Radha Krishn 20th January written episode update


Radha Krishn 20th January written episode update

Radha Krishn 20th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Gopal tells Radha that Manmohan and Kishori are lovers of many lives and nobody can separate them,. Radha says, she has heard the words lovers of many lives before,. Gopal asks, if she heard or experienced it,. She says, she feels she is related to these words,. He says, at least she remembered the words and says, she should trust love; world will try to separate true lovers and make them fight, but these true lovers will never separate as their love is so immense that there is no place for differences between them, she should see herself,. 

Sam gets happy thinking he will love seeing Manmohan and Kishori’s fight,. Manmohan leaves Kishori and asks, if he is looking like her, he may not look so beautiful but is looking a bit like her,. She asks, if he is not angry on her,. He asks, how can he be angry on her, he was acting to send Gopis away from her,. She says, he will look more beautiful with makeup,. He asks, her to do his make up then and kneels down,. She does his make up and asks, if he is feeling bad,. He says, why would he as he loves her immensely,.

 Balram, Mahadev, Gowri ji and other gods enjoy the view,. Sam fumes that they are romancing like Radha and Krishna instead,. Radha tells Gopal that he is amazing to realize their immense and immortal love,. Gopal says, even he should realize that she has already experienced it,. Radha thinks he is pointing towards himself like Manmohan points at Kishori and taunts her,. 

Gopal says, he will go now as his cow is waiting for her and he needs to take care of her,. She asks, to tell if Sam will be punished or not,. He asks, to wait and watch herself,.

Sam angrily walks to Kishori and Manmohan and shouts that they spoilt his plan,. Kishori says, he pranked them both, so he should be punished,. sam says, he will punish them,. Manmohan says, a friend’s request is order for him,. Sam attacks him with his superpowers, but Manmohan disposes it and hypnotizes him,. He asks, Kishori to punish him as she likes,.

 Sam walks away and returns disguised as a girl,. Kishori laughs followed by all gods,. Balram says, he will enjoy pranking Sam’s woman avatar,.

Krishna returns to Mahadev and Gowri ji,. Gowri ji says, he created a love for Gopal in Radha’s heart,. Krishna says, he and Gopal are same,. She says, not same as she knows a woman’s heart,. Radha searches Gopal in town and asks, villagers, but villagers say they didn’t hear this name before,. Radha thinks nobody knows Gopal, if only she can see him and he is made for only her,. Gowri ji says, she told Radha loves Gopal and is searching him, Gopal should go and meet her,. Krishna says, let her search him,. She says, Radha is searching Gopal and not him,. 

He says, its same,. She says, its not same as Gopal is a part of Krishna and is just his atom, but Krishna is complete,. Krishna says, an universe is made of atoms,. Mahadev says, let us see what Balram does with Sam,.

Balram walks to Sam addressing her Sambhavi,. Sambhavi asks, if she knows him,. He says, he is her tauji/uncle,. She asks, why don’t she identify him,. She says, that is because of her bad deeds, she hit her head and lost her memory in childhood then, but even now she loses her memory often,. He then says, today is her swayamvar and he came to take her,. All gods enjoy Balram’s drama and laugh,. 

Balram gathers people and announce that today is his niece Sambhavi’s swayamvar and whoever wins in archery competition will marry his niece,. Many youths try but fail and finally a lame and weak youth wins competition,. Balram gets him married to Sambhavi and sends her with him,. 

Ganesh ji asks, Krishna to let Sam’s hypnotism be permanently for the sins he made,. Krisna says, Sambhavi will reach his fate over time and snaps his fingers dehypnotising Sam,. Sam stands shocked seeing himself disguised as a woman,.    

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