Santoshi Maa 26th January written episode update


Santoshi Maa 26th January written episode update

Santoshi maa  26th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Singhasan gives his identity to police telling them that Swati was staying with this person Devesh but Bubli fooled her for sending her at his place,. Singhasan is also blaming Devesh saying that this Bubli has got her punishment but you utter truth or you’ll too get punished while Swati too pleading Indresh that I haven’t killed Bubli and he calms her,.

Indresh tells police to arrest Devesh because he itself has killed this woman Bubli,.
Police is arresting Devesh but he pleads police changing his stand and saying that if this dead woman is my wife than I won’t spare that person who killed her hence give me some time to prove and police allows him,.
Devesh asks, Swati weren’t you holding the gun in your hands when she died and yes she tells, so Devesh proves police to see that she itself has admitted that she was holding gun but Indresh interferes saying that this doesn’t prove that she is the killer because I know she can’t kill anybody while Swati keeps pleading Indresh that she hasn’t killed her,.
Indresh tells police to take him away as he is fooling all of us but Devesh tells police I am liable to prove my stand and police also tells Indresh that we can’t stop him from proving,.

Devesh asks, Indresh that when you arrived here didn’t you see Swati holding gun and he too tells, yes I saw so Devesh tells police see he has also seen her holding the gun it proves she killed my wife because her finger prints have also being marked on the gun hence you have to arrest her also if you feel you should arrest me,.
Police inspector tells woman constable to arrest Swati but Indresh trying to stop him saying that she hasn’t killed her then too inspector tells, that she is being arrested on doubt due to holding the gun hence you can’t stop us to do our duty,.
Singhasan tells Indresh that let them do their work and we’ll arrange big lawyer to release Swati as soon as possible hence to not to worry,.
Swati is pleading while she is taken away from the crime place to jail and Indresh trying to calm her,.
Dev Rishi asks, Mata Santoshi that was this the trouble which was intimated by Shri Hanuman to Swati that her life ahead will be more painful but Mata explains him that pain is written due to Devesh’s negative thoughts but ultimately truth wins,.

Singhasan tells all family members to disburse and calms Indresh saying that to come soon and not to worry while he instructs his brother to call their lawyer immediately,.
Devesh is telling Indresh that now you are feeling what pain is which I am going through and also talks negatively about Swati that she has some power in her by which I too fell for her and Indresh hits him in anger hearing wrong thoughts about him towards Swati,.

Devesh warns Indresh showing the photo clip he had taken out while holding gun towards Bubli saying that Swati might get years of jail or might get punishment of hanging also so if you wish she should come out of jail in which I can only help you then you have to obey my condition and Indresh asks, him what and he tells him that I can release her within no time if you allow her to go with me but Indresh slaps him,.
Swati is put in jail while she sees some more woman prisoners and she is crying saying I am not a killer and they are coming near her saying that we too weren’t killer but we are here and one of woman sees her jewellery hence Swati takes out one by one to give them getting scared but one of them asks, her for ring and she isn’t giving her due to husband’s sign but the woman is forcing her than Swati prays Mata Santoshi for help and one woman constable comes hearing her voice and shouts all those woman telling them to give away her things as she is inside for killing hence all her things are to be taken into custody,.

Devi Polomi is expressing her happiness towards Swati’s trouble addressing Mata Santoshi that to see now your Bajrang Bali also can’t help your devotee,.
Swati keeps praying Mata Santoshi while Mata is watching her getting very emotional towards her devotee’s terrible condition,.   

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