Kundali Bhagya 28th January written episode update


Kundali Bhagya 28th January written episode update

Kundali Bhagya 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with when Sameer confirms the guest about Akshay,. The man was speaking about his son,. He gets a call from Preeta,. Preeta tells, Akshay challenged her to prove against him,. She is leaving with Shrishti to collect proofs against him,. He must stay home and let not Akshay find out where she is,.

Sherlin speaks to Kritika in the room that her relation, with Akshay is very delicate,. Karina is right about Preeta, that her friendship might be toxic for Kritika,. Kritika asks, for a glass of water, which Sherlin goes to bring,. Sherlin thinks Preeta’s time is finished, now everyone will only ask about Sherlin,.

Shrishti had collective the pen drive and other proves when Preeta reaches,.

 Shrishti hits a girl in veil on her way,. Preeta was thankful to Shrishti and tells, now Akshay will know he is hiding a girl Ruchika from her life,. Shrishti discusses with Preeta that she is happy Ruchika does not know they have collected proof against her, from her own house,. They go to disgrace Akshay on his Haldi day today,.

At home, Kritika’s Haldi function started,. Akshay thinks he is really smart; he has no fear of Kritika,. But he has fooled this Luthra family well, even Karan Luthra,. Until Karan is undoubtful of him, everything is fine,. Because Karan would not even need proof against him,. If he tells, the wedding cannot happen, it cannot,. 

Akshay gets a call from Megha,. He thinks even this Megha dies on him and ignores the call,.

Ruchika had seen Preeta and Shrishti and calls Akshay,. He takes the call and tells, his Haldi is going on,. Ruchika tells, Preeta and Akshay got proof against him,. Akshay loudly asks,, what? Sameer was observing his face and the tension on it,. Rakhi calls Sameer to the ritual,.

Akshay goes to a corridor and asks, details,. Ruchika tells, Preeta and Shrishti had a bundle of photos of thiers,. They stole the pictures from her house,. They are going to expose him in Haldi function,. Akshay was alert,. Ruchika tells him auto vehicle number,. After the ritual, Sameer goes looking for Akshay,.

A dwarf man in a workshop brings Babu his phone, as Akshay is calling,.

 Akshay comes to a washroom and asks, for his help,. He tells, he needs to protect himself from someone, and for the purpose Babu will need to hurt the person,.

Sameer comes looking for Akshay,. He finds a displaced door mat in the room and guess he is in bathroom,. Akshay sends pictures of the two girls and auto number,. He asks, him to steal the envelope from them, and Preeta’s phone,. They have some proof against him,. He forwards the photos of girls,. Akshay promises his demanded money… turns around to see Sameer’s approaching shadow,. Akshay comes out of the bath and asks, Sameer if he had to go to washroom,. Sameer smiles that everyone was looking for him,. Akshay tells, his stomach is upset,.

 Sameer thinks he knows Akshay must be talking on phone to Ruchika,. They head downstairs,.

Sanjana asks, Sherlin from which temple they brought the Haldi,. It brought a glow to Kritika’s face,. Mahira tells,, it is from their Kul Devi temple,. Rakhi tells, it is from their Luthra house Kul Devi temple,. Mahira and Sherlin were upset at Rakhi’s explanation,.

Karan comes to stage and playfully teases Kritika,. Akshay comes with Sameer,. Karan invites him on stage,. Kritika asks, where he had been,. Akshay whispers he had stomach upset,. Karan teases Kritika to lend him some space at least,.

Sameer asks, Karan why he looks upset,. Karan was annoyed that Preeta is not here in time, he did not want to speak to her but now he should,.

 Sameer thinks he must stop Karan from going to Preeta,. He stops Karan and tells, Preeta was guilty of having problems with Akshay,. She is in her room and planning a surprise for the family,. Karan wishes that Akshay’s family appreciate the surprise,.

Akshay silently prays to God for help and get him rid of Preeta,. He wishes Babu handles Preeta well, otherwise he would not be able to handle this Haldi,. Babu spoke to his assistant on road that Preeta seems to be an innocent girl,. Babu spots the approaching auto and hurries into his truck,. They follow the auto,. Preeta warns the driver against speed of the truck,. Babu waits to hit the auto at a place where there is crowd,. The accident takes place,.

Karan feels a strange sensation,.

Preeta had fallen on the road, unconscious,. People gathered at the spot of accident,. Shrishti was conscious soon and cries for Preeta,. People there blame Babu who takes a flee,. 

Shrishti shouts for help to call ambulance,.

Karan walks to the door,. He felt strange,. He notices a tear on his face,. Sameer comes to Karan and asks, why he is crying,. Karan asks, if Preeta is home,. Sameer tells, Preeta just called, she is planning a surprise for Akshay and family,. Karan looks away,. Karina comes to Karan and tells, everyone has performed the ritual; she wishes her brother were here,. She requests Karan to go in place of Mahesh,.

 Rakhi points that Preeta also did not do,. Karan was tensed,.

Sameer applies Haldi to Akshay,. He thinks that once Akshay’s true face reveals to everyone, he will push him out of the house,.

Mahira and Shrishti discuss that Preeta is not in the function,.   

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