Lockdown ki love story 19th January written episode update


Lockdown ki love story 19th January written episode update

Lockdown ki love story 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Shashi asking Dhruv to come back home soon,. Milky comes and says, you said you will give me protection, I m fed up, you are tolerating me because of the baby, if you think we are a burden, then we will die,. She tries to jump down the railing,. Nutan and Shashi stop her,. Milky says, Sheetal and Ankita tried to hear my talks by a spying bug, why did they stop me here, just to take revenge,. Ankita says, no, I didn’t do anything,. Nutan asks, Sheetal to say,.

 Sheetal says, I thought to find Milky’s truth,. Milky says, a baby is living in me, and you all are conspiring, I will abort this child,. Everyone says, no,. Nutan asks, Sheetal not to trouble Milky,. Shashi asks, Milky to stay relieved, he will take care of her,. He takes Milky for shopping,.

Milky shops for the baby,. She says, I m sure you all care for my baby, we will go home,. He says, I have a meeting, I will just come, you go home,. He sends her,. He goes to meet Sonam and family,. He apologizes to them,. He says, everything will be fine soon,. Pratap asks, how will it get fine,. Sonam says, we have to make Milky admit the truth, she can fall to any extent for the proof, we have to make her trapped in her own plan,.

Shashi says, Milky got the recorder which Sheetal fixed, she will get more alert, you have to be alert,. 

Sonam says, sorry, I will be careful,. Shashi says, if she is really pregnant, then we have to be more careful,. Milky comes there and does a drama,. She says, I got the family here to show his truth, he is with Sonam,. Nutan asks, them to stop the games, and think of the baby,. She apologizes to Milky,. Milky goes to the storeroom,. She says, they can’t get saved, I will teach them a lesson,. She calls and asks, someone to prepare a fake report of the complications of her fake pregnancy,. Batasa hears this and gets shocked,. She pushes him,. He falls down and shouts,. 

Milky hits a stone on his head,. He faints,. Nutan comes and gets shocked,. Milky threatens Nutan and suffocate her neck,. She says, we have to hide his dead body first,. Nutan apologizes to Batasa and cries,. Milky says, I will not leave you, come,.

Everyone waits for Nutan and Milky,. Sheetal says, I m worried for Nutan,. Shashi says, Nutan is supporting her,. Nutan gets Milky home,. Sonam says, Dhruv and I can’t stay away, we don’t trust you, I called the doctor for the sonography test, if your pregnancy news is true, then here are the tickets for me and my family, we will leave the city right away,. 

Subhadra says, if you want to give birth to Dhruv’s baby, we will not come between, get the test done,. Milky starts crying and holds Nutan’s hand,. Nutan asks, her to stop it,. She says, Milky won’t do any sonography, I m coming from the doctor, doctor said there are complications in her pregnancy, what’s the need for the tests again, don’t you trust me,. Milky says, leave it, they didn’t ask why did you get me on wheelchair, the baby is affected by the emotional stress, doctor asked me to be on wheelchair,.

Sonam says, no need to do the tests, Nutan is saying right,. Shashi says, forgive us for the mistakes,. Nutan says, Sheetal shouldn’t trouble Milky,. 

Nutan cries and recalls putting Batasa in the car dickey,. She says, he went to his village, he asked for holiday, I will take Milky’s responsibility,. They ask what,. Subhadra says, Sonam, we should leave, everything is over here,. Milky says, stop Sonam, you won’t go anywhere, I got a gift for you,.

She shows the divorce papers,. She says, I can’t tolerate that I get blamed for separating Dhruv and you, I have signed the papers, you take Dhruv’s signs on it,. Sonam says, I don’t know what to say,. 

Milky says, don’t say anything, I have another surprise for you,. Pandit comes home,. Milky says, I have called you, get mahurat for Dhruv and Sonam’s marriage,. Pandit says, sure,. He gives the mahurat,. Milky says, marriage will happen in 3 days,. Subhadra says, I will start the preparations, we can get rituals done,. 

Pratap says, Sonam got happiness, we will take this alliance to Dhruv formally,. Sonam thanks her,. Sheetal says, we will keep lady nurse for Milky’s care, we will send her to her mum’s place, she can rest well there,.    

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