Radha Krishn 22nd January written episode update


Radha Krishn 22nd January written episode update

Radha Krishn 22nd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Jamvati angrily cooks food in kitchen,. Vinayak scolds her to don’t at all masalas once and to let each masala cook properly,. She yells at him not to teach her and tells, she doesn’t want to cook now,. Laxmana supports her,. Krishna enters and asks, what is happening,. Jamvati tells, this obese cook is troubling them,. Krishna tells, he will explain Vinayak not to trouble them,. He via telepathy asks, why he is troubling them,. Vinayak tells, he is taking revenge from them for troubling Radha and Krishna,. He tells, he will be in more problem if Vinayak troubles them,. 

Vinayak tells, he will not trouble them again,. Laxamana asks, what did they speak via eyes that Vinayak agreed,. Krishna tells, eyes speak a lot,. He asks, Jamvati to prepare kheer for Radha as she is a seasoned cook,. Jamvati asks, why would she prepare kheer for Radha,. Krishna tells, she should respect Dwarka king’s request,. She agrees,.

Sam finds Gopal and asks, where was he,. Gopal tells, he has a lot of work to finish,. Sam takes him to Vinayak’s room and asks, him to steal milk cream from put hanging above and prepare kheer for Kishori,. Gopal tells, he is not a thief and would never steal,. Sam tells, he has to prepare kheer for beautiful Radha if he wants to calm her down,. 

Gopal agrees and continues joking with Sam,. He asks, Sam to bend down while he climbs him and gets cream from pot,. Sam resists at first but then agrees and bends,. Krishna climbs him and starts moving,. Sam asks, him to stop dancing on his back,. Gopal continues joking and with stone breaks pot and catches all falling cream in another pot,. Sam asks, when he wanted to break pot with stone, why did he climb on his back,. Gopal continues joking and takes cream along,. Balram stops him and asks, why did he steal cream and ask Jamvati to prepare kheer for Radha, how will Radha have such a bad kheer,. 

Gopal tells, until he is there, how can he let Radha had bad kheer,. Balram asks, why is he taking Sam, Jamvati, and Laxmana’s help,. Krishna tells, they are part of his leela/magic,. Balram asks, him to explain,. He tricks Balram and escapes,. Balram thinks he can’t handle Krishna on one side and Gopal on another,.

Jamvati and Laxmana prepare kheer for Radha frowning,. Sam walks to them and asks, what are they doing,. Jamvati frowning tells, preparing kheer for Radha,. Sam tells, there is nothing wrong in it, they just have to spoil kheer by adding all the jaggery and making it too sweet while Gopal prepares good kheer and take it to Radha,. 

Radha resting in her room fumes on Gopal,. Gopal knocks door and enters,. She asks, what is he doing here,. He enters her room and tells, she brought kheer for her and knows she was remembering her,. She was resting and not remembering him,. He tells, he knows she likes kheer,. She asks, how does he know she likes kheer,. He tells, forget about it and have kheer as she doesn’t know from where he stole milk cream,. She asks, where,. He tells, Adiyogi’s ashram,. She asks, if he steals,. He tells, he tells, he used to steal butter in childhood and rarely used to get punished,. Sam enters and tells Radha that Krishna has sent him kheer,. Gopal insists Radha to taste both kheers and tell which is tasty,. 

She takes both and liking Gopal’s kheer asks, Sam to take away his kheer,. Sam asks, if he should inform Krishna that she didn’t like his sent kheer,. She tells, yes,. He leaves smirking,.

Radha enjoys Gopal’s prepared kheer saying she thinks she had this kheer before and its made only for her,. She continues blabbering and leaves,. She stops him and tells, he came to speak to her and she wants to say that she loves him,. He asks, her to repeat,. She repeats that she loves him,. He asks, her not to say that and think his concern for her as love, he heard she didn’t have food because of her and hence brought kheer for her; he has a lot of work and will leave now as he has to sleep and wake up early,. 

She agrees,. He walks away happily,. She goes to sleep and dreams about Krishna preparing and offering her kheer many times, wakes up and thinks Gopal must have brought her kheer many times, she immensely loves him,. Krishna gets happy hearing that,.    

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