Shakti 27th January written episode update


Shakti 27th January written episode update

Shakti 27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Virat telling Heer that she made him believe on God and tells, God is the witness of our love and moments,. He tells, if God don’t wanted kinnars to stay here, then she would have sent them to other world,. He asks, Heer to tell truly if she don’t have any feelings for him and gives swear of him and their love,. He asks, her to look at the pics and tell him, if he doesn’t matter to her,. Heer tells, I remember everything, I didn’t forget anything, from our first meeting and everyting,. She tells, I remember everything and breaks down,. She sits down and cries,.

 Virat tells, Heer…,.don’t cry,. Angel sees Virat’s car and stops, when the kinnar tells her,. Angel tells, if the car is here, then they must be somewhere here and asks, them to search them,. She tells, today she will show to Virat, what a kinnar can do,. Heer tells, I remember everything and haven’t forgotten anything,. She then brushes off his hand and tells, I know that I am a kinnar and can’t forget this,. She tells, I have no right to spoil your relation and tells, I don’t want to be with you,. Virat asks, why? She tells, you makes me realize my identity and tells, I feel that I am a kinnar,. She tells, if I had known about my identity then I would have never loved you or anyone,. Virat is shocked,. Sant Baksh, Isha and Parmeet are in the car,. Harak Singh and Preeto are in the other car,. Sant Baksh hopes that they are in the place as told by someone,.

Heer tells, do you know that the promise which I had taken is to keep you happy, which I can’t give,. I can’t give you happiness and baby and tells, one moment you will realize and regret your decision,. 

She tells, your life will get ruined with me and that’s why I can’t let you ruined,. Angel asks, kinnars to search them,. Sant Baksh, Parmeet, Harak Singh and others come there with Police,. Sant Baksh tells, they must be near as car is here,. He tells, we shall see that way,. Heer tells, we shall end this forced relation and asks, him not to create difficulties for him and her,. She asks, him to go away from her life and cries,. Virat tells, ok,. He tells, ok, if you want to end the relation then you have to end these memories too, by giving 2 tests,. He asks, if she will go through these tests,. Tu hi mera khuda plays…,.,.

He takes the stick from the temple,. He lights the stick with fire and comes out,. He asks, her burn all their memories and pass the first test,. Heer thinks of Angel’s words that if she can give him baby,.

 Virat asks, her to hold the firestick and tells, you have to burn them so that you don’t have any regret and I don’t have any hope in my heart,. They look at each other…,.Heer thinks I am sorry Virat, I have to do this to throw you out from my life,. She takes the firestick from him,. Naseeba song plays…,.She burns all their photos stand,. Heer asks, what is second test? Angel gets tired and sits down,. She thinks where did they go? She finds the smoke coming and calls the kinnars there,. She tells, they must be there,. Parmeet, Sant Baksh also see the smoke and understand that they are there,.

Heer asks, what is the second test, tell me? Virat tells, you have passed the first test, now it is the time for second test,. He walks in the temple and gets the divorce papers kept infront of the Goddess,. He tells, this is our divorce papers, sign on it and go away from my life for forever,. 

Heer is shocked and looks at him,. He gives pen in her hand and tells that we shall end this relation by witnessing Mata Rani,. Tu hi mera khuda plays…Heer takes the papers in her hand and recalls their marriage,. Virat asks, what are you thinking? He tells, when you have burnt the memories, then what you will do by saving the walls,. Heer is about to sign, when Angel comes and hits on his head,. Virat falls down,. Heer stops and gets shocked,. She drops the papers and shouts Virat,. Other kinnars come there,. Angel tells, today you have done a limit and tells, I have bear enough, I will not leave you today,. Angel and other kinnars beat him,. 

Heer feels pain and asks, them not to beat him,. Other kinnars hold Heer,. Virat tells, I have loved you in this birth and that’s why I will not raise my hand on kinnars,. Heer tells, don’t beat him, he had brought divorce papers to end everything,. Virat thanks Angel and tells, you are beating me and my Heer is feeling pain,. He shouts I love you Heer,.   

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