Radha Krishn 29th January written episode update


Radha Krishn 29th January written episode update

Radha Krishn 29th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with While traveling back to Dwarka with Balram and Radha, Krishna asks, Balram to stop chariot,. Balram tells, they need to return to Dwarka as soon as possible,. Krishna tells, he is tired and wants to rest,. Radha backs him,. Balram tells, they both are same and tells, he will agree only if Radha arranges food for him,. Krishna he will,. Balram tells, not him, only Radha,. In Dwarka, Laxmana seeing Sam writhing in pain with injuries all around his body asks, who will free him from curse going against Krishna

On the other side, Takshak requests guru Shukracharya to wake up and help him take revenge from Krishna,. 

Asur king Bali enters,. Takshak asks, him reason for coming,. Bali tells, Vishnu had promised him to give Indralok if he performs 100 yagns at once, but even now Indra has captured Indralok and Krishna is helping him from earth,. Takshak pleads Shukracharya to wake up and help him get back his nag lok and Bali get Indralok,. Shukracharya opens eyes and tells, he also needs to take revenge from Krishna and will finish Krishna in Patal lok here as Krishna is weak here,. Takshak asks, why will Krishna come here,. Shukracharya tells, Krishana’s son Sam will bring him here,. Bali and Takshak emerge in front of Sam,. Sam asks, who are they,. Takshak introduces themselves to him and what Krishna did to them,. 

Bali tells, Sam is also Krishna’s enemy like them, so he should help them get back naglog and Indralok from Indra,. Sam asks, if Shukracharya sent him here,. Bali tells, he has to bring Krishna to patal lok where they can finish him,. Sam asks, how will he,. Takshak tells, Krishna has to come as he is his father,. Sam asks, about their plan,. Bali tells, their plan is simple, Takshak will attack Dwarka and Sam will act as if he tried his best to stop Takshak but failed, he will attack Indralok at the same time,. Sam asks, what if their plan fails,. Bali tells, he should trust Shukracharya, he will call Krishna there and once Krishna enters patal lok, he will not leave again,. Sam agrees to help them, but wants to meet Shukracharya once,. Bali tells, Shukracharya gave him a superpower with which he can call him,. They both disappear,. 

Sam calls Shukracharya,. Shukracharya emerges and assures him that all asuri powers have united, so he need not worry and just help them,. Sam agrees,.

Krishna and Radha spend quality time together,. Radha looking at stars tells, they are very beautiful,. Krishna tells, just like love, stars are immortal,. She asks, how,. He tells, stars glow bright before they die like love and become immortal,. She tells, she wants to enjoy this moment,. He tells, he needs to go,. She tells, let her spend time with him for sometime and leans on his shoulder,.

Takshak with asur army attacks Dwarka,. Nishat, Ulmukh, and Anirudh get tensed seeing that and discuss that Takshak is attacking Dwarka to take revenge for Krishna as Krishna kicked him out of earth; they should fight with him bravely,.

 Sam enters and tells, they cannot fight Takshak as he is very powerful and takes oath that like Mahadev wears Vasuki around his neck, he will defeat Takshak and wear him around his neck,. Anirudh tells, they cannot trust him as he always betrayed them,. He tells, he has problem with Krishna and not with Dwarka, so he always helped Dwarka,. Nishath agrees,. Sam fights with asur army and snakes,. Ulmukh tells, they should trust Sam this time and fight along him,. They agree and fight along Sam,.

Balram informs Krishna about Takshak’s attack and tells, they should go now instead of sitting calmly,. 

Radha gets worried,. Krishna asks, him not to worry,. Sam tells, snakes doesn’t forget their enemies and will destroy Dwarka,. Krishna tells, he knew about Takshak’s attack, but they have their heirs Nishat, Ulmukh, Anirudh, and Sam there to fight against Takshak,. Balram asks, how can he trust betrayer Sam,. Krishna tells, Dwarka belongs to them as they built it and nobody can destroy them, but its time to protect people who seek refuge from them,. Balram asks, who are they,. Indra sees Indralok shaking and gets tensed,. Bali with his army enters and challenges Indra,. Indra tells, he dare cannot harm Indralok,. Bali tells, he performed 100 yagnas and came to take over Indralok by defeat Krishna,. Indra tells, before Krishna he has to face him and attacks,. Bali fails his attack and laughs,. 

On the other side, Takshak continues attacking Dwarka,. Sam asks, Anirudh to attack from south and others from north as Takshak will spill most dangerous poison and he will fail it,. Takshak attacks, but Sam counterattacks and fails it,. Nishat tells, Sam is fighting bravely forgetting his enmity with Krishna and they should support him,. Sam acts as continuing to fight and calls Shukracharya,. Shukracharya emerges and tells, only Sam can see him,. Sam tells, Krishna’s all heirs trust and support him now, its time to call Krishna to patal lok,. Shukracharya tells, there is still time for that,.

 Sam tells, this war will continue until he wants,. Shukracharya tells, let Bali win over Indralok first,. Sam agrees,.

Balram speeds his chariot towards Dwarka,. Krishna asks, him to slow down,. Balram tells, he is more worried about someone else than Dwarka,. Radha asks, who is it,. Krishna tells, attack on Dwarka is just an eyewash, the reason is something else,. Bali and Indra continue to fight,. Bali overpowers Indra and tells, his one more attack will end Indra,. Indra tells, he cannot end him until Krishna is there to protect him,. Bali tells, Krishna will not come, he can try,. Indra prays Krishna to come and protect them from Bali,. 

Bali laughs that Krishna will not come now,. Indra asks, other devs to continue fighting with Bali while he brings help from other gods,. Krishna reaches Dwakra and sees Sam fighting with Takshak,. Balram tells Krishna that they shouldn’t delay in killing Takshak,. Krishna tells, he is right, when there is a problem on kingdom, king has to follow his duty; he will have to fight this battle today,.    

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