Pinjara khoobsurti ka 20th January written episode update


Pinjara khoobsurti ka 20th January written episode update

Pinjara khoobsurti ka 20th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Omkar thinking about Neil’s words that Mayura has forgotten the important phase of her life,. He cries and thinks Mayura’s family haven’t told her as they hate him, as he troubled Mayura and them a lot,. He says, how to make her remember me and make them believe that I have changed now, I am Mayura’s Omkar now,. He thinks to inform Mayura, her family and Neil,. He then thinks he can’t put her in danger for his happiness,. He says, what could be good than she is alive and infront of me, if I tell her the truth then they will take her away from me,. He says, destiny might want Mayura to forget her Omkar,. He sits down on the floor and cries,.

 Mayura comes to the Omkar and asks, him why is he sitting on the floor? She says, I will take you to the bed,. She helps him get up and makes him sit on the bed,. Khawaish meri…song plays,. Her chain gets stuck in his clothes,. She frees it and apologizes to him for thinking him wrong,. She says, I hope that you will forgive me,. She asks, him to say,. Omkar says, I did wrong with you and asks, can you forgive me for my doings,. Mayura asks, for what you are apologizing to me,. She says, I have forgiven you and asks, him to press the bell button for help,. She asks, do you need anything for now? He says, no,. Mayura is about to go, when he calls her name,. 

Mayura gets restless hearing her name from his mouth,. He thanks her,. Mayura says, no problem,. He smiles and thinks what I was thinking, if destiny didn’t want us to meet then it wouldn’t have make us meet, but we met,. He says, destiny wants me to win her heart again and tells that Mayura will realize that he has become that Omkar whom she wants to love,.

Mayura is sleeping and sees in dream, how Omkar tries to make her remember him,. She gets up shockingly and finds Omkar sitting on her bed,. She asks, why are you staring at me as if you know me,. She turns and finds him not there,. She realizes it is her imagination,. Omkar waits for Mayura and thinks when you will come,.

 Mayura thinks to go and check Omkar, when she collides with Neil and falls in his embrace,. Nurse asks, Omkar to sit on the bed,. Omkar thinks to meet Mayura before she goes,. Mayura says, sorry,. Neil asks, where was she going? Mayura says, she was going to see the yesterday patient? Neil says, he is recovering after the hard slap and teases her,. Mayura says, again the hospital food,. Neil says, it is a matter of one day, just have it for now,. He says, I have convinced uncle that it is very difficult for her to travel now,. He asks, her to find out why he don’t want to stay in Bhopal,.

Aishwarya talks to her mother while leaving in car and tells that she is doubtful about Mayura,. She finds Mayura’s Dadi fighting with the auto driver along with her mother and thinks Mayura must be with them,.

 Mayura is in the hospital and thinks she wants to fulfill her dream and treat the patients,.

She says, she don’t want to leave Bhopal and delay her dream,. She thinks to talk to her Papa about it and thinks if the reason for his fear is her or something else,. Omkar comes out of his ward and sees her standing, keeping hand on her scar,. He thinks he has no right to stop her and thinks what to do,. Mayura starts walking,.

Dadi checks and asks, where is the big brinjal which I had brought for the bharta,. Just then Aishwarya throws the brinjal on the plate and enters inside,. She asks, did you get shocked? Dadi says, you are here,. Mayura is still in the hospital,. Omkar looks at her,.

 Aishwarya asks, dadi and surekha to clap and asks, them to tell, where did they hide her? She says, it is clear on your face that she is here and tells that she is champion in hide and seek game,. She says, she will search her and stamp on her,. Omkar hits on the tray which ward boy is taking and injures his hand, while thinking what to do? Mayura rushes to him and asks, why did you injure your hand,. She takes him to the ward…,.Khwaish meri plays…,.,.She takes him to the room and says, she will call the nurse,. Omkar says, don’t call anyone, I don’t need anyone,. Mayura looks at him,. 

Aishwarya calls Mayura,. Surekha asks, how dare you come here and asks, her to leave,.

 Dadi says, I will call police,. Aishwarya threatens them and says, she will do what she wants,. She thinks she can get clue about Mayura in this house,. She goes inside the room and looks shocked,.   

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