Kyun rishton mein katti batti 18th January written episode update


Kyun rishton mein katti batti 18th January written episode update

Kyun rishton mein katti batti 18th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Samaira was about to talk about Shubhra when Kuldeep stops her and gifts her a ring,. She asks, what he did,. He spent his first salary for that ring? He says, it’s nothing for smile that he’s seeing on her face right now and in end he got salary because of her only,. Samaira recalls Phirki advising her not to complain to Kuldeep like a typical wife,. She stays quiet,.

Rishi and Roli are playing a board game with Shubhra,. They are confident they will win the battle against Samaira,.

Kuldeep thanks Samaira for understanding his situation and allowing his family to stay there,. He asks, her to try the ring,. 

She says, not today,. She will wear it on a special day,.

Samaira shows the ring to Shubhra,. Shubhra says, it’s very beautiful,. She deserves this as Kuldeep gets his salary from her only,. Kuldeep’s choice is very good,. Samaira then shows a dress that Kuldeep gifted her,. She tells Shubhra not to bring lunch to office as they often take lunch with clients and her effort will go waste,. Shubhra smiles and says, right,. Samaira tells Shubhra that she must have felt bad as Kuldeep didn’t give any gift to her from his first salary,. She gives shoes to her saying she just wore it once,. 

Rishi hears everything and gets very angry,. Shubhra gestures her to calm down,. He goes back to his room and bangs the door,. Shubhra excuses herself,.

Shubhra calls Beeji and cries saying Samaira has no shame,. She did all this in front of her kids,. He was so angry,. She made him calm with so much difficulty,. Beeji tells her to keep calm and make Samaira jealous,. Shubhra says, it doesn’t matter to her what others say to her, but why her kids have to see this,. She wonders whether she’s making a mistake by doing all this in order to take kids to their father,. Beeji says, not at all,. She encourages Shubhra,. 

Shubhra asks, what shall she do,. Beeji says, Samaira is using kids against her,. But kids are her strength,. She asks, Shubhra to promise that she will make sure kids get what they deserve from their father,. Shubhra promises,. Beeji is happy,.

Next day, Shubhra comes to wake up Rishi and Roli,. To her surprise, Rishi is awake already,. He’s quiet,. She asks, if everything is okay,. He says, they got a project of happy family,. She says,, they will make it,. What’s the problem ? 

He says, what he will write,.,. he can’t think anything about happy family and their family is not happy and project is due tomorrow,. She says, she will help him,. She cheers him up and asks, her to wake up Roli and come outside for breakfast,.

Samaira and Kuldeep come for breakfast,. Samaira notices Shubhra coming and feeds Kuldeep to make her jealous,. Shubhra comes and asks, Kuldeep it’s the same shirt that she gifted him, right? He’s looking very handsome,. Samaira diverts the topic by telling Kuldeep that he needs hair spa,. They will go to best salon this weekend,. Kuldeep asks, where are kids ? 

Shubhra says, they are coming,. She then tells him that he will need to help Rishi in his project,. He agrees,. Samaira says, they are getting late and they should pack their breakfast,. Kids come,. Rishi goes to kids and hugs them,. Samaira asks, shall they leave,. Shubhra says, she will make Rishi talk with Kuldeep on phone,. Samaira says, today is going to be hectic, she doesn’t think they will get any free time,. She asks, Shubhra to do the project,. Shubhra says, it’s a happy family project,. Father part only Kuldeep can do,. After Kuldeep leaves, Samaira tells Shubhra that Kuldeep is not part of their so-called happy family,.

Samaira and Kuldeep come to office,. She takes out her frustration on her staff,. She asks, everyone to come to meeting room,.

 In meeting room, she asks, everyone to turn off their cell phones and collects their phones,. She says, a project got preponed and they have to show presentation today only,. Kuldeep says, it won’t be an issue,. She says, whichever employee makes best presentation will get an expensive phone as a gift,.

Rishi is working on his project,. Roli irritates him,. Rishi calls Shubhra and asks, if he should talk to Kuldeep now,. They call Kuldeep, but his phone is off,. Rishi says, without Kuldeep, it’s impossible to do his project,. He gives such great ideas,. 

Shubhra says, he must be busy and tells Rishi to do other parts meanwhile,. Rishi asks, her to drop a message to Kuldeep to call when he’s free,. Shubhra messages Samaira to tell Kuldeep to talk with Rishi,. Samaira reads and says,, if you are smart, then I am smarter,. She smiles,.    

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