Shaurya aur anokhi ki kahani 27th January written episode update


Shaurya aur anokhi ki kahani 27th January written episode update

Shaurya aur anokhi ki kahani 27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Vineet asking what’s happening, its my house,. Anokhi tells, nothing, I was asking Babli for the papers,. She leaves,. He warns Babli,. Aastha asks, Raja to let her go,. He tells, you got me insulted and ruined my Canada dreams, I won’t let you go, you will stay here,. She tells, stop the nonsense, let me go,. He tells, you can’t take Anokhi’s transfer certificate now,. She thinks I can’t reach Anokhi this way,. Devi asks, Shaan why did he upset Shaurya,. Shaan tells, you are supporting Shaurya, Aastha would have stopped him from doing this mistake,.

She tells, you gave slapped me by saying this, why does Shaurya have much anger, tell me, where was Aastha when little Shaurya used to cry for her, I had handled him when she left to make her career,. She asks, him to have breakfast,. He tells, sorry, you didn’t tell Shaurya why Aastha isn’t with him, she was helpless, we don’t permit bahus to work, did you tell him that we gave a choice to Aastha, she wanted to take him, we didn’t let her meet Shaurya,. Tej comes and tells, enough, why are we letting that woman ruin our house peace, we won’t take her name again,. Shaan tells, okay, just have the breakfast,.
Anokhi comes to the jeweller’s shop,. She asks, him to give money for the bangles,. She tells, I will get it mortgaged,. He asks, did you make the bangles from here,. She tells, no,.

Babli faces taunts from her mum in law,. The lady asks, for the bangles,. Babli tells, I have given it to mum for polishing,. The jeweller calls Vineet,. He tells, a girl has come with the bangles, your mum had got these bangles to get it checked for purity, is any jewellery missing in your house,. Anokhi tells, I m getting late,. She hears jeweller talking to Vineet,. Vineet asks, Babli about her bangles,. His mum tells, she gave it to her mum for polishing,. He asks, jeweller to keep the bangles, its missing from the house,. Babli tells, no, that’s my bangles, I have given it to Anokhi, she has to pay fees,. Vineet tells, I will see you, wait,. He leaves,.
Jeweller tells, the bangles owner is coming, just sit here, you have stolen the bangles,. Anokhi scolds him,. She leaves from the shop,. She comes to the college,. She tells, what will I do of the fees, I will see,. She gets Aastha’s audio message that she is reaching the college,. She tells, I didn’t make ID copies,. She goes to submit the documents,.

The man asks, for the TC,. Senior asks, her to submit the TC and deposit the fees also, then her file will be considered complete,. She tells, I was informed late about it, I got to know yesterday evening,. He asks, her to deposit the fees,. She gets Shaurya’s watch and thinks to give it, she can get money later and get the watch back,. Shaurya comes to the college,. She asks, him to keep the watch as security,. She tells, I promise to take it back when I get money,. The man tells, you don’t have money, but this costly watch,. She asks, him to listen,.

Shaurya comes and gets his watch,. He tells, its my watch, what is it doing here, it was you who had used pepper spray on me in the train and had stolen my watch,. She tells, Sir… Vineet comes and tells, she is a thief, she had stolen my wife’s bangles also,. He shows the bangles,.  

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