Namak Issk ka 22nd January written episode update


Namak Issk ka 22nd January written episode update

Namak Issk ka 22nd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Yug tells, tell me what happened between you and bhabhi ma,. Gunjan comes and hugs Yug,. She tells, what is happening? How is all this happening? What happened to didi and why? Yug tells, the moment I find the reason, I will destroy it,. She’s my bhabhi ma,.

Yug sees kahani and tells, what are you doing here? She tells, I came to see how Rupa is doing,. Saroj tells, Ronak tell me what happened to her? The doctor leaves,. Rony tells, she will tell once she’s conscious,. Saroj tells, she’s your wife,.

Yug brings Kahani to the rooftop and tells, do you know falling from here means all bones will crack and you will die,. She didn’t fall, she was shoved,. It was you who shoved her,. You’re the one who wants her dead so you can live with Rony,. I am sure she did this because of you,. 

Yug tells, does she know? He grasps her hand and tells, I will give you so much pain,. I will destroy whoever is behind bhabhi ma’s pain,. Kahani sees her bleeding hand,. Rupa opens her eyes,. Yug comes in,.

Kahani comes in as well,. Iravati tells, how dare you come here? Go from here,. Gunjan tells, didi I called her,. It’s okay,. Iravati tells, why? Kahani tells, the house that gave me so much love will only give me hate now,. Rony tells, before it gets worse, I will say I hate Kahani,. Rupa tells, I had to talk to Kahani,. I didn’t know this would happen to me,. Saroj tells, how did this happen? Yug tells, why did you jump from the roof? Iravati and Saroj are shocked,. Rupa tells, I am the reason behind it,. I made a mannat (prayer) for Gunjan’s wedding,. I knew her heart was broken,. So when I went upstairs to pray I slipped,. 

Yug tells, is that true? She tells, yes,. Iravati tells, be careful,. Rupa tells, I will be,. Saroj tells, to Rony come and sit with her,. Rupa looks at him,.

Rony holds her hand and tells, are you okay? Rupa recalls everything,. Saroj tells, Rupa, why did you call Kahani? Rupa recalls what Rony said,. Iravati tells, you must know the way out, so leave right now,. Or should I show you the way out? Iravati tells, you are not well,. Talk to her later,. She leaves,.

Kahani is walking out on the road,. Yug stops her,. She falls, Yug holds her,. She faints,. Yug takes her to her place,. Yug looks at her and tells, I had to give you pain but I gave you bruise and got pain,. You left me no other reason,. But you weren’t the reason behind what happened to bhabhi maa,. Yet I punished you,. My heart still tells, there’s a reason behind what you’re doing,. Life won’t have been like this if either of us were different,. 

Rani comes and tells, what happened to didi? Yug tells, she got injured,. But she is okay now, will be conscious in a bit,. Yug leaves,.

Rony tells, to Rupa why are you gulit tripping me? She is silent,. Say something,. I thought you would tell everyone,. Harsh comes,. He tells, mama are you okay? She tells, yes,. Come sleep with me,. Rony tells, I will die from suspense,.    

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