Radha Krishn 28th January written episode update


Radha Krishn 28th January written episode update

Radha Krishn 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Krishna tells Radha that he can sacrifice his love for her,. Radha tells, she is feeling the love for Krishna the way she used to feel for Gopal and feels she is doing rasleela/dance with him since many lives,. Krishna tells, their love is eternal and reminds she made her promise of leaving the world if she doesn’t love Gopal, tells, he will leave the world instead for her,. She tells, even she will leave the world and apologizing Gopal for breaking the promise made to him runs away from there to sacrifice her life,. Mahadev/Adiyogi informs all gods that today devi Radha will witness Sri Krishna’s parmavatar,. 

Radha walks to mountain cliff and apologizes Narayan for sacrificing her life for breaking promise made to Gopal,. Krishna with Gopal walks to her and asks, to see who is Gopal and Krishna,. She tells, she doesn’t want to and jumps from cliff,. She falls on Krishna’s feather and realizes she is alive,. She sees Gopal merging with Krishna and thinks what did she see now,. Krishna tells, he is Gopal, Krishna, Damodar, Manmohan, Murlidhar, raas rachaita; she must have realized that he is Radha’s Krishna whom she saw in many forms,. Radha imagines Krishna in many avatars and his love for her,. Radha tells, if these are her forms, she loves Gopal, Krishna, Murlidhar and everyone,. She opens eyes and sees Krishna lifting him,. Krishna tells she understood his true love, Radha Krishna’s love and when they have united, why don’t they perform raas/dance,. 

Radha agrees,. All his other forms emerge out of him and they all play bansuri for her,. She dances with them happily,.

Mahadev tells Gowri mata that earth is glowing with happiness today, Radha’s dance with Krishna four forms is mesmerizing,. Radha leaning on Krishna’s shoulder tells, she can’t believe forgot Krishna, but how did this happen,. He tells, their love is immortal and will never die,. Radha tells, she didn’t identify him even in his many forms, but their love brought back her memory,. Krishna tells, now he is sure that Radha’s memory returned, so she should fulfill her promise,. She asks, which promise,. He tells, as promised she should agree in front of everyone that she loves him, reminding him taking oath that she will accept his love for her in 7 days or else he will leave the world,. Radha tells, forget others, she will tell him I love you,. He asks, to repeat it loudly,. She tells, someone will hear her,. She tells, let others hear,. Their conversation continues,. 

Mahadev tells, his reason for Adiyogi form is complete, so its time to leave the world,. Gowri ji tells, they shouldn’t disturb 2 lovers,. Mahadev tells, he worked so hard to reunite Radha and Krishna and needs his reward,. Gowri ji tells, he and his aradhya Krishna cannot be understood,. Mahadev tells, let us go from here,. Sam with Laxmana and Jamvati walks in and asks, where are they going,. Adiyogi tells, their work is done here, so they are going to an unique place where arrogants cannot reach,. Sam asks, what does he mean,. He tells, he cannot understand as he cannot think good,. They all walk away,. Sam tells Laxmana and Jamvati that Adiyogi told his work is done here, so he thinks they all are together and he needs to find their plan,.

Radha tells Krishna that nobody will come to hear her expressing he love for him,. He tells, they will and she should wait,. She tells, no one,. He counts till 3 and tells, Adiyogi is coming with his team,. 

Adiyogi reminds Radha of her promise,. Radha accepts in front of everyone that she loves Krishna and will love him forever,. Adiyogi blesses them and leaves with his team,. Sam returns to Laxmana and Jamvati that Radha’s memory is back, so its waste to stay here and they should go home and plan something else,. Krishna walks with Radha,. Radha asks, if they will return walking,. He tells, he will arrange a chariot for her and walks away,. Mahadev with Gowri mata meets him and thanks him for showing many leelas/magics at once,. Gowri ji tells, she is happy seeing Krishna’s many forms,. Krishna tells, because of Sam, they faced each other many times,. Mahadev tells, they will face each other again as Sam is born to resist and soon Gowri will also help Sam against Krishna,. Gowri mata gets tensed,. Mahadev tells, its time to return to Kailash and they disappear,.

 Balram enters and tells Krishna that they should reach Dwarka before Sam,. Krishna tells, Sam ignored his warning and heard his and Radha’s conversation, so he will be punished,. Balram excitedly asks, to tell him what he is going to do,. Krishna asks, him to wait and watch, but Balram continues excitedly,. Krishna warns he will mute him with a snap of a finger,. Balram stops and hopes to reach Dwarka soon,.

In Dwarka, Anirudh, Ulmukh, Nishat and others wait for Balram, Krishna and others,. Sam with Laxmana and Jamvati returns on his chariot,. Jamvati informs that Radha’s memory is back and she is returning with Krishna,. They all get happy hearing that and plan to celebrate,. Sam fumes hearing that and thinks he will fail Krishna’s plan some day,. Laxmana walks behind Sam and tensed tensed seeing wounds emerging on his body,. Jamvati also gets tensed seeing that,. Sam gets severe pain and falls on earth,. 

Krishna notices it traveling on chariot,. Jamvati asks, how did Sam get so many wounds on his body,. Krishna tells, whoever hears his and Radha’s conversation in Dwarka will bear punishment,. Laxmana reminds Jamvati about it and tells, its the same punishment,. Jamvati tells, it is for sure and tells, she will plead Krishna to forgive Sam and cure him,. Sam tells, neither of them will apologize Krishna as there must be someone who can help him seeing him bearing injustice and will definitely come to help him,. Jamvati asks, who will dare to help him against Sri Krishna,. A monster snake Takshak emerges in front of Guru Shukracharya and pleads him to open eyes and help him take revenge from Krishna,.   

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