Story 9 months ki 19th January written episode update


Story 9 months ki 19th January written episode update

Story 9 months ki 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Alia asking Kavya where is she? Kavya signs her at Nandini,. Alia asks, Sarangdhar to come,. Sarangdhar says, Kavya ji needs my help for the DDS bill,. Kavya says, yes,. Sarangdhar says, I will be back,. Alia says, I will do the meeting and come,. She walks towards Nandini,. Nandini recalls everything and Alia’s childhood,. Just then Alia’s school teacher comes there,. Alia identifies her,. Her teacher says, she wanted to meet her and tells her other students about her,. She says, you was quiet when your mother left you, but now you are so talented,. 

Alia says, I am thankful to her and tells that because of her bad childhood, she will be a good mother,. Teacher asks, her to come and meet her students,. Alia gives her number and asks, her to call her and tell when to come,. She says, I have a meeting to attend now,. Nandini hears everything and turns to Alia,. Alia sees her face and goes through emotional turmoil of her childhood, when her mother had left her,. Nandini also recalls, how Alia ran behind the car and hoping that she will understand when grown up,. She is about to touch Alia’s face, but she backs off,. Nandini says, Alia…Alia moves back and goes out from there with tears in her eyes,. Nandini walks behind her,. Sarangdhar calls Alia,. Alia goes to her car,. Nandini asks, for a chance and says, I can explain to you,. 

Alia asks, did you give any chance to me, you had left me, your 5 years old daughter,. Sarangdhar tells Kavya that he did a mistake and shouldn’t have done this,. Kavya asks, him to sit,. Sarangdhar says, no, and tells that he thought Alia ji needs her mother, but the way she cried and went,. I don’t think,. He runs out,. Kavya looks on shocked,. Nandini tells Alia that she missed her and regretted each day,. She apologizes to Alia,. Alia asks, if my childhood can be changed by your apology,. She says, I don’t want to remember my childhood and says, when I get scared in night then I used to hug a pillow and cry,. She says, when I used to get any injury then I used to cry,. She says, none of my parents used to come to my school and the students used to bully me,. She says, I didn’t trust even God, as I used to pray to God a lot so that you return, but when you didn’t return then I stopped trusting God,. She says, Veer was right that I didn’t know to express my emotions and tells that she don’t hug anyone openly thinking that person will leave her,. 

Nandini says, she is very sorry,. Alia asks, why did you give me birth when you don’t want to give me birth,. Nandini says, I am a bad mother, I know,. Alia says, you are not my mother and tells that if I had known that you are Sharma ji then I wouldn’t have come here,. She says, do you think that I will forgive you, no,. She says, when you had left me, you had died for me that day,. She says, there is no relation between us and you are dead for me,. She sits in the car,. Sarangdhar asks, her to let him drive the car,. Alia says, she will fire him again,. Sarangdhar says, how you will drive in such condition and asks, her to let him drive,. Alia gets down from the car and sits on the back seat,. Sarangdhar drives the car,. 

Nandini cries,. Alia also cries in the car and recalls her mother’s words and everything,. Sarangdhar couldn’t bear to see her crying,. Alia continues to cry thinking about her bad childhood,. Sarangdhar looks at Alia,. Alia recalls Rabia telling her that she will share her Mamma with her,.

Alia gets a call and picks it,. Rabia is on call and tells that she wants to meet her,. Alia says, I will meet you some other time, right now I want to be alone,. Rabia says, ok, take rest,. we will meet tomorrow,. Alia ends the call,. Sarangdhar drops Alia to her home,. He says, sorry Alia ji and asks, her to listen to Sharma ji once,. He says, we give a chance to our enemies and she is your…,.

Alia asks, him to leave her alone and asks, him to stop it,. Sarangdhar tells that he can’t leave her alone and plus she is going to be a mother,. He says, I knew that Sharma ji was your mother,. Alia looks at him with tears in her eyes,.    

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