Santoshi Maa 25th January written episode update


Santoshi Maa 25th January written episode update

Santoshi maa  25th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Bubli warning Swati that I’ll teach gun’s language to you now because explaining you nicely on so many occasions made no use of it as it’s your loss of losing your husband Indresh whom I love now but Swati is pleading her to not to do this which is wrong,.

Devesh becomes conscious and gets up watching Bubli holding gun towards Swati hence he too points his gun towards her while Laila also pointing her gun towards Bubli,.
Indresh while searching finds photo of Mata Santoshi and feels Swati might be around hence keeps searching her,.

Bubli is about to shoot and Swati is screaming but gun is shot and Swati getting scared while Indresh hears gun’s voice and moves towards that direction,.
Bubli gets hit by the gun shot and Swati is holding her telling to keep breathing and tries calling Indresh from her phone but unable to so goes to bring help,. Bubli on the other hand rewinds her memory about whatever she was advised by Mata, her mother and how she behaved against all those advises due to which she is facing this kind of death,.
Devesh feels that now I’ll do my work of taking Mohini i,.e,.

Swati away from here while Laila also leaves from there,.
Somebody comes near Bubli to exchange guns while she sees asking him shockingly that you hit me? and keeps calling Swati,.
Swati comes near Bubli while she is trying to tell her the truth but loses her breath and dies,.
Laila hiding from Indresh runs away with the booty which was brought by Bubli and had fallen down,.
Indresh comes to see and finds actual Swati hence Swati hugs him and he understands his actual Swati who is hugging him and sees Bubli lying down in pool of blood,.

Swati tells him all the truth how she was fooled by Bubli sending her to Devesh,.
Devesh sees both of them and gets angry on Indresh saying that now I won’t allow him to take away my Mohini,.
Dev Rishi appreciates Mata Santoshi saying that you are ultimate who understands everything making Swati safe but Mata explains him that human tends to ignore advises due to which they have to face such incidences in their lives, is addressing towards Bubli which Dev Rishi understands and also small mistakes causes trouble but finally teaches that person from that mistake, is addressing towards Swati which Dev Rishi appreciates,.

Police arrives asking him how this has happened while Indresh’s family members also arrive and Indresh gives police his identity telling them I had only called you and explains his mother that Swati is with me and Bubli is dead,.
Devesh comes asking Swati if you are fine while Swati hides behind Indresh and Devesh tells police giving his identity of he as a lawyer and tells that she is my Mohini and the person lying down is Indresh’s wife hence police asks, them how we’ll rectify who is Swati and Bubli,.

Swati tells, this person tortured me a lot but I got chance to run away and now here while Devesh tells them I can explain you as this woman was staying with me she said hence it’s obvious that she is my wife and small fights happen between husband and wife so she ran away just of mere reason but Singhasan interrupts saying that this person is telling the truth that this girl was staying with him while dead girl stayed with us and Indresh is confused hearing this,.  

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