Pinjara khoobsurti ka 27th January written episode update


Pinjara khoobsurti ka 27th January written episode update

Pinjara khoobsurti ka 27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with  Akhilesh asking Mayura to pack her bags and talk to Neil on call,. Mayura tells, she will talk for 2 mins and come,. Akhilesh gets upset,. Omkar gets dream about Mayura, asking him to search her and that she will not stop,. He wakes up shockingly calling Mayura’s name, thinks why did I get such a dream,. Mayura asks, him to explain to her once, what is the matter? Omkar tries to go out of the ward, but the door is locked,. Mayura tells, what could be the reason? Akhilesh tells, don’t you trust me, come with me,. Omkar knocks on the door asking to open the door,. 

Akhilesh takes Mayura from there,. Ward boy opens the door,. Omkar comes out and comes to Mayura’s ward,. He thinks if his dream has come true and thinks where is she? Mayura is in the car with Akhilesh,. She tells, mummy and Dadi are with Megha di and tells, I will make a video call, and see her,. Akhilesh tells, we are going there and asks, her to talk to her later,. Mayura tells, you had said that Megha di is angry with us,. Akhilesh stops her from calling Megha,. Mayura asks, why is he looking stressed and asks, if something is related to her accident and tells, I will understand,. Akhilesh tells, there is nothing, Megha is unwell,.

Mayura asks, the driver to stop the car,. Akhilesh asks, why? The driver stops the car,. Omkar enquires about Mayura in the hospital,. 

Nurse tells, she must be in the hospital,. He asks, about Neil,. She tells, he is busy,. Omkar thinks to search her,. Mayura starts walking and refuses to come with Akhilesh,. Akhilesh asks, her to sit silently in the taxi and don’t do drama,. Mayura tells, you are doing drama, not thinking about my dreams,. She tells, you wanted to take me out of Bhopal,. That day too you wanted to take me out and that’s why I did drama to get unconscious,. Akhilesh asks, what? Mayura tells, even you are doing drama and asks, him to explain to her, why did they come to Bhopal from Jabalpur and now going from here,. She tells that she gets some flashes of her past which she couldn’t understand and asks, him to tell what had happened in the past,. She asks, if I change the cities then how I will become an established doctor,. She tells, until I get answers, I will not go and will stay here,. She tells, I want to know,.

Omkar calls Bali and asks, him to send car,.

 Ward boy comes and tells, Dr,. Dubey went with her father,. Omkar thinks if he came to know about me and that’s why taken her away,. Mayura tells Akhilesh that it was her dream to give free treatment to patients and tells, now she got the investor Omkar ji,. Akhilesh tells, omkar,. He tells, I am your papa and you can’t snatch the right from me for taking your life decision,. Mayura asks, him to just tell the reason else she will take decisions of her life,. Akhilesh tells, you are not big than me,. He tries to take her, but she falls down on the road infront of Omkar’s car,. Omkar stops the car at the right time, runs out to her and asks, if you are fine,. He sees Mayura,. Mayura tells, how come you are here? Omkar tells, I…Mayura asks, him to take her to the hospital,. Omkar is taking her,. Akhilesh shouts Minty,. He asks, Omkar to leave his daughter and pushes him,. He asks, how dare you to touch my daughter,. 

Omkar folds his hands and tells, listen to me once,. Akhilesh asks, him to stop his drama and holds his neck,. Mayura asks, him to stop and tells, he is already hurt, what happened to you,. Akhilesh asks, her to come and holds her hand,. Omkar holds her other hand and tells, I won’t let Mayura go this time,. Akhilesh asks, him to leave her hand,. Omkar tells, I will die, but will not leave her hand,. Mayura is shocked,.

Akhilesh asks, what do you want? Omkar tells, I just want a chance to clarify,. Akhilesh tells, you are a sinner and tells, he will not give him any chance,. Mayura asks, how do you know Omkar ji,. 

Omkar asks, Mayura not to go,. Omkar and Akhilesh are still holding her both hands,. Akhilesh makes him leave her hand and take him to side,. He tells, you have no right on Mayura and tells, she is my daughter,. Omkar tells, she is my wife too and even I have right on her,. Mayura gets shocked and she gets flashes of the past with Omkar,. She gets her memory back as everything is clear infront of her eyes,. She faints and falls down on the road,. A truck comes and goes from near her,. Omkar sees her unconscious and shouts Mayura,. Akhilesh also runs and asks, him to move his hand,. He goes to call the taxi driver,. Omkar asks, Mayura to open her eyes and lifts her,. Akhilesh wakes up taxi driver and asks, him to turn his taxi,. Just then he sees Omkar taking Mayura in his car,. He also sits in the car and informs Dadi and Surekha on the way,.

 Omkar lifts her and takes her inside,. He keeps her on the stretcher and tells, nothing will happen to you,. Akhilesh asks, him to move his hand,. Neil comes there and asks, what happened to her,. He tells, ward boy told me that you took her from here and Omkar went behind her,. He tells, Mayura told that she was stressed as you was taking her away from here,. He tells, if there is something which I shall know to help her,. Akhilesh tells, her bad past is resurfaced,. Omkar asks, Neil to save her,. Neil tells, her BP is low and rushes her to the ICU,. Omkar looks on with teary eyes,.   

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