Mere sai 22nd January written episode update


Mere sai 22nd January written episode update

Mere sai 22nd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Varda shows the jewellery to her husband,. He tells, the box seems heavy,. She tells, I have arranged so much jewellery for her that she will get tired of wearing them,. He looks at them,. They look very costly,. She points out that they are fake,. They don’t look fake though,. Vinayak smirks,. Varda tells, I was afraid that Shripad’s wife might be able to recognize them if she is smart enough but I am relieved after hearing that she is illiterate,. Vinayak agrees with her,. 

Varda asks, him why he wants to distribute blankets amongst poor,. Give me that money if it is too much for you to handle,. Vinayak tells, they are yours only,. Who is actually coming to check whether we have actually done it? We can lie about it if someone asks, her,. The entire money will come to us,. We must continue this drama till Shripad’s wedding,. We must also spend money on the wedding,. She gets upset,. You have used your brain and work hard in the shop yet the money will be spent on that fool’s wedding! He insists that they must do this to win his brother and father’s trust,. I made Shripad believe in me so he can never ask me questions about the earnings,. This wedding will be our last investment in this house,. We will get hold of everything smartly later on and no one will even doubt us,. 

Varda is worried that Sai might alert Aayi Baba,. Vinayak tells, we will play a drama because of which even Sai wont be able to differentiate between truth and lie,.

Sai is still in deep meditation,.

Next morning, Neelkanth ji is on his way to the shop,. I will tell Sorab ji about the leaves and will invite him too,. He finds out from the helper that Yasdeen has experienced another attack,. I have been asked to give medicine,. Neelkanth ji takes it to Sorab ji’s house,. Yasdeen’s condition is very bad,. Neelkanth ji gives medicine to Sorab ji,. Sorab ji tells, I doubt if it will work,. I will bring doctor here,. He leaves,. Neelkanth ji and Yasdeen’s mother are looking after Yasdeen,. 

Yasdeen’s mother wonders why God is punishing Yasdeen,. Neelkanth ji prays to Sai,. I know Sorab ji does not trust you but you are the only one who can help Yasdeen,. Do something because of which Sorab ji brings you to cure Yasdeen,.

Abdul, Baizama and Appa Kote are looking at Sai,. Baizama asks, Abdul why Sai spoke of meditating for 24 hours,. Abdul tells, He did not share that but it looks like he is helping someone,. Baizama looks at Sai intently,.

Yasdeen’s mother passes out,. Neelkanth ji goes to bring medicine for her,. Yasdeen is still experiencing seizure,. Sai appears at the door and calls out to Yasdeen,. She looks towards the door,. Sai holds Yasdeen’s hand as he sits next to her,. She calms down and smiles,. 

Neelkanth ji is giving medicine to Yasdeen’s mother in the background,. Sai asks, her if she is fine,. She nods,. Who are you? Sai tells, I am your friend,. I came to talk to you and hear you talk too,. Yasdeen tells, I experience seizures whenever I try to do something,. Sai assures her that Ram ji will fix everything,. He keeps his hand on her head lovingly,. Should I go now as you are fine? Yasdeen repeats his words at him,. Sai tells, we will do that on another day,. You need to rest right now,. You can come to meet me in Shirdi though,. Get up and come to Shirdi now,. I will wait for you,. Will you come? She nods,. Om Sai plays,. He disappears suddenly which puzzles Yasdeen,. Where did my friend go? Yasdeen’s mother is taking Yasdeen’s name as she gains conscious,. 

Yasdeen sits up,. I am here and I am perfectly fine,. Everyone is surprised to see her fine,. Yasdeen’s mother hugs her,. Neelkanth ji tells, her health has been restored whenever I took Sai’s name,. Sorab ji comes with doctor and is pleasantly surprised to see Yasdeen fine,. How are you? She tells, I am fine,. Sorab ji tells doctor that these seizures are snatching her childhood,. There will be a permanent solution to it? Doc denies,. I told you I can give you medicines to keep her healthy but there is no permanent cure to it,. Sorab ji asks, him if Yasdeen will never recover,. Doc advises him to pray,. God is really powerful,. He can make anything happen,. He excuses himself,.

Sorab ji looks at his daughter sadly,. Neelkanth ji tells, you say no every time but I am telling you,. You should take her to Sai once,. He has cured every illness,. He does not even take money from anyone,. You have taken her to every doc,. Please show her to Sai upon my request,. You are like my family,. She is like my daughter,. I wont misguide you,. 

Yasdeen’s mother asks, him where they can find Sai,. Neelkanth ji tells, Shirdi,. Sorab ji tells, I have told you many time,. Yasdeen cuts him mid sentence,. I want to go to Shirdi,. Her mother asks, her how she knows about Shirdi,. Yasdeen tells, I want to meet my friend,. Everyone is puzzled,. Yasdeen insists upon going to Shirdi,. I wont ask for anything after this,. Neelkanth ji smiles,. This is also Sai’s doing,. Listen to me now,. Radhika’s wedding has been fixed in Shirdi,. Come and attend the wedding there,. You can meet Sai once,. Meeting Him might change everything,. Yasdeen demands to go to Shirdi,. Her parents give in,. 

Neelkanth ji is thrilled to hear it,. Sorab ji thinks I don’t trust the fact that Sai will be able to help my daughter,.

Baizama, Appa Kote and Abdul are still in Shirdi,. Sai opens his eyes and smiles,. Baizama asks, Him if He is fine,. He nods,. It is a very happy day today as 2 people are going to embark on a new journey today,. I was praying to Ram ji for their well being,.

Neelkanth ji and Sorab ji reach Shirdi with their families,. Yasdeen is looking for her friend,. Tau ji wants to meet Shripad’s family first,. I will discuss everything on my own,. None of you have to come along,. He leaves,.

Radhika tells her Baba she wants to meet Sai first of all,. Please take me to Him,. 

Neelkanth ji asks, Sorab ji to come along,. You will be able to know Him after meeting Him only,. Sorab ji looks at his daughter,. Yasdeen wonders where she can find her friend,. He dint even tell me His name,. Sorab ji tells, yes,. They head to Dwarkamai,.

Neelkanth ji’s family is overwhelmed to be in Dwarkamai whereas Sorab ji and his wife look around worriedly,. Neelkanth ji remarks that he was yearning to see his Sai’s Dwarkamai,. Sorab ji thinks how will Sai be able to fix my daughter if He lives here,.

Sai smiles,. Yasdeen turns around and spots her friend,. She calls out to Sai,. Radhika’s eyes well up,. Yasdeen runs to hug her friend,. Sorab ji and his wife look on in shock,. 

Yasdeen tells Sai she came here like He asked her to,. Sorab ji reminds Yasdeen she shouldn’t meet strangers like this,. She apologizes to him,. I came to meet Him only,. Neelkanth ji tells, she is not at fault,. My Sai is like that only,. People are attracted to Him,. He seeks Sai’s blessings,. Sai asks, Neelkanth ji if he wont hug him,. You have come here for your daughter’s wedding after all,. Neelkanth ji hugs Sai,. Radhika and Devki ji smile through tears,. Neelkanth ji tells, you know everything,. It is happening as per your wish only,. Please bless my daughter,. Sai walks up to Radhika,. 

She touches His feet but He stops her and wipes her tears,. I can understand your worry but move ahead without any fear, pain or guilt,. Accept your fate,. Remember that everything happens for a reason,. Don’t think that you are alone,. I will be with you whenever you will call my name,. He blesses her,.    

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