Qurbaan hua 20th January written episode update


Qurbaan hua 20th January written episode update

Qurbaan hua 20th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Ghazala hears Neel praying before eating the food, she wonders how she was not able to recognize that it is Neel, so she takes out a gun,.

Neel is helping Chahat wear the bracelet, Baleq is on the mobile with Ghazala asking if she is sure that Neel has died to which ghazala explains that Neel would have been crushed by a lot of trucks and cars as the condition which he was in he could not have been alive, Baleq exclaims how he just has to show the photo of any ruined body to Vyas je which he would not be able to bear and then no one would be able to stop him from attaining the position of Mant Vyas,. Baleq exclaims how he would make Vyas je pay to the extent that he dies,.

Vyas je calls to Godamabri asking her to give him some fruit as he would perform the fast but there is no one in the kitchen, 

he tries to get the fruit himself when he sees Chahat who is bring apples for him asking him to not take any salt with the apples, Vyas je then steps out from his day dreams, Jamuna comes explaining how he is also missing Chahat when Vyas je exclaims how he is not missing her because he does not want to remember the person who has broken his trust, he exclaims how he knows that no one cared for him like Chahat after the death of Saraswathi but he would still doesnot want to remember her anymore,.

Neel is helping Chahat when Ghazala comes in anger calling Ammi Jan, she explains how she was running her election campaign when someone threw something on her face and ruined her campaign, she exclaims how it was the work of Neel,.

 Chahat tries to say that ghazala is lying however Ammi Jan questions Chahat asking how does she know it was not Neel when she was in the house the entire time, Ammi Jan exclaims how she would do anything to remove the feelings which Chahat has for Neel, she then orders her servants to take Neel and kill him,.

Vyas je is in the house when Baleq comes running and is startled, he is not able to say anything clearly, Vyas je asks, what has happened to Neel,.

 Baleq exclaims that he is no more with them and has died as he was crushed by a truck on the road, Baleq shows him the photo when Vyas je says, that it is not Neel, however Baleq tries to convince him that it is Neel but Vyas je says, that he wants to believe the eyes of a father and that Neel is still alive, Baleq wonders about what he should do,.

Ammi Jan slaps Chahat mentioning how she should not take the side of the infidel with such a strong intent, she once again is about to slap her when Qasim stops her saying how he would try to convince Chahat and they both leave, .

Chahat asks, Neel what would happen because an innocent person would be killed, Neel explains how he would take care of the situation,.

Ammi jan explains how the sword of Chahat’s grandfather would take the revenge of Chahat, she orders her servant to kill the person and when the servant is about to kill him, Qasim stops him which angers Ammi Jan who asks, why was did he stop them, Qasim explains how he desires to reveal a truth when Chahat pours water on the person and it is revealed that he is Mansoor who is actually the P,.A of Ghazala Baig,.

Ammi Jan vows to punish Ghazala so orders Qasim to cover her face with black ink when ghazala asks, Qasim to stop as she is the master and he is just a servant, .

Ammi Jan asks, him to not tremble, Neel says, that he has another way so advises that they should sell the jewellery of Ghazala and donate the money to the orphans as it would lead to prayers for Dr Baig, Ammi Jan forcefully takes her jewellery asking Qasim to sell them then also advises her to learn something from Qasim as she would only win the elections if she works for the betterment of the people,.

Neel is anxiously waiting for the food as it is really hard to work while keeping a fast, Chahat brings the food saying that she has made a the food with her own hands however Neel exclaims that she ahs cooked burnt tortillas which cannot be eaten,.

 Chahat says, that she would order food for him however he stops her saying that any food cooked by her would be tasty and he would eat anything, Chahat inquires why does he always see the good in other people, Neel exclaims that he was not like this but started caring for other people after meeting her in the house,. He is about to break his fast when Chahat asks, him to first speak the Mantar which he starts reciting,.

Ghazala is furious with Qasim because he had caused such embarrassment for her which cannot be forgiven which is when she hears the Mantar and is shocked to see Neel in their house which is when she realizes that he is actually Qasim, Ghazala brings a knife and is about to shoot him when she hears Chahat exclaiming how Qasim has won the heart of Ammi Jan four times and he only has to win it three more times,.

 Neel exclaims how he would surely ask Ammi Jan for her hand in marriage and she would not be able to take back her words,.

Ghazala takes back the gun thinking that she would reveal the truth about Neel in front of Ammi Jan if this is the plan of Neel and Chahat,.   

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