Shakti 19th January written episode update


Shakti 19th January written episode update

Shakti 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Preeto asking Heer if she is fine,. Heer pushes her,. Angel looks at them,. Virat asks, are you fine Heer? Heer says, I am fine and alive,. She bluntly asks, them to leave from there and asks, Virat to go,. Virat asks, her to stop it and says, until when you will hurt us and make us realize that we didn’t matter to you,. She says, everyone standing here loved you madly and you are insulting them,. He asks, if she has become so great that they are not suitable for her love,. He says, our relation will not end,. Heer says, those relations were fake, which ended when I came to know about my reality,. She says, I am not great, but a kinnar,.,.just,. 

Virat holds her hand,. She says, my hand is paining, leave my hand,. Virat says, our relation will not end if you say,. He says, everyone of us are bearing this relation, as they are mad and foolish,. He says, when they came to know about your identity, they didn’t see who are you, just thought you as the daughter of the house,. He says, when this truth was known to you, you broke your relation with them and says, you are selfish Heer singh,. Heer pushes him and says, stop it,. Virat holds her hand and takes her to Preeto and Harak Singh,. He says, they are living after losing their son and that’s why watched you dance here,. He says, you can do anything with me, but not to misbehave with them,. 

Shyam asks, him to go for now and thinks who has light the fire inside,. Virat asks, him not to interfere,. Heer says, I would have died inside,. Preeto says, don’t say this, we will go from here,. Virat asks, them to go and says, if you love someone madly then they will think you mad only,. Heer is walking inside, and stops asking Virat to leave her dupatta,. Her dupatta gets stuck in his watch,. He frees it and says, not me, but our destiny has bind us together, you will not understand,. Harak Singh, Preeto and others leave,. Parmeet tells Virat that don’t know what that kinnar think of herself and says, you will not stay here,. Virat says, whatever I said, was in anger and says, I will not leave my wife,. He asks, them to go home,. Virat says, I have to find out who has set the fire and says, he will burn that person alive,.

 Sant Baksh says, Heer has accepted her identity and asks, him to accept,. Virat asks, how to accept, I love her,. you will not understand,. He takes the wine bottle and drinks,. Sant baksh takes Parmeet from there,. Shyam hears them and goes inside,.

Heer looks at her hand which Virat held tightly,. Shyam comes there and tells that she will get solution for her problem,. Heer says, I don’t want to live my life between two worlds,. She says, I want to go away from Virat and can’t see him ruined like my Papa…Harman Singh,. She asks, what to do,. Virat gets drunk and shouts Heer…I love you,. Heer hears him,. 

Virat says, I am not alone in this love and asks, her to remember that even she smiled when they first met,. Angel and other kinnars come out of the house,. Virat asks, where is Heer? Heer walks out with Shyam,. Virat asks, them to send his Gulabo alone someday and says, if you do like this then I will elope with her some day,. Angel says, I will catch you,. Virat asks, her to catch him and runs…Heer is about to go and stop him, but Shyam stops her and says, trust your friend,.

He goes to Virat,. Virat asks, will you stop me? Shyam asks, what is the basis of your happiness? Virat says, my love, which is not with you,. He asks, what do you have? Nothing,. 

Shyam drinks wine and says, your strength is my strength now,. Your Heer is our Apsara now,. Virat holds his collar and asks, what did you say? He says, Heer is just mine and says, if you say it again then I will take your life,. Shyam says, she was with you as a lover and with me as a friend,. Angel asks, kinnars to stop them and asks, Shyam to go inside, tells Virat that this is not the wrestling place,. Virat says, I will make it wrestling place,. Angel says, don’t force us to break your hands and feet,. Virat says, even if you break my hands and feet, then also I will sell tea even then here,. They all go inside,. Virat says, nobody can separate me from my Heer and is about to fall, when Isha comes and holds him,. He says, they are separating my Heer from me,. Virat asks, her to come out,. 

Isha makes him drink water,. He says, they want to separate my Heer from me,. Tu hi mera khuda plays…

Heer confronts Shyam and asks, what do you mean by…whatever was of Virat yesterday, today it is his (shyam),. Angel also asks, him,. Shyam says, Virat must have felt distanced with her, knowing this,. Heer tells that even today she couldn’t forget her love for Virat and other relations,. Shyam asks, her to give Virat’s place to him and says, your pain will get less, Virat will forget you,. Angel gets shocked,. Heer looks on,.

Parmeet confronts Sant Baksh for his plan and says, if Virat comes to know that Daljeet has attempted to kill Heer, then what would have happen,. Sant Baksh asks, what to do then? Parmeet says, Preeto will pay the price to get Heer,.

 She comes to Preeto and tells that they shall join hands,. Preeto looks on,.    

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