Shakti 21st January written episode update


Shakti 21st January written episode update

Shakti 21st January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Isha holding Virat’s hand,. Virat tells, Isha…Isha tells, it is wrong to raise hand on someone,. Shyam tells, how can you raise your hand on someone you had loved before? Virat tells, I love her even now and will always love her,. Heer tells, these talks are of no use,. Shyam tells, your love is one sided and tells that Sakhi and my friendship are two sided,. He asks, Heer to come,. She goes with him,.

 Isha asks, Virat to let them go, asks, him to chill and tells, lets make tea,. Shyam, Heer and other kinnars are walking on the road,. The kinnars appreciate Heer and Shyam for their acting and clap for them,. Shyam promises Heer that he will shield her from everyone, from whom she wants to get saved,. Isha asks, him to drink tea and say how is it? Virat tells, Heer is doing everything deliberately, and tells, if I am not affected with her kinnar truth then why is she affected,. Isha thinks of Parmeet and Preeto’s words asking her to marry him and Virat’s love for her,. She tells, Heer is struggling to sustain in that world, for forget old relations and to make the new relations,. 

Virat tells, you are talking like my parents and asks, her to go,. Isha asks, him to come with her and tells that she will wait for him at the icecream shop,.

Later Shyam comes to Parmeet and Sant Baksh’s house and asks, them why did they call him? Parmeet tells, Shyam…you like Heer,. Shyam tells, she is a Sakhi, beautiful, good hearted etc,.,.Parmeet asks, him to arrest her in his love, so that she forgets Virat,. Daljeet offers bag to him,. Shyam asks, what is in it? Daljeet asks, him to see himself? Shyam finds money in the bag and throws it all on the floor,. Sant Baksh asks, what is this misbehavor? Shyam tells, he is keeping the necklace on its place and tells, his house was more big than him and had more money than them,. He tells, his father gave money to kinnars and sent him with them,. He tells, he hates money, but just respects nek money,.

 Parmeet tells, you belongs to rich family, but Apsara can’t be their bahu,. Shyam insults them, when Parmeet asks, him to marry Heer,. He tells, he knows better what to do,. Daljeet shouts at him,. Shyam threatens to beat him and tells, people will say that a man is beaten up by the kinnar,.

Isha brings icecream for Virat and thinks I have to come to him,. She offers him icecream, but he refuses,. Kal ho jayega plays…,.,.Aada Ishq plays…,.,.Virat laughs as she applies icecream to his cheek,. She thinks she will try to make him smile always so that he forgets the pain given by her,. Parmeet tells Simran that her life shall not stop due to Heer,. Simran tells, she can’t do this,. 

Parmeet tells, you are a woman and asks, her to call Rohan and behave like a wife with him,. She tells, go away from here,. Simran gets thinking,. Parmeet asks, her not to think much and makes a call to Rohan,. Simran calls Rohan and tells, she wants to talk to him,. He asks, what is the matter? Simran gets upset and asks, him to come and meet her,.

Heer asks, for the nek,. The guy asks, her to dance and come closer to him,. Heer refuses to get nek and tries to go,. He asks, who the hell you think you are, you don’t have the rights to stay in our society, and calls her third gender,. 

Heer comes back to him and tells, now I perfectly understood and get what are you saying,. She tells, we are the third gender and we too deserve the equal rights in this society and secondly we do accept that we survive on the money given by you, you know why? because of people like you who have this kind of mentality and who are not willing to give them jobs,. She asks, him to remember all life and tells, we too deserve self respect and we have the will to work much much harder than the normal people,. She tells, if people like you give us a chance then we will work more good than you,. The guy goes,. Isha claps hearing her and tells, she is Virat’s friend,. She tells, you have impressed me,. Heer asks, how did she come? Heer tells, she is going to do the sin of snatching her love from her,. Tu hi mera khuda plays…,.

Heer is shocked and tells, 1 min,. She takes out the mangalsutra from her pocket and handovers it to Heer, tells, this is her mangalsutra which Virat made her wear, and tells, I don’t deserve it and that’s why took it away, but couldn’t separate herself from it,. She tells, she wanted to give it to the girl who deserves him,. She handovers the mangalsutra to her and tells, if you think that you are snatching my love, then I am forgiving you,. She tells, it is very difficult to handover love to someone,. Isha tells, I will believe that someone like you loves someone so much, that leaves him for his happiness,. Heer calls her and asks, her to promise that she will never leave Virat and give him happiness which she can’t give,. 

Isha promises her and asks, her not to cry,. She tells, we both have to be strong and I need your help to get him,. Heer tells, even I will not cry and will handle everything strongly,. She asks, what to do,.

Shyam plays flute in his room,. Heer comes there,. Shyam asks, her to get inside,. Heer tells, I want to say something and tells, we shall act to love each other, to make Virat jealous,. Shyam smiles,.    

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