Pinjara khoobsurti ka 28th January written episode update


Pinjara khoobsurti ka 28th January written episode update

Pinjara khoobsurti ka 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with  Akhilesh turns after praying to God,. Omkar is seated on the floor with folded hands,. He calls him Papa,. Akhilesh asks, him not to call him Papa,. Omkar holds his feet,. Akhilesh asks, him to say,. Omkar tells, you said that, I am guilty of you and your daughter,. I am a devil and there is no forgiveness for my crime,. He asks, him to beat him, scold him or punish him, but don’t separate me from my Mayura,. He tells, how to make you believe that I am changed and tells, that devil Omkar, Sangemarmar Sartaj is dead,. He tells, I have done pind daan of that Omkar and made new Omkar born just like Mayura wanted,. Akhilesh tells, he will never believe him,. Omkar touches his feet and tells, I have changed, and even I hate that Omkar,. He tells, I am fulfilling promise made to Mayura and trying to be suitable for her,. He asks, him to believe him once, don’t forgive him, but believe him and give him a chance,. He tells, he will fill her life with happiness, will not let any tears come out of her eyes and asks, him not to make her go from her,. 

He touches his feet again and tells, I searched her day and night, as I believed that my Mayura can’t go away from me,. He asks, him to believe him,.

Mayura gets flashes of her past with Omkar,. Nurse tells, her heart beat is getting less,. Neil gives her oxygen support system,. Omkar asks, God to make her fine and tells Akhilesh that he has lost right to call him Papa, but he can call him Sir,. He asks, him to come,. Akhilesh blames himself for Mayura’s condition,. Neil is still treating Mayura and gives her injection,. Nurse comes out,. Omkar asks, if Mayura is fine,. Nurse tells, nothing can be said now,. Akhilesh tells, if anything happens to my Minty then I will not leave you,. Surekha and Dadi come there and ask Akhilesh about Minty,. Akhilesh tells, she is fine,. They see Omkar,. Dadi curses him and asks, Akhilesh to throw him out,. Omkar folds his hand and tells, I am changed now, I am not that old Omkar, believe me,.

 Akhilesh tells, I have understood the devil inside the sadhu like get up,. He tells, I will never believe you for the 7 births, you have given her immense pain and gave scarred of her life,. He tells, my Minty has forgotten the pain given by you, don’t try to take advantage and get close to her,. He tells, he will take Mayura very far from here,.

Mayura opens her eyes,. Neil tells, I am here and asks, her to calm down,. Mayura asks, how did I come here? Neil asks, her to relax and tells, you had forgotten on the road, and tells, your dad and Omkar brought you here,. Mayura tries to remember and tells, Papa was taking me forcibly, when Omkar came there and they had a fight,. Neil tells, they don’t each other, then? Mayura tells, don’t know what he said that made Papa angry,. 

Neil tells, what did Omkar say? Mayura stresses her mind and tells, he was talking about the rights,. Neil tells, you are recovering, made me worried for 2 mins,. He tells, you are fine and out of danger,. He goes out and tells Akhilesh and his family that Mayura is fine,. Omkar thanks Neil from his heart and goes,. Neil asks, Akhilesh and his family to come,. Omkar goes to Bappa and thanks him for saving Mayura,. He cries with happiness in his eyes,.

Akhilesh asks, Neil if there is something to worry? Neil tells, not now, but you shall not take her forcibly from here,. He asks, him to tell what is the problem and tells, Mayura told that you had a fight with Omkar,. He asks, why Omkar reacts seeing her as if he knows her,. He tells, once you called me like your son and asks, him to tell,. Akhilesh is silent,. Surekha stops him and tells, Omkar knows Mayura from before,. 

Akhilesh tries to stop him,. Surekha tells, if we had told Neil, then this thing would not have happened,. Neil asks, what is the relation between them,. Mayura thinks Papa can answer her, why was he taking her forcibly,. Neil is shocked to know that Omkar is her husband, tells, Omkar had said that he is searching his wife and tells that he didn’t speak about his wife, after he met Mayura,. Nurse informs Neil that Mayura went somewhere,. Akhilesh asks, where did you see her last? Nurse tells, with Patient Omkar,.

Mayura and Omkar are going out of the hospital,. Mayura refuses to go with him and tells, I can’t go, may be I said yes, under the influence of medicine,. Omkar comes to her and holds her closer,. They have an eye lock,. She tells, Omkar ji, please,. Let me go,. 

He tells, think again, if you go back then your family will take you away from your dreams to treat people for free and from me,. Mayura asks, what happened between you and Papa, that you both had a fight,. Omkar tells, I said that you shall be allowed to treat the patients and for opening the homeo clinic,. Mayura tells, but,. Omkar tells, stay in the hotel till then, I assure that you will be safe,. Akhilesh, Neil and others search Mayura,. Omkar asks, Mayura to come with him, tells, you have less time, they must be searching you,. Mayura looks at him,.   

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