Saath nibhana Sathiya 20th January written episode update


Saath nibhana Sathiya 20th January written episode update

Saath nibhana Sathiya 20th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Gehna inspects Durga pooja pandal decoration and speaks to decorator,. Sagar hiding behind disguised watches her,. Gehna’s phone rings, decorator informs her, she says, she doesn’t have phone but then reminiscing Anant gifting her says, its her phone and picks it,. Sagar fumes seeing phone with her and thinks Anant must have given it for her safety, so he should take that phone from her first,. Gehna remembering Anant picking call by pressing green button picks it and speaks to him,. He asks, how is she and should he come there for her help,. 

She says, samithi women are there to help her and since has office in the morning, he should rest,. She stops seeing Radhika standing behind Anant and disconnects call,. Decorator seeing Sagar asks, who is he,. Sagar says, he is show organizer’s relative and asks, if decoration is done,. Decorator says, there is a lot of work pending and he is feeling sleepy,. Sagar offers him alcohol and asks, to come behind pandal with his team,. Decorator agrees,. Gehna prepares lamp threads,. Women walk to her and praise her,. Anant noticing Radhika asks, what is she doing at this time in his room,. She says, Gehna alone is taking care of pandal arrangements, so they both should go and help her,. He says, she doesn’t have to worry about Gehna,. 

She says, his room looks dull,. He says, his wife likes it that way and decorated it,.

Sagar makes decorator and his team heavily inebriated,. Kanak calls him and asks, if work is done,. He disconnects call saying he is clearing the field,. Kanak gets angry on Hema that her brother disconnected her call and then says, once pandal burns into ashes, family will blame Gehna and then Desai family’s real bahus will go to rescue family’s dignity and will garner all the praises,. Hema praises her plan,. Sagar switches off lights,. 

Gehna sees him and asks, what happened,. He says, there must be problem with fuse, so she should go and check,. She goes and checks fuse and thinks how to fix it,. Sagar reminiscing Gehna slapping him and Anant trashing him burns pandal and walks away,. Gehna notices fire and tries to set it off with bare hands,. She then thinks whom to call for help and searches her phone to call Anant, but doesn’t find it,. She reminisces Baa’s warning that this pooja is not only a pride for samithi but also for Desai family, so nobody should make any mistake,. 

Sagar watches Gehna’s ordeal hiding,. Gehna throws water on fire, but in vain,.

Sagar calls Kanak and informs that he set off fire which is so high that Gehna will burnt in it,. He shows her live video,. She and Hema get happy noticing Gehna struggling to set of fire and thinks she is so happy now, let us inform Samithi’s president Baa,. Hema calls Baa, Bapuji, Paresh and informs that pandal caught fire,. Radhika insists Anant that they should go to pandal and check, just then hearing Hema says, her sixth sense alerted something is wrong,. Anant runs out and she follows,. Kanak informs family that pandal caught fire and Baa shouldn’t have given such a big responsibility to Gehna,. Family runs behind Anant,. 

Kanak says, let us spice up the drama and run behind him,. Gehna’s sari pallu catches fire, but she continues trying to set off fire,. Anant reaches with family and notices that,. Baa shouts someone should set off the fire,. Family just watches...   

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