Qurbaan hua 26th January written episode update


Qurbaan hua 26th January written episode update

Qurbaan hua 26th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Chahat runs out of the room while trying to run away, Godambari comes into the room and is shocked to see that the tablets have been opened, she sees Chahat going down the terrace, Godambari exclaims how they had to see such a day when the girl of another religion would come into their house and make it un pure, Chahat exclaims how she had no intention but was only trying to give Vyas je his medicine, Baleq also comes and places a locket by the side of Vyas je,.

Godambari goes out to Chahat then throws the ladder downstairs and orders Chahat to jump because she came with the ladder but has to jump then she pushes her away,.

 Chahat calls Neel who comes in the house then seeing her fall, he immediately catches her asking how she fell to the ground, Godambari exclaims how she pushed Chahat when he gets mad exclaiming how he did not think that she would stem so low,. Godambari asks, him to first listen to what she has done then Baleq brings a locket mentioning how she has placed it under the bed of Vyas je,.

Neel mentions how he has a lot of trust and so will not believe anything that she is saying, Neel mentions how he knows Chahat would never do anything of the sort, he exclaims how he doesnot want to do anything that will harm her relationship with him,.

Neel is scolding Chahat asking why did she have to take such a step because no one would accept her love and desire which is why he did not want to stay in the house,.

 Chahat circles the calendar mentioning how she is circling the days when they fight, Neel pleads with her to not worry because he cannot see her angry, then he acts as Ghazala which makes Chahat smile, he promises to do anything that he can to save Vyas je, Chahat asks, where did he go to which he replies that he went to find a job because they do not have any money so he has to earn it, Chahat also tells, that she would also find a job because she is also the daughter of the house, they both hug each other after promising to find and sustain the family together,.

Neel is in the market when he gets a call from Chahat asking him to bring some groceries because it is her first day and she would make the dish as it is a custom in both the religions, Neel after ending the call wonders how he was not employed because of the fear of Ghazala Baig,. 

While he was once the chef of a five-star hotel, Neel sees how a old man is trying to lift a traveler when he immediately offers, the person gets worried thinking how he is looking of a decent family so would he be able to perform it,. Neel taking the lift mentions of how he would come back in the evening, Neel sits and then taking the money drops the customer,.

Neel gets a call from his friend who asks, how he is when he tells, that he is fine, the friend mentions that he must be feeling really happy after marrying Chahat, Neel is then asked to make the ladoo for him when Neel explains how he doesnot have any money when the friend asks, him to always look at his real happiness as his really happiness is Chahat, Neel ask if he has fought with Mahi, his friend asks, him to make the ladoo when he would transfer the money,.

Neel comes to the person who mentions that another customer would come,.

 Ammi Jan asks, for how long would he be able to work under such extreme conditions when he tries to leave however she mentions how she needs a pully and so sits with him, she tries to give him a lot of money but he refuses, she exclaims that he would not be able to fulfil the desires of her granddaughter because she used to live like a princess however Neel tells, that he has the ability to earn a living for both himself and her granddaughter, Ammi jan mentions how he would soon get tired because of such extreme conditions and would not be able to work, Neel responds how he is aware of his duties toward Chahat so would never back down,.

Baleq brings Vyas je, Chahat comes running asking why did he bring him out as he is really weak, Vyas je orders Baleq to inform Chahat for not worrying about his condition as she is the sole reason for it,.

 Chahat sees Ammi jan coming so immediately rushes to hug her as she thinks that Ammi Jan might have forgiven her but Ammi Jan mentions that even when the children refuse to accept their love the elder still worry for their well being and she would now leave,.

Chahat exclaims how she cannot leave without having water, Chahat rushes to bring it however cannot find any water then pleads with Godambari to open the water however she tells, that the water in their house is not to quench the thirst of the Muslims, Ammi Jan exclaims that even enemies are not refused water and those who cannot do even this act are not honorable people,.

 Godambari exclaims that if she had the right then would have ordered Chahat to beg on the streets, Ammi Jan threatens to cut her hand if she even tries when Godambari orders her to ask Ammi Jan to never say anything to them,.

Chahat pleads with Ammi Jan to leave saying how she would come and meet her somewhere else, .

Ammi Jan leaves saying that she did not think Chahat would accept non-Muslims over her family and she should never trust them as they would surely ruin her house one day,.

Chahat seeks forgiveness from Allah mentioning that she was rude with Ammi Jan because this is the only way she feels Vyas je would accept her as the daughter in law of the house,.   

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