Story 9 months ki 27th January written episode update


Story 9 months ki 27th January written episode update

Story 9 months ki 27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with  Rahul opening the door and asks, Meera why did she come? He tells, he will get ruined by giving her all the money and asks, why did she come? Meera tells, you said right, you are going to be ruined name sake bhaiyya,. Sarangdhar comes there and taunts Rahul,. Rahul is shocked,. Sunita asks, Alia to have green vegetables etc,. She brings apple and asks, her to eat,. Alia asks, where did you cut it? She takes the piece and tells, this is the size of my baby,. She pastes it in the diary,. Sarangdhar questions Rahul,. Rahul faints,. 

Alia thinks she will forget all the sacrifices when she is holding the baby and then the baby’s father,. Alia imagines Sarangdhar and end the meditation call,. Sarangdhar is on the way shockingly,. Alia thinks she has blocked his number, as he has no place in her and her baby’s life,. Sarangdhar asks, driver to drive fast,. A fb is shown, Rahul gains consciousness,. Sarangdhar requests him to say the truth,. Rahul acts as losing the memory,. Sarangdhar tells, he knows that he is acting and asks, him to tell why did he use him for donor,. Rahul tells, IVF,. Sarangdhar is shocked,. Fb ends,. Sarangdhar reaches office and thinks today is Sunday,. A fb is shown again, Sarangdhar asks, if he became a father of the child and tells, he don’t want this in life,. He asks, whose baby donor, he has became by mistake,. 

Rahul tells, Alia’s baby,. Sarangdhar is shocked,. Fb ends,.

He comes to Alia’s house,. Sunita tells that Didi went to baby shop for shopping,. Sarangdhar sits in the taxi and recalls everything,. Halla halla plays…,.Alia is happy in the baby shop, seeing the things,. Rahul calls Alia, but she doesn’t see his calls,. Alia buys the things for her baby,. Sarangdhar reaches baby shop and gets inside,. He doesn’t see Alia at first and recalls meeting her there when he came to Mumbai,. He gets inside,. Alia looks at her tummy and smiles, and thinks if that day Sarangdhar also came to the shop,. Sarangdhar looks at Alia through the cabinet and goes to her,. Alia is still smiling looking at herself,. 

Rahul calls Rabia, but even her call is unreachable,.

Sarangdhar calls Alia,. Alia thinks I will not let my mind block by you,. Sarangdhar calls her again,. Alia tells, today is Sunday and thinks may be he came to talk about his resignation due to the production company,. Sarangdhar talks about his principles and donation indirectly,. Alia tells, if you want then you can go,. She tells, your journey started with me, I mean DDS,. She tells, you worked with DDS for 6 months,. Sarangdhar tells, this is not the matter of 6 months, but 9 months which you are going through,. He tells, he has contributed to her journey of 9 months,. Alia is shocked,.

She tells, don’t interfere in that,. Sarangdhar tells, I am trying to talk to you about my contribution,. 

Alia tells, you have no interference in my life and my baby’s life,. She tells that you have signed on the contract, in which it is clearly written that this baby is just mine,. Sarangdhar is shocked and asks, if you was aware that I am the donor,. He asks, why did you hide this big thing from me,. Alia bends down to get the baby stuff,. Sarangdhar tells, he was trapped by her,. People in the shop look at her,. Alia asks, him not to do drama,. He tells, I came here seeing your interview, you are my inspiration, I didn’t know that I have to pay this price,. Alia tells that Rahul had lied to her also, she has more good donor than him and tells that when that donor refuses, Rahul convinced you while keeping me in dark,. She tells, I came to know after I got pregnant and she had done what a mother should do,. 

Sarangdhar is shocked,.

He gets shocked,. The baby shop owner asks, them to go out and talk,. Alia asks, if he don’t know how to handle things maturely and tells, you have embarrassed me already,. Sarangdhar tells, this is not your office, that you throw me out,. He tells, Rahul has taken my sign by cheat,. Alia tells, whatever I did was legally,. The baby shop owner asks, them to go,. 

Alia recalls about Veer and tells, you are like him and don’t think about a girl’s emotions,. Sarangdhar tells, even I have emotions,. Alia asks, what you will teach my baby, how to shout and talk aloud,. She leaves the things and goes out,. Story 9 months ki plays…,.,.She opens the car door, and feels pain in her stomach,.   

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