Molkki 26th January written episode update


Molkki 26th January written episode update

Molkki 26th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Jeweller addresses Priyu as the bride,. Please select something for yourself,. She tells him to show it to Vaibhav,. I will wear whatever he will select,. She walks away when Vaibhav confronts her,. What’s this? She replies that this is truth,. You will be my husband in 48 hours,. You will then regret what you did to me,. You are right to think I am marrying you for your money or status but there is another reason as well,. It is to take revenge for what you did to me,. I will return this pain to you with interest as your wife,. She goes to select jewellery for herself,. 

Vaibhav thinks how to get rid of her,. She wants to ruin my life! Anjali tells him not to hit the wall,. You will end up getting hurt,. Shoot an arrow with which you can get rid of the problem for once and all,. You only have 2 days to get rid of this illiterate! He asks, her what he should do,. Anjali suggests him to find something that she has done wrong,. Make use of it,. Everyone does something wrong in life,. You have to find hers and make her pay for it,. She goes back to find some clothes,.

Kids ask Virender if he gave the phone to haathi,. Virender nods,. Juhi asks, him if she forgave him,. He denies,. She was reluctant to take it,. She saved my number as Kroor Singh,. They laugh,. Manas tells, it means she is very angry with you,. Juhi tells, it isn’t easy to pacify her but you must not give up,. He asks, for idea,. 

Juhi suggests him to select good clothes and jewellery for haathi,. Manas adds that he can also apologize to her then,. He is reluctant but Juhi tells, you must do it till she calms down,. He agrees to follow their instructions and goes,. Kids laugh at his name,.

Purvi is looking at clothes for herself,. Virender offers to select something for her himself,. She rejects all the dresses that he selects for her,. She tells, I think we both think differently,. I don’t think our choice will ever be same,. Virender asks, the guy to show something that they both may like,. He goes to bring more clothes from his car,.

 Virender tells Purvi to select something on her own if she does not like what he selects,. I wont force you,. She smiles,. You are the Mukhi of this town so you know what’s right and wrong,. You can select something yourself,. She rejects another dress but he requests her to try once,. Mama and Virender’s mother also tell Purvi to try it once,.

Purvi is unable to tie the threads of her top,. How to tie them? She notices kids passing from there and ask Juhi to help but Juhi tells, I don’t know how to do it,. I will send someone for help,. On the stairs, Manas asks, his sister why she lied,. She replies that she wants Baba to apologize to haathi in private,. 

Manas claps after hearing her idea,. They ask Virender that haathi has called him upstairs,. Virender tells, we are waiting for her here,. she was going to show that dress to us,. Juhi tells, we don’t know but she asked us to send you upstairs,. He goes,. Kids high-five,.

Virender enters but looks away the moment he notices the thread,. He asks, Purvi what she wanted to say,. Purvi tells, I asked kids to send someone for help,. He tells, kids told me you asked for me so I am here,. She asks, him if the kids are on his side too,. I dint call you,. I am not able to tie the thread,. He offers to do it,. She tells, I will call someone else,. He politely offers to do it if she does not mind,. She agrees,. 

saiyaan plays,. Virender ties the thread of her top,. Anyone can make mistakes,. I forgave you when you made one,. I made mistake too and I am apologizing to you,. Please forgive me,. I can say it again – sorry,. She looks at him,. Your apologies wont change anything as you will do it all over again,. Stop doubting me, apologizing and then breaking my trust,. You don’t trust me even though I have proved myself so many times,. Stop apologizing,. You must be thinking why I am so upset,. I know I should have told you the truth before anyone else but you never tried to understand me,. That incident happened 7 years ago,. You don’t know what we have been through in these past days,. Did you ever try to understand or feel any of it? You could never understand me,. 

He requests her to calm down,. I know what you have been through in the past 7 days,. Tell me what I should do,. I will do anything if I can make you happy,. He gives her choices of all that he can offer to do for her including being her servant for 7 days,. She asks, him if he is ready for the task,. He nods,. All men are Joru Ka Ghulam,. I too can be one for you,. She tells, I wont forgive you even then,.

It is haldi ceremony,. Vaibhav is sitting quietly in a corner while everyone else is dancing,.

 Priyu comes there as well,. Purvi is wearing the new dress,. She too dances with everyone else,. Virender looks at her,. He keeps looking at her all along,. Priyu is also excited to dance,.

Anjali goes to bring haldi,. Virender’s mother tells her to add rose petals as well,.

Purvi notices Virender looking at her while she is dancing,.

Anjali mixes red chilli in the haldi,. Jyoti asks, her why she is taking so much time,. Everyone is looking for you,. Anjali tells, Priyu wont forget this haldi her entire life,. Jyoti asks, her what she has done,. Anjali shows the empty container to her,. She gave you pain,. Now she will pay back for it this way,.

 Purvi notices them returning with haldi,. Anjali and Jyoti are smiling which puzzles Purvi,. I must keep an eye on them,. Anjali asks, everyone to gather for the haldi ritual,. Virender’s mother asks, Purvi to start the ritual as she is Priyu’s sister,. Purvi applies haldi to her sister,. Anjali looks on,. Your happy tears will turn into the tears of jealousy and pain soon,. Priyu hugs her,. Jyoti wonders why they aren’t feeling itchy yet,. Anjali nods at her sister,. Virender’s mother applies haldi to Priyu and Vaibhav,. Vaibhav starts feeling itchy,. Jyoti and Anjali are taken aback,. Vaibhav asks, for water,. His mother asks, Anjali what she has mixed in it,. Anjali feigns innocence,. Priyu isn’t itchy,.

Flashback shows Anjali speaking sweetly to Priyu,. I got a special bowl of haldi for you,. 

Purvi overhears them,. I must switch the bowls as I don’t trust these 2,. She smartly changes the bowl when Anjali and Jyoti get busy,. Flashback ends,.

Anjali sends Vaibhav to washroom,. Haldi does not suit everyone,. Virender’s mother questions Anjali,. Priyu is fine,. What kind of haldi did you bring? Anjali looks at Jyoti,. I mixed spices and chilli in Priyu’s haldi,. Why did it react on Vaibhav?

Mama tells everyone to calm down,. He asks, Virender to apply haldi as well,. Purvi steps aside,. Virender applies haldi to Priyu,. He looks at Purvi,. You aren’t willing to forgive me so see what I will do now,. Purvi is busy talking to the guests,. 

Virender applies haldi on her face and looks at her pointedly,. Anjali, Mama ji and Virender’s mother notice it,. Purvi applies haldi on Virender’s cheek as well,. She tries to walk away but Virender pulls her back and applies more haldi on both her cheeks,. Anjali fumes,. Mama is sure Mukhi will work his charm on Mukhiyayin today,. Purvi applies haldi all over Virender’s face and neck,. Virender picks her up on his shoulder and takes her to a corner,. He pours a bottle of dry haldi or colours on her,.   

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