Qurbaan hua 28th January written episode update


Qurbaan hua 28th January written episode update

Qurbaan hua 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Godambari exclaims that Chahat’s family has sent gifts for her so Vyas je orders that the goods be burnt so Neel burns it and Godambari exclaims that Neel is still the son of Vyas je so how can he accept the gifts, Chahat is worried about what she should do,.

Chahat wakes up in the morning after getting a call and is amazed to hear that she has gotten an interview call so she starts saying how much she loves Allah,. 

Neel answers her love call however she tells, that she got a call for the interview however then Neel asks, her to get ready as she would be able to get the job and then when he asks, her to get ready then also a gets a call from the hospital where he is also asked to come for an interview of the chef,.

Neel asks, why is he being offered the job of a waiter as he ha a masters degree and has also worked as a chef in a five star restaurant, The doctor tells, that he has already married the girl of a Muslim girl so now would not get a job which is why he should accept it however Neel declines, then Chahat comes out in happiness saying that she has gotten the job as a doctor, she asks, why did he come because this explains that he doesnot believe her,.

 Neel mentions how he came to support her and then they both hug each other, Neel asks, Chahat to not worry because he will take care of the house and she should work with all might,.

Ghazala and Baleq come thinking why did Neel not accept the job as she planned that if Neel also works in the same hospital then it would create a lot of right amongst them as a husband and wife so then she would be able to get the votes which she requires however Baleq asks, her to not worry as he will create such situations in the house that Neel and Chahat would be forced to leave the village then she can blame Vyas je for all that has happened to them and win the elections while he would also get the chance to become the Mant of Devpriagh,.

Neel brings the sweets for Vyas je and Godambari however they refuse to take them then Jamuna eats the sweets saying that they should not refuse the sweets when Neel is about to leave however Jamuna stops him mentioning that they would surely eat them if the box is in front of them,.

Neel is cleaning the house when Godambari ridicules him,.

 mentioning that he is in the house while Chahat is working with the other men, Jamuna stops her pleading with Neel to pay no heed to her words,.

Vyas jee comes out asking who brought the belongings of the house when Godambari tells, that it came from the house of Chahat, Vyas jee starts coughing after which they all plead with him to take the medicine when he puts forward a condition that he would not take the medicine until the belongings are burnt as if they are just broken then can be mended, Neel burns the entire belongings,. Chahat taking the hands of Neel explains how she trusts him and that such small steps can never create any difference amongst them both as a couple,.

 she mentions how every decision which Neel takes she would accept them with any objections, Neel pleads with Vyas je to take the medicines, so he accepts as the condition which he placed before Neel he performed without any hesitation,. Godambari is taking Vyas je and tells, how it would not be easy to create differences amongst them both,.

Chahat starts preparing the bed from hay for them both when Neel comes asking if she is angry with him for burning all those things however Chahat refuses to even say anything against him, Neel pleads with her to yell and scold him as he wronged her but then exclaims how he was forced to because Vyas je threatened to not take the medicines, Chahat stops him mentioning how she is not angry as the health of Vyas je is more important then the belongings and she also knows Ammi Jan gave the gifts because she was trying to prove that she has married a poor man,.

 Neel gets relaxed mentioning how they would have to be careful because he feels Godambari would not give Vyas je the medicine on time, Chahat takes his hand then finds the blisters so asks, how they came, Neel mentions how he saw a box in the burning items with the name of her mother so how could he let it burn, Neel brings the box and Chahat gets emotional after seeing it so immediately hugs him,.

Chahat prepares a medicine for Vyas je in the kitchen saying that he should give it to Vyas je after mixing it in the milk as then he would not be able to make any excuses,.

Neel asks, Vyas je to drink the milk and then he is about to leave however Godambari mentions how he has served the meal, but Neel mentions that Chahat has prepared the dinner,.

 Baleq taunts Chahat by saying that they do not know when she might mix meat in the dishes, Neel however tells, that Chahat would never do anything of the sort because she cares for his religion,. Vyas je threatens him by saying that if he doesnot eat with them then the entire family would sleep without eating the dinner, Neel if forced to sit with them and eat the dinner,.

Chahat is preparing the dinner and when she is finishes Neel also comes back, Chahat asks, him to come and sit as she would serve the dinner, he sits however then burps as he has had the dinner which worries Chahat,.   

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