds her hand and makes her sit in the car,. He asks, her to give the car keys,. Alia gives him keys,. Sarangdhar drives the car,. Jaane nahin denge tujhe plays…,.,.Alia cries, calls Rabia,. Sarangdhar continues to drive the car tensedly,. Rabia hopes Alia is fine and sees Sarangdhar bringing Alia to the hospital,. She recalls asking her where is Veer, and tells, she thought he will be with her,. Alia saying he is busy,. Fb ends,. Sarangdhar asks, Alia to breathe in and breathe out,. Rabia asks, Sarangdhar to relax and asks, him not to panic more than Alia,. Rabia checks the baby and does the scanning,. Alia asks, if my baby is fine,. Rabia tells, everything is fine,. She checks the scanning,. Sarangdhar asks, what is this sound? Rabia tells, heart beat is not coming,. Sarangdhar panics,. 

Alia panics and tells, heart beat…Sarangdhar prays for the baby,. Sarangdhar comes near Alia and his hand touches hers, the baby heart beat starts,. Rabia tells, baby’s heart beat,. She tells, baby is fine,. Alia cries happily seeing the sonography,. Rabia moves the curtain,. Alia gets up from the bed and looks at Sarangdhar, as he gets teary too with happiness in his eyes,. They look at the sonography screen,.

They sit in the park and imagine bubbles and butterflies around them,. Alia sees butterfly and smiles,. She keeps hand on her tummy,. A beggar comes there and blesses their Jodi, and their baby,. Alia and Sarangdhar both give him money,. They look at each other,. Sarangdhar drops her home,. He tells, Alia ji,. Alia tells, she is very tired today, asks, can we talk tomorrow? Sarangdhar tells, ok,. Alia comes home and talks to the baby, cries and tells, Mamma promised that she will not let anything happen to you,. She tells, you will not be stressed because of Mamma,.

Sarangdhar comes to the Kavya’s café,. Kavya sees him and announces in the open mic that poet Sarangdhar is here and will tell us something new today,.

 Sarangdhar goes to the mic and is still lost in thoughts,. Kavya’s brother asks, why you came out, did you have a fight with him,. Sarangdhar recalls Alia’s baby and telling that her baby is just hers as per the contract,. The people sitting there, asks, him to tell poetry else go,. Kavya comes to him and asks, what happened? She asks, if the mic is not coming,. He recalls seeing the sonography and hearing the baby’s heart beat,. He walks out from the Kavya’s café and recalls everything,. He continues walking,.

Alia is sleeping in her house,. Sarangdhar rs seen sleeping in his house,. Alia dreams about Sarangdhar taking the baby in his lap and shouting at him,. She gets up,.

 Sarangdhar also dreams of the baby and gets up from sleep,.

She calls Rabia,. Rabia asks, why are you crying? She asks, if you are feeling pain in her abdomen,. Alia tells, I am feeling scared that Sarangdhar will take my baby,. Rabia asks, her to relax and tells that you got his signatures on the papers,. Alia tells, he is practical and emotional and tells, if he gets love for the baby, then what will I do,. Rabia tells, you had said that he don’t want to be Papa,. She asks, her to sleep,. Alia tells, she will talk to him in the morning,.

Sarangdhar calls Kamleshwari,. Kamleshwari tells, you called me early morning and asks, him to drink a glass of water,. He asks, how do you know that I am stressed and asks, just like a mother understands her baby, if a father understands his baby,. Kamleshwari tells, just like a mother fulfills her duties, your father has fulfilled your needs of food, shelter and education etc,. She tells, you will realize your father’s doings when you become a father,. 

Sarangdhar looks on,.

Sarangdhar asks, Kamleshwari when they have become parents, if they were ready for parenthood,. Kamleshwari tells, in those days, everything was unplanned,. He asks, how did you feel when I was born? She tells, parenthood is the new journey for both mother and father and it was a beautiful experience,. She asks, why is he asking? He tells, he wants to know about a father’s experience and tells, he is writing something on this subject,. Just then he gets Alia’s call,. 

He tells Kamleshwari about it and ends the call,. He picks Alia’s call and asks, if she is fine, shall he come there? Alia asks, him to meet her, tells that she will text the venue and time to him,. He tells, ok,. Alia tells, thank you,. Sarangdhar comes to meet Alia somewhere,. Alia gets down from her car and walks towards him,.    

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