Santoshi Maa 27th January written episode update


Santoshi Maa 27th January written episode update

Santoshi maa  27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with  Dev Rishi complains Mata Santoshi about injustice happening to her devotee so asks, permission to go there for her help but Mata also tells, that not just you but I too will come as I can’t see my devotee in trouble again,.

Mata Paravati comes to meet Mata Santoshi explaining her that to not to worry as these people haven’t seen power of truth and your devotee is strong enough with her devotional power to face all challenges with her loving nature,.

Woman constable comes to give food plate to all prisoners except one who started the fight but Swati gives her plate to eat and draws picture of Mata Santoshi on the wall for praying her and uses her cloth of costume tearing it and putting in water bowl while constable helps her giving matchbox but one of the prisoner asks, her how will it light when there is no oil but it lights with her prayers towards Mata and all of them get shocked,.

Dev Rishi and Mata Santoshi emerges near prison to appreciate Swati’s devotion by praising Mata Paravati too who told her right about Swati’s devotional powers,.

Indresh arrives with clothes and food for Swati to give her but Inspector does not allow him hence he tries to force him but is stopped by constable to send him out of police station,.

Devesh is driving his bike while he is stopped by Devi Polomi asking him that where are you going and he tells her everything hence going towards police station so she asks, him to release Swati but he instead tells, that not to release but to teach lesson to Indresh that my love is also deeper than him,.

Singhasan along with his son and brother come to calm Indresh near police station telling him that I have met Lawyer and we’ll release Swati as soon as possible while he tells him to let’s go home but Indresh refuses to go so Indresh’s uncle tells Singhasan to go home and rest while I’ll look into Lawyer’s follow-up and they leave,.

Laila talks hiding behind Indresh that two people has insulted me in which one got punishment from God but to the other one I’ll give punishment i,.e,. Singhasan,.

Indresh’s mother expressing her restlessness to Lovely and Pinky while they say it might be Swati must have killed her unknowingly but she tells, that she can’t kill anybody and wondering how they were fooled by Bubli also,.

Swati is taken to change her clothes taking out all her jewellery to keep in their custody while another woman criminal comes in the same prison and Swati gets scared seeing her,.

Laila comes with woman constable and sees Indresh asking him how come you here but instead he asks, her why you are here and she tells, to take revenge of my insult and Indresh intimates police inspector she will trouble Swati but he tells him she is caught fighting hence she has to put in jail and Laila instigates him laughing while Indresh is trying to stop police to not to take her but they push him,.

Laila enters the same prison where Swati is kept and Swati is wondering why she is coming near me and she asks, her it’s you who looks like Bubli and Swati wonders asking her how come you know her and she tells her that she had fooled me but your are strong to kill her and Swati tells her I haven’t killed her while Laila tells her I know of which I have proof also and in the meantime the new arrived criminal catches Swati holding her knife towards her neck making Swati injured by which Laila gets scared and Indresh feels her trouble,.

Devi Polomi emerges in the prison to enjoy Swati’s conditions while Mata Santoshi watches wildly seeing trouble of her devotee Swati as she is badly injured near her chest by blood coming out profusely and Swati lying in pain,.   

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