Kyun rishton mein katti batti 27th January written episode update


Kyun rishton mein katti batti 27th January written episode update

Kyun rishton mein katti batti 27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Rishi is upset,. Roli tells, you’re thinikng mama is upset because you lied? Mama is happy because yous saved her,. See I got you gifts,. She gives him a rubber arrow,. He tells, you fixed it? It was your fav,. She tells, you’re my fav brother,.

Shubhra comes to Kuldeep’s room,. Sam gets ready for date night and tells, you got the cake? Place it here,. Sorry Phirki is out to get wine,. Shubhra tells, I am sorry about what Rishi did,. Sam tells, I am sure you knew all of this would happen,. Kuldeep comes,. He tells, Shubhra what are you doing here? She tells, I got the cake,. 

Sam tells, Kuldeep was upset, so I thought we can have a date night here,. She gives him the ring and tells, make me wear it,. Shubhra tells, let me see the kids,. Sam tells, can you capture this special moment for us? Shubhra tells, of course,. She takes their photo while Kuldeep makes Sam wear the ring,. Shubhra is teary,. They cut the cake,. Shubhra makes a video,. Sam tells, thank you,. Shubhra leaves,. Sam tells, why do you feel so uncomfortable? You’re nothing to her anymore,. You are only mine,. Kuldeep tells, of course,. He hugs her,.

Shubhra calls Chaandrani,. Chaandrani tells, Rishi lied but to save you,. Shubhra tells, you’re right but kids would start lying,. I can’t let their innocence go away from them,. This is my wrong upbringing,.

 Chandrani tells, he’s stand for you like Kuldeep never did for me,. Shubhra tells, Kuldeep is gone,. Chaandrani tells, you can’t give up Shubhra tells, I will make them pay for hurting my kids,. Chaandrani tells, this Sam is clever,. Have to get her background,.

Sam tells, in office our company is having another board of directors today,. Rajeev tells, it would be me,. Sam tells, it’s Mr Kuldeep,. Sam tells, congrats Chadha,. He tells, it all happened because of you,. Thank you,. Sam tells, you deserve it,. He tells, if I didn’t meet you I would still be in Pune doing nothing,. She tells, now you know what can I do for you,. She tells, let’s go to Mr,. Toshi,. Kuldeep tells, I forgot the file home,. Sam tells, he can reverse this decision,. He tells, it must be at home,. She tells, we can’t lose this meeting,. Get the file,.

Shubhra calls ChandRani,. She asks, Shubhra to look inside the room,.

 Kuldeep calls Shubhra,. Shubhra is in Sam’s room,. Shubhra takes out the files,. Phirki comes to the kids and sings bach ke tu rehna,. Kuldeep calls Phirki and tells, give phone to Shubhra,. Phirki looks for Shubhra,. Shubhra tells, to Chandrani I looked in the entire room can’t find it,. Shubhra comes out of the room,. Phirki tells, you were in my didi’s room again? What were you stealing now? Shubhra tells, you can’t question me,. She tells, let me call Kuldeep,.,. She calls Kuldeep and tells, here’s Shubhra,.

Kuldeep tells, where were you Shubhra ? 

There’s a purple file in my room in the right drawer,. Please bring that to office,. Shubhra tells, in heart might find Sam’s Pune address,. Shubhra goes to the room and finds the file,. Kuldeep tells, come to the room,. Phirki tells, let me search you first,. She searches Shubhra,. Rishi is looking for Shubhra,. He comes upstairs,. Shubhra tells, to Phirki get done with this,. Rishi comes upstairs,.   

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