Pinjara khoobsurti ka 22nd January written episode update


Pinjara khoobsurti ka 22nd January written episode update

Pinjara khoobsurti ka 22nd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Omkar asking Mayura if she will take care of herself like this and tells, you fell again,. Mayura asks, if you are my boyfriend, why are you scolding me and with which right,. Omkar tells, when did I say that I am your boyfriend and tells, I am your…Mayura asks, what? Omkar tells that relations are made by God, I never intend to do anything wrong with you,. Mayura,. Mayura asks, him to call her Dr,. Dubey,. Nisha calls her,. Mayura goes with her and thinks boyfriend idea is not bad, I couldn’t become before…,.He asks, her to turn if she wants him to become her boyfriend and starts walking,. Mayura turns, but Omkar doesn’t see,. Akhilesh tells Surekha and Dadi that they will take the house near the hospital and can’t risk her life,. He tells, he has made an excuse about Megha,. 

He tells, if you go out to meet her, then you might be followed by someone,. He tells, that devil can’t reach there,.

Nisha tells Mayura that Neil is a hot guy and tells, she wants to admit in the hospital,. She tells, you had said that he is not made for you and I can’t let such a hot guy goes,. Dr,. Neil comes there and tells, I am feeling shy,. He tells, you was talking about me,. Mayura tells, no, we were talking about hot noodles,. He tells, a lady irritated me and tells, Mayura should have handled her,. Mayura tells, she got involved in some misbehaved guy,.

Omkar comes to his ward and sees Aishwarya,. He asks, why did you come here and asks, her to stay away from him and hospital,. Aishwarya refuses to go and thinks I won’t let him reach Mayura,. 

Omkar thinks I have to do something for Mayura’s safety,. Dr,. Neil comes to Mayura and asks, is everything ok? Mayura tells, I wanted to talk to you something and tells, I have occupied a bed in the hospital, other patient can use it, I am feeling bad,. Neil asks, her to handle the patients here and tells that he is going to other hospital to check the patients,. He tells, he is just a call away,. Mayura holds his hand and thanks him,. She tells, you are really good,. Dr,. Neil looks at her,. Mayura asks, where are you lost? She assures that she will handle his patients,. Neil asks, her to see Omkar once,. Mayura tells, ok,. Omkar tells, you said right, that you shall stay here with me and asks, did you bring your stuff? Aishwarya asks, stuff? Omkar tells that he is going to 10-15 villages for the inspection and asks, if she can stay in dust, hut, mosquito,. She imagines,. 

He asks, her to wear ghunghat to protect from sunlight,. Aishwarya imagines falling down,. Omkar tells that there is no toilet in the villages and tells, you have to take lota and go to jungle for freshen up,. Aishwarya gets tensed and tells him that she will be with Mummy ji,. She tells, I will be with you after you return back,. She leaves,. Omkar thinks Mayura was ready to die with me and this girl is not ready to go with me to village,. He thinks he will get back Mayura,.

Mayura tells Nurse that Dr,. Neil gave her hospital responsibility,. Security asks, the lady to leave,. The lady tells that she was hiding from her inlaws as they will kill her,. She asks, Mayura to save her,. Mayura asks, the lady what happened? The lady tells that her husband married her for her beauty, but since she got the white patch on her hands, he wants to leave her and wants to remarry,. She tells, she will go to her mayka in Gwalior and seeks her help,. Mayura asks, ward boy to drop her to the station and sends her in ambulance,. Just then some men come in the car,. The old man tells, my inauspicious bahu came here,. 

Mayura tries to stop them,. The guy tells that he will get his wife,. Mayura scolds him for his bad behavior with his wife,. The guy is about to slap her, but Omkar comes and hugs him,. He tells, Mayura has sent the girl in ambulance,. They all leave in car,. Mayura is shocked,. She confronts Omkar for telling them and tells, your thinking might be the same, like that guy,. She tells, such guys shall be punished badly and tells, I will go there and save the lady,. Just then she starts walking and finds the lady standing there,. The lady tells, Omkar stopped me from going in ambulance,. Omkar tells, if I had not stopped her, then they would have come inside the hospital and had done drama,. 

He tells, Dr,. Neil gave you responsibility,. He tells, he asked ambulance guy to drive continuously in the city till my men drop the lady safely to her home in Gwalior,. His men come there,. Omkar asks, the lady to go with them safely to her house and call him if needed,. Mayura thanks him,. Omkar asks, her not to thank him and thinks he will fulfill all her hopes,.    

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