Qurbaan hua 5th January written episode update


Qurbaan hua 5th January written episode update

Qurbaan hua 5th January 2021 Written Episode, Written Update... 

Godambari enters the house with a man, saying how she thought of her being an innocent girl however she sold their family’s generations old necklace to a jeweller. 
she asks :- how she could have done this, calling out to the wife of Neel that is Chahat. 
Some time earlier Neel questions Meera how she could have gotten pregnant and whose child is it.
Meera explains that this was a mistake from two months ago when she was angry after he refused to attend her calls, so she downloaded a dating app and went out with a random guy,
the way he treated reminded her of Neel that is when she had a weak moment and this happened. 

Neel inquires how she could be so foolish as she is playing with her life.
Chahat wonders if Meera doesnot play any game and decides to use the pregnancy as a means to stay in this house.
Meera in the room exclaims how she would listen to the scolds of the community as she has made a mistake so would now pay the price. 
she would even live alone if she has to as it is her mistake so would leave the house.
Neel stops her saying how she is not the only one at fault because they both are at fault and he would give the child his name so she should not worry as he is also at fault and now would raise the child with her as his own so there is nothing to worry about. 
KashMeera hugs Neel exclaiming how she feels that she has gotten her old Nelson back.

Chahat standing outside the door starts crying thinking that she always thought Meera came in between her and Neel however she is the one who ruined their relation.  
Chahat thinks that Viyas jee would not allow her to leave so easily so she would have to do something that instigates Viyas jee and he himself asks her to leave the house.
Neel is helping KashMeera with the yoga.
she asks how he can do this because they have just got the news of her pregnancy.  
Neel says :- that there would be no excuse and he would himself supervise her yoga.
they both start to joke when Chahat comes from behind thinking of she thought of being with Neel, but it is not true that she should also get the love which she desired so would have to do something. 
Chahat runs to them exclaiming how Meera doesnot have the right to stay in the house because she has stolen their family’s necklace.

Chahat starts pushing her seeing which Neel asks why Chahat is doing this as it can harm her child, Chahat exclaims that there is nothing to worry about because she knows Meera had her eyes on that necklace so she would prove he is actually the culprit.  
Chahat thrashes the entire room of Meera while trying to search for the necklace.
Meera pleads with Chahat to stop the madness as she did not steal anything, she even swears on Neels life.
Chahat is still not convinced. 
Neel asks :- why is she doing this because he knows KashMeera would never do anything as she is really wealthy and would also not swear on his life if she is really the culprit.
Chahat refuses to listen saying how she would inform Viyas jee about what she has done. 
Neel pleads with her to not do this as it would create a scene however Chahat mentions how she would make sure of it as only then would Meera get punishment for what she has done.  

Neel sits wondering what has happened to Chahat as she is not like what he thought. 
Jamuna exclaims to Viyas jee that it his blood pressure is slightly high.
Viyas jee exclaims that this would not be a problem since his daughter in law is a doctor having the capability to cure any disease just like she cured him, and he is glad that she came into their house. 
Chahat comes to Viyas jee explaining how he should decide regarding KashMeera,.
Viyas jee asks :- what has happened when Chahat says that KashMeera has stolen the necklace which he gave to her. 
Viyas jee calls KashMeera asking why she stole the necklace.
Neel says that she doesnot have to say anything.

Viyas jee says that Neel should not talk in between as it is the matter of his daughter. 
Viyas jee turning to KashMeera mentions that she should leave and then first give the necklace which she has stolen.
Godamabari comes from behind with the jeweller explaining how he has the necklace. 
Jamuna doesnot believe it asking why is she blaming it on her and then Godamabri explains how she saw her talking with the jeweller and after following her came to realize that she desired to sell the necklace.
Neel says to Chahat that he never thought she would seem so low in her fight with KashMeera that she decided to sell the necklace. 
Viyas jee says that he gave her the necklace because he thought that she was the most responsible however she used the necklace for her own ends and if she had any problem with KashMeera then should have told him, he would have arranged for her living elsewhere,
Godamabri instigates him further mentioning how Chahat lied to him about being the girlfriend of Neel and even hid the truth of being a doctor.  

he always forgave her because of his virtues but now things have stooped to a new low so he must safeguard their respect and send Chahat away from the house.  

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