Kyun rishton mein katti batti 19th January written episode update


Kyun rishton mein katti batti 19th January written episode update

Kyun rishton mein katti batti 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Shubhra cuts onions,. She sees Chaandrani saying is it onion making you cry or someone else? She says, how can someone be so evil? How can they break kids’ heart,. If Kuldeep doesn’t come home, I will not let Samaira sleep,. Chaandrani says, if my son was of Rishi’s age I would slap him,. Shubhra says, Rishi is so heartbroken,. If Kuldeep doesn’t help him with his project he would be hurt,. my son is wise but he’s a kid,. Chandrani says, mine in 34 still acts like a child,. 

Phirki says, you’re talking to yourself? Missing my didi? She never asked me any question,. Shubhra says, your didi never knew where does 25 kg oil go,. There were three boxes of haldi, now there’s one,. She says, they must be here,. Shubhra says, no chocolates in this box,. Rishi Roli didn’t eat them,. Phirki says, they are kids, they won’t tell you,. They are not innocent,. They open fridge every 10 minutes,. Shubhra says, so they eat your didi’s clothes as well? Shubhra says, I know everything,. If you come in my way, all of this will be out,.

Rishi shows his project to Shubhra,. She says, well done,. You are so grown up,. She says, let’s do recording,. She records him,. 

Rishi says, Roli fights with me every day,. She’s my sister,. When she’s home I don’t need to watch cartoons because she’s one,. But we share secrets and never tell anyone,. She makes me laugh,. My aai is the best,. I feel the worst when aai is sad,. I never cry in front of her,. She helps us with everything,. I want to help her always,. She is world’s best mom,.

And my papa is most special,.

Kuldeep and Samaira come in,. She says, we will celebrate at the best place tomorrow,. Samaira says, Shubhra congratulate Kuldeep,. Shubhra says, congrats,. She says, ever since I came back to his life, he is only achieving,. Doesn’t look like he will ever look back,. I gifted him the most expensive phone so he didn’t even look at the old phone,. Thanks for waiting but we did our dinner already,. She goes to the room,.

Kuldeep says, look at the phone,. It’s so expensive,. I couldn’t even dream about it,. I earned it today,. 

She says, you must be happy,. Congrats,. Today is a good day,. We also earned something else,. Bigger than this,. She shows him Rishi’s video,. He says, my papa is most special,. I am happiest when we play with him,. But these days we don’t get to spend time with him,. He’s busy with work so we get everything,. Papa doesn’t express much like God, but he loves us the most,. Shubhra says, he’s living in a delusion that we are a happy family,. He doesn’t know his small happiness doesn’t count in front of his dad’s expensive phone,.

Samaira wakes up and hugs Kuldeep,. He is lost in thoughts,. She asks, what happened,. He says, I am neglecting my kids,. 

Samaira says, it’s common with ambitious people,. We have to decide our priorities,. Don’t be an emotional fool,. You are giving them everything,. Shubhra is giving them time,. You can pay for what they want and their education,. Shubhra is making you feel the guilt,. I have seen her playing games,. Kuldeep says, why would she do it? She says, I had to alert you,. People get jealous,. I want to see you successful,. Kuldeep says, thank you,. Talking to you makes me feel better,. I have decided, I will spend one hour before with kids,. She says, sounds nice,.

Kuldeep comes to kids,. Rishi doesn’t talk to him,. Kuldeep hugs him and says, I am busy with work,. You did so well,. Roli says, if he used my idea his project would be the best,. Rishi says, she wrote lame poems,. Kuldeep says, she’s young,.

 Roli says, but more intelligent,. But you don’t give me time papa,. Kuldeep says, I am always thinking about you,. She says, I am not stupid,. I know elders have to work,. You can’t leave work and stay home with me,. He says, smart princess,. She says, we will come to your office, we can spend time with you,. Yayyy,. I am genius,. Kuldeep says, kids can’t go there,. Rishi says, please we want to see your office,. He nods,.

Samaira comes and says, let’s go,. Roli says, we are also going to office,. 

Samaira says, what? Kuldeep says, kids didn’t go outsince they came here,. They want to see office,. Samaira says, is this a joke? He says, they will come back with Shubhra,.    

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