Kyun Rishton me katti batti 4th January written episode update


Kyun Rishton Me Katti Batti 4th January 2021 Written Episode, Written Update....  

Doctor checks Shubhra. Kuldeep drags out Samaira.  
He says :- why did you have come in front of Shubhra? I was taking her to the hotel. I could handle it but you came.
Samaira says :- I couldn’t even think she could come here. I won’t have come out otherwise and the way she was blaming me, I couldn’t see it. If anyone is wrong, that’s me. Not you. If I didn’t love you this won’t have happened. I didn’t want to hurt you.   
Kuldeep says :- don’t cry. It’s not your fault. He hugs her.
The doctor comes out.  
He says :- she’s dehydrated. Bring these medicines, she will be alright.
Kuldeep looks at Shubhra. Shubhra opens her eyes and recalls the incidents from the start.   
What Rishi saw and how his tie was found it her bag. And Rishi didn’t see Roli falling in the pool and Kuldeep lying he got a call from the office.
She recalls Varsha and Radhika telling her.
Shubhra stands up and says I want to go home.   
He says :- what are you doing ? You are not well. Shubjra picks her things and walks out.   

She says :- I have to go to kids. I have to go home.  
Kuldeep says :- don’t do this.
Shubhra shouts enough. Stop all this. how long will you act as nothing happened ? My life is destroyed. Stop acting innocent. Enough with your lies.
He says :- I know you...   
Shubhra says :- you don’t know what I am going through. Neither can you understand. How long was this going on for? And this time don’t even dare to lie. I got to know you now. Only answer me.
That woman, she is living with you for a few days. You both were fooling me for so many days. Kuldeep is silent.  
Sanjana cuts the bananas. Her husband says would he be able to eat so many bananas ?  
She says :- he has to exert out that marble.
The doctor said he needs to eat all these bananas. What will I say to Shubhra if he’s not okay ?
He says relax, don’t worry. Kids are like that.  

Rishi and Roli see the X-ray and try to find dice in it.
Roli says :- I will tell everyone you swallowed in a dice.
He says stop.   
Roli runs out. Roli says Amul, she shouts in the balcony Rishi ate a dice.
It will come out in his excretion. Sanjana’s husband says he’s fine now. Look at them.  
Kuldeep says believe me. Please. It only started a few days back. Before that, there was no such thing.
Shubhra says on the anniversary day...
He nods. Samaira looks at them.
Kuldeep says :- I went to meet Samaira that day for work. It started there, I don’t know, how. We kept bonding in this relationship.   
After that... Shubhra says you never even tried to stop it. You decided to keep your wife in dark and roam around with your girlfriend. Move here with your gf and say it’s a job. And Shubhra won’t even know ?   


She grasps his collar and says what was my fault that you gave me such a big punishment ? What was my fault ? Trusting you and loving me ? Was there any shortcoming in my love that you had to go to someone else ? You cheated on me, why ? She screams and cries.  
What is so special in that Samaira that you forgot your 12 years long marriage, your 2 kids, you left everything and went away with her. In one day what did she do that you forgot everything ? She took you away from us. We promised to stay together in happy and sad moments.
I did everything. She cries and sobs. You took your handoff. I couldn’t even know when you left my hand.   
She sobs. When Rishi fell, you were not there. Remember ? When Roli drowned, you were not there. Whenever the kids needed you, you were not there.
She shoves him and shouts and you told me I am not a good mother?  

Sanjana says :- eat this banana and sleep.
Roli says :- tell us a story.   
Sanjana says :- I will tell you the story of your papa and mama. And how their love story started. They met at college.
Rishi says :- how it starts in the movies ?
Sanjana says :- yes.   
Sanjana says one day your Aaju baba found out. He got super angry.
Roli says :- he’s such an angry guy. When we...   
Sanjana says :- don’t say that about elders. Sanjana says your Aaju baba locked mama in one room. Your papa got upset.   
Roli says :- it’s the same in fairy tales. Prince takes the princess. Roli says what’s next ? 
Rishi says quite.   
Sanjana says :- your mama’s prince charming took mama with him.
Roli says yayy papa is so brave. He is my hero.

Sanjana says papa took mama with him. He said he will always keep her happy. Roli says :- that’s why mama went to him today. It’s their special day.   
Rishi says :- i must be so happy.
Shubhra grabs Kuldeep’s collar and says because of you I left my studies, my parents, everythign.   
He says :- you didn’t do a favor on me. If I liked you, you also liked me. I gave up on my family as well because of you. My MBA degree, my dreams. It all went up in the air all because of you. To complete your demands, I had to give up on my dreams.   
Shubhra says :- demads ? What have I ever demanded from you and what did you give me ? I was happy about yours and your kids’happiness. What else did I want ?  

Samaira comes and says I know Shubhra after knowing all this you must be hurt. We didn’t want to hurt you that’s why we kept it hidden.   
Shubhra says :- stop Samaira ji, this is between me and my husband. I don’t like an outsider speaking in my family matter.   
Samaira says :- I don’t agree, you’re talking about me and my relationship with Kuldeep. It’s my right ot speak. And you have to listen. Even if you hate. When and how it happened doesn’t matter now. The truth is that Kuldeep and I love each other. We live together. How to react to this situation depends on you. You have to make a decision for yourself and the kids. And yes, if Kuldeep wants to save this marriage and leave me, I will agree to it and go away from both of you.  

But if that happens, Kuldeep will also lose his job. The job that can give you and your kids a happy and safe life.
If we work together, this relationship can’t stop. If he wants to leave you and continue his relationship with me, that’s his choice. In that condition, he would want to leave you. That’s what I think. Right, Kuldeep ?   

Samaira says :- but you know what, it’s not such a big deal in these modern times. There’s a third option as well. An option that won’t trouble either of us.
You know Kuldeep cares for you. Even if you don’t trust him, I have seen him being worried for you and your kids. He wants to give you guys everything.
That’s why when he got the joining bonus he sent all the amount to you. But life is about moving forward. He also has a right to fulfill his dreams.  

If someone recognized his talent and gave him this post of VP, it’s benefiting you and the kids. You can accept this relationship in exchange for it. Can’t you do that ?   
Shubhra says :- what do you want ? Samaira says :- I am saying we can both stay in Kuldeep’s life.     

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