Saath nibhana Sathiya 11th January written episode update


Saath nibhana Sathiya 11th January written episode update

Saath nibhana sathiya 11th January 2021 Written Episode, Written Update...  

Kanak apologizes Bapuji and says she didn’t disobey him till now, but she will not have food if Gehna sits with them on dining chair.  
Pankaj says ,if Kanak doesn’t have food, even he will not.  
Hema and Chetan back them.
Paresh asks, what is wrong if Gehna has food with them.
Kanak says is sorry if they felt bad, but she doesn’t consider Gehna as family.
Paresh says ,family stays together and Gehna is party of their family.  
Gehna asks ,Kanak not to leave food as she will have food in kitchen.
Bapuji insists her to have food with them.  
Gehna says ,she doesn’t want to see family fighting because of her, so she will go and have food in kitchen.
She walks to kitchen and sits on floor.
Kanak smirks and sits back on dining chair.
Tia says Gehna disobeyed Bapuji for the first tiem.  
Bapuji stops her.
Anant thinks he needs to explain Gehna’s place to everyone and stands up.  

Pankaj asks, where is he giong.
Anant says, he will have food with Gehna and sits with her.  
Gehna asks ,why is he sitting with her.
Anant says, they don’t get a place if they leave it easily, they have to fight for it and snatch it back.
Bapuji says, respect is gained and not snatched, Gehna gained more respect today, so he will have food with his son and DIL.  
Paresh follows him saying Laxman is where Ram is.
Gehna asks, Bapuji why he is sitting with them.  
Bapuji says, when house’s Laxmi sits on floor, how can he have food on table.
Children try to join them, but Hema scolds them.
Tia joins Gehna.  
Paresh tells Gehna that Kanak sent them away and now if she also wants to send them away, instead of arguing they should have food now.
Baa walks in and seeing that asks what is happening in her house and walks away to garden fuming. 

Kanak with Hema walk behind her and brainwash that for the first time half family members had food in dining area and half on kitchen floor, Gehna is trying to break their house.
Baa says ,she will not let that happen.
Kanak says, its already happening, Gehna took away Bapuji, Anant, Paresh, and Tia with her; don’t know what happened to Anant after marriage.  
Hema has Gehna has completely changed him.
Kanak says, Bapuji is not a kid and should understand, he just repeats Gehna and is worried only for her, he has gone mad.  
Baa gives her a tight slap and warns to dare not say that again, its a fight between her and her husband and a third person shouldn’t interfere.
Kanak stands shocked holding her cheek.

Baa returns to her room fuming.
Bapuji asks, what happened.  
Baa says, he should tell what is happening in this house, how many hearts will break in this house because of Gehna, she slapped Kanak because of Gehna.  
Hema takes ice pack for Kanak.
Kanak throws it away and fumes that old woman slapped her for the first time, she will see how she will punish Gehna and old woman that even their soul will be in fear. 
Anant waits for Gehna in his room.
Gehna walks in and asks, if he needs water or something.
He asks, what was she doing.  
She says, she was cleaning plates.
He says, her relationship has changed and she is bahu of this house now, nobody will respect if she doesn’t respect herself; today Kanak insulted her in front of everyone like a servant as Kanak herself thinks herself as servant; why didn’t she obey dad and sit on dining chair.

She says ,she didn’t to upset Kanak.
He says, Kanak doesn’t consider her as equal to her.  
She says ,she doesn’t want to.
He says, he wants to change her thinking and showing book says education gives a person courage to compete, she should study and stand equal to Kanak.  
Gehna says ,she cannot study now. She opens her trunk and picks pen.
He says, she held a right thing, she should leave broom and hold pen, she should try at least as one succeeds only if they try. 
Baa prays Kanhaji to forgive her for slapping Kanak. Kanak with Hema watches standing aside and thinks old woman slapped her. She holds Baa’s feet acting as apologizing her and says, all the problems are because of Gehna.
She suggests to organize Anant’s birthday party and invite all his friends.
Baa walks away saying she can do whatever she feels right. 

Kanak says, she will humiliate Gehna during birthday party and personally will invite special guest for the party.
Anant searches his office file and asks Gehna.
Gehna says, its in cupboard.  
He opens cupboard and seeing clothes well arranged thanks her.
He picks file and asks her to keep her saris in his cupboard.  
She says, its his cupboard.
He says, she is his wife and whatever he possess belongs to her. 
He keeps her saris in his cupboard.
Gehna feels embarrassed seeing him holding her blouse and touches his hand trying to hold it, takes it and says she will keep her clothes in cupboard.
He agrees.
His wallet falls down from cupboard and she sees his and Radhika’s pics in it.
Kanak with Hema goes to invite Radhika for party.  

Radhika says ,when Anant forgot her, how can she attend his birthday party.
Kanak says, Anant told she is his love.
Radhika asks, if Anant told that.  
Kanak says ,yes, she shouldn’t have asked Anant to divorce Gehna just after marriage, she should have waited and made her moves slowly, she should slowly make Anant fall back into her love.  
Anant takes his wallet back and leaves.
Gehna sadly thinks Anant gave her a place in his life but not in his heart as that place belongs to Radhika.   

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