Saath nibhana Sathiya 19th January written episode update


Saath nibhana Sathiya 19th January written episode update

Saath nibhana Sathiya 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Radhika tells Gehna that her parents had to return to Singapore due to some emergency and the place she stayed in was barged in by thieves who vandalized the place, so since she didn’t anyone where with whom she can stay with she came here thinking they are their dear ones,. She asks, Bapuji if she did right? Baa says, there is nothing to think as she is also a family member and can stay here till she likes,. Radhika thanks her,. 

Kanak thinks old man just stood speechless while old woman gave permission, soon Radhika will fly away with Anant,. She tells Radhika that good she came, Anant had bought clothes for everyone for festival and the last one sari is for her,. Radhika gets happy and thanking Anant says, looks like this sari is made for her,. Anant says, its for Gehna,. Radhika offers it to Gehna saying how can she keep Gehna’s stuff,. Gehna asks, her to keep it,. Kanak asks, Radhika to rest till dinner,. Everyone walk away except Gehna and Anant who look at each other’s face and walk away,.

During dinner, Aannt asks, Bapuji if mom/Baa didn’t come,. Bapuji says, his mom is adamant that she will not have Gehna’s prepared food,. Anant says, he will bring Baa,. 

Kanak says, Baa came,. Baa ent4ers with Radhika and sits on dining chair,. Gehna excitedly serves her food while Bapuji and Paresh smile and Kanak and Hema fume in jealousy,. Gehna then serves kheer to Baa,. Kanak thanks Radha saying whole family is having dinner together after a long time and asks, her to join them,. Radhika joins,. Anant asks, Gehna to sit with them as everyone will serve themselves,. Gehna is about to sit on chair when Kanak asks, to her sit and signals that she will go away,. She reminisces earlier incident and tells Kanak that she had kichdi already as she was feeling hungry and goes to bring sweets,. 

Paresh noticing that tells Bapuji that if Gehna had sat down, Kanak would have stood up; elder bahu showed her cheapness and younger one her greatness,. Radhika asks, Anant to have more food,. Gehna serves him halwa,. Radhika says, Anant doesn’t like halwa,. Paresh says, he asked Gehna to prepare it and asks, Anant to taste it and opine,. Anant tastes it and says, its very tasty,. Tia asks, Gehna if she made arrangements to decorate Saraswati pooja pandal and pooja items,. Gehna says, she bought decorative items and will go soon,. Bapuji asks, Gehna if she will go alone,. Tia says, other women would be there,. 

Baa asks, Hema to take shawl along as it would be cold there, asks, Anant to give shawl to even Gehna and ask her not to embarrass her in front of all her friends,.

After dinner, Hema gives a bag to Sagar and says, it has all bomb to blast pooja pandal and Pankaj brought it risking his dignity,. Sagar disguises himself with moustache to keep create havoc in pandal and defame Gehna,. Kanak says, on one side Gehna, Anant, and Radhika’s dish will be cooked and pendal’s destroyal dish on the other side, how will Gehna escape now,.

Gehna keeps milk in Anant’s room and tries to return to outhouse when Anant asks, her to sit as he needs to speak,. She sits,. He asks, if she is still angry on him,. She says, no,. He asks, if she will stay in his room whatever it happens,. She says, yes,. 

He asks, if she is angry that Radhika came to stay here,. She says, yes,. He says, mom permitted Radhika to stay here,. Gehna says, Baa did right,. Anant gifts her smart phone,. She excitedly says, Tia had shown her smart phone before and they can do a lot with it,. He says, it has translator in it with which she can learn English,. He switches on phone,. She switches on FM and Bahon Me Chali aa,.,.song,.,. plays in the background,. She gets embarrassed and thinks how to switch it off,. Anant does,. Someone calls Gehna and reminds that she needs to visit pandal,. 

Anant says, pendal work is a job of great responsibility and she should be careful,. She nods yes,. He asks, her wear a shawl as it would be cold there,. Gehna reaches pandal and decorates pooja items,. Ladies praise it,. She says, she is doing it since childhood,. Hema asks, Gehna to serve them tea and wash glasses first,. Gehna leaves,. Hema asks, ladies to go and rest as Gehna will take care of all arrangements,. Ladies leave,. Gehna returns and asks, where did ladies go,. 

Hema yells that they were tired and went to rest, but she will be with her, then thinks even she will go and says, her Piyush doesn’t sleep alone after oven blast incident,. Gehan asks, her to go and take care of Piyush,. Hema leaves smirking,. Sagar from behind thinks now he will blast pandal and sets fire,.    

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