Shakti 18th January written episode update


Shakti 18th January written episode update

Shakti 18th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Virat tells Shyam that nobody can separate Heer from him,. 

Shyam says, that Apsara is their friend now & nobody can take her from them,. Virat gets furious & holds Shyam by his collar,.
Shyam asks, Virat to control his emotions or else his customers will think that he is not here to sell tea but to do something else,.
Heer/Apsara intervenes & tries to stop the fight,. Shyam tells Heer that they need to leave as they have to prepare for Lohri celebrations,. Virat goes into a flashback where he remembers the day he brought till laddoo for Heer on the day of Lohri,.
A customer asks, Virat about the bill for tea which brings him back to the present,. He asks, the customer where he can get gur & till,. He tells him that he can have it from the general store nearby,.
Heer apologizes to her family in her heart for upsetting them,.

Shyam knocks on the door & enters the room,. He says, that you are really beautiful & today I feel like warding off all the evil eyes from you,.
Heer reminds him that she is doing all this to hurt his family & she is not interested in celebrating Lohri,.
Preeto arrives at Shyam’s place & asks, Heer to come out & celebrate Lohri with them,.
Shyam advises Heer to celebrate Lohri with them as Apsara because only then her family will believe that she is liking her new life as Apsara,.
Virat’s Mom & Dad also join them to celebrate the festival of Lohri,.
Virat tells them that they shouldn’t have come here, why don’t you go home & celebrate there, he says,,. Sant denies leaving him alone on the festival,. They wish each other Happy Lohri,.
Heer comes out with her group & dances with them to pretend as if she is loving her new life,.

Virat kidnaps her to offer the gur til laddoos he has made for her,. Before she could say anything Virat puts laddoo in her mouth,.
Heer says, that she won’t be doing the same, Virat keeps on feeding her laddoos & says, happy Lohri to her,.
Just after Virat leaves, Daljeet comes & Kidnaps Heer,.
He places his h& on Heer’s mouth & takes her to a room nearby where he ties her to a chair with a rope,. Daljeet pours petrol around Heer & locks the door from outside,. He sets the room on fire while everyone is dancing & celebrating Lohri,.
Heer tries to escape & call someone for help but all in vain as her mouth is stuffed with a piece of cloth,. One of the transgender notices the fire coming from the room & says, that perhaps Apsara has gone in the same direction,. Everyone is in shock, Virat & Shyam run towards the room & everyone follows them,.
Virat breaks the lock with a stone he found lying in a pot near the door,.
The fire in the room is getting furious with time passing & Heer is struggling for her life,.

Shyam puts off the fire with the help of a blanket while Virat releases Heer,. Heer is unhurt but coughing because of the smoke & is in panic,. Virat & Shyam bring her out of the room holding her h&,.  

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