Radha Krishn 25th January written episode update


Radha Krishn 25th January written episode update

Radha Krishn 25th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Radha tastes Gopal’s prepared kheer and thinks someone has prepared similar kheer for her many times, if he was Gopal,. Gowri mata tells Mahadev that brother Krishna is making Radha love Gopal and on the other side remind her childhood memories,. Mahadev hopes Radha remembers Krishna again and everything goes well,. Sam tells Laxmana and Jamvati that he will do something that will ruin father Krishna’s plan to bring back Radha’s memories,.

Gopal follows Radha who searches him and fights with people,. Radha searches him everyone and sits a river bank thinking why its difficult to find someone,. Gopal walks to her and tells, she is searching him by eyes and not heart, so she couldn’t find him; if she does, she will not only find him, but also someone else,. He tells, as he told let the time come,. She tells, he speaks weirdly and tells, he prepares tasty kheer though,. Gopal’s blabbering continues,.
Sam takes Laxmana and Jamvati to a mountain cliff and calls Asur guru Shukracharya’s asur/monster,. Monster wakes up and asks, who woke him up,. Sam tells, his guru Shukracharya,.

Monster tells, he is hungry and wants eat someone, whom shall he kill,. Sam tells, a cowherd Gopal,. Krishna takes Radha to buy bangles,. Radha asks, for whom he is buying bangles,. He jokes and tells, its for her,. He takes her to a shop and asks, to select bangles,. She starts checking bangles,. He tells, its difficult to go on a shopping with women,. Laxmana asks, why he wants to kill Gopal,. Sam tells, he will allege that Krishna got jealous of Gopal and killed him via monster, then Radha will hate Krishna more,. People panic in market seeing ?Gopal thinks everyone are panicking, but Radha is busy checking bangles,. Radha notices Asur and alerts Gopal,.

Gopal asks, her to select bangles soon,. Asur gets angry seeing him laughing and warns to kill him,. Gopal asks, if he will kill Gopal,. Radha asks, Gopal to run away,. Gopal tells, he likes to face problem than running away from it,. Sam thinks he will help asur,. Asur attacks Gopal, but he defeatrs asur repeatedly,. Radha asks, how did he escape asur’s attack,. Gopal tells, its a power of butter,. Asur gets more angry and tells, enough of his drama, he will kill him for sure now,. He gathers his superpowers,. Laxmana asks, Sam to interfere, but Sam tells, let him see what Gopal can do,.

Radha alerts Gopal,. Gopal tells, let him attack and escapes it,. He then tells, asur will attack him like a bull, but he will hold his horns and throw him on ground and make him realize who is asur and who is cowheard,. He pins asur on ground,. Asur realizes he is Krishna,. Just when he is about to kill asur, Radha stops him and asks, to spare his life if he pleads,. Asur pleads Krishna and sets whole market back to its glory and then disappears,. Sam and Laxmana are shocked to see that,.
Gopal tells Radha that he spared asur because of her,. She tells, one should forget other’s mistake once,.

He tells, she is right, everyone should get a chance,. She tells, he proved that he loves her,. He tells, he is just a cowherd,. She tells, nothing matters in love,. He gives moral gyaan,. She tells, he speaks so well,. He tells, he will go now as his cows are waiting for him,. She asks, when will he meet her again,. He tells, meeting and separating happen only at a set time and leaves,. Laxmana asks, Sam why didn’t he interfere,. He tells, whatever happened is in their favor,.

Balram meets Gopal and tells, he heard an asur came in market,. Gopal tells, he came and left,. Balram tells, looks like he is up to something,. Gopal turns into Krishna with a snap of a finger and tells, its time to spread love,.   

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