Kumkum bhagya 26th January written episode update


Kumkum bhagya 26th January written episode update

Kumkum bhagya 26th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with  Abhi telling Pragya that someone wants to kill her as the shooter fires bullet at them,. Abhi holds Pragya’s hand and asks, her to run,. Pragya tells, she knows him as she hit the guy’s bike with the car and tells him that she will talk to him,. Abhi tells, he is shooting and you will talk to him,. The shooter aims a gun at them,. Abhi asks, Pragya to talk to that guy later, as she is shooting them now,. Just then someone brings the car and stops on the way,. Abhi asks, Pragya to come and they run,. Pragya sits in the car and asks, him to drive,. He asks, how? She moves to the side seat and tells, sorry,. He sits in the car and checks for the keys, gets down from the car,. Pragya sees the shooter running and coming towards them,. Abhi and Pragya look shocked,. 

The shooter tries to shoot at him but gets short of bullets,. Abhi asks, if the bullets got fewer and ask him to fight with him,. Just then he gets Purab’s call and tells him that he is doing the work of revenge,. The shooter takes out a small gun and aims at Abhi,. Pragya throws a stone on him to make the gun fall down,. Abhi pushes the cart kept there and he falls down,. Purab calls Abhi again,. Abhi picks the call,. Purab tells, he is happy to see them married,. Pragya takes the call and tells him about the shooter behind them,. Purab tells, he will call Police and asks, her to call Police too,. The Shooter gets up as he gets a call from the guy and informs him that they have run away,. The guy tells, he has to hire more people to kill Abhi,.

Abhi and Pragya come to the road and see the people dancing and horse standing there,. 

Abhi tells, there were no guests in our marriage,. Pragya tells, he didn’t call anyone,. Just then Abhi sees the shooter coming there and goes to the horse owner and asks, him to give the horse as he is the groom,. He convinces him to give a horse,. He then sits with Pragya and rides on it,. The groom and his guests run behind the horse,. The shooter goes back to get his bike,. Ranbir talks to Jai and tells that if they take Dadi’s blessing then they will not let the marriage happen,. Rhea calls him and asks, about the dress which Pallavi gave him,. She asks, how is it? He tells, it is the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, seeing Prachi coming wearing the same dress,. He hears the temple bell sound and asks, Rhea if she is in the temple,. 

She tells, yes, she will be in front of him very soon,.

Abhi and Pragya are riding on the horse,. Abhi tells that they will have a honeymoon after marriage and kisses on her cheeks,. He asks, if she will be only romantic and tells that he will take her to their home,. Pragya tells, our home,. She sees the shooter coming on the bike and tells Abhi,. Abhi tells Pragya that they shall go through the kaccha/unconstructed way and not on road,. The shooter thinks why are they going there,. Pragya asks, him to take the horse there,.

Ranbir asks, Aryan to handle the situation as Rhea came here and asks, Shahana and Prachi to come,. He takes them, while Rhea looks at him,. 

Aryan tells Jai that they have to handle them,.

A security guard of a building tells that Digvijay has called all the shooters,. One of the shooters comes there,. The security guard asks, him to go to the hall,. The horse stops all of a sudden,. Abhi gets down and dances in front of the horse,.

All the sharpshooters gather in the hall, waiting for Digvijay,. A Shooter asks, if anyone knows why they are called,. A shooter tells, the party is big and powerful, maybe he is the army chief and that’s why we all are called to kill him,. A shooter tells, where is the boss? The security guy informs Digvijay that everyone is in the hall,. Digvijay gets down from the car and asks, if all prayers are gathered, killing master, karate, blackbelt, sharpshooters, and knife experts,. 

A shooter asks, who is the guy, whom we have to kill? Digvijay tells, you have to kill him and then give me proof of his death,. The shooter tells, your work will be done,. Digvijay tells, the maximum time to kill him is 12 hours and tells, if you take more time than this, then the money will get less than 2 crores,. A shooter asks, about his enmity with him,. Digvijay doesn’t tell him and asks, everyone to check the details on the phone,. A shooter tells, he doesn’t have a mobile,. 

Digvijay gives him the pic and tells, the guy will have his wife with him, don’t shoot her, I thought something else for her,. He tells, if you kill him in 10 mins then also you will get 2 crores and tells, your time starts now,. He tells, if they couldn’t kill him then his international killers will kill him,. They all leave,. Digvijay thinks Abhi will be dead,.    

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