Ishq mein marjawan 25th January written episode update


Ishq mein marjawan 25th January written episode update

Ishq mein marjawan 25th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Riddhima checking the papers,. She tells, Vansh, aged 15 years, Dadi was right, what crime did he do that he was sent to juvenile center, where is the page with crime details, its missing, I couldn’t reach the secret, what had happened that he was sent to juvenile center, my doubt was get right,. Angre asks, how can she come back and sit if she had gone there,. Vansh tells, when I lifted the ghunghat, she was there, she had gone and took the file as well, how much does she know about the truth which will shake up VR mansion,.

Ishani asks, but how will we know it,. Vansh tells, Dadi can tell us,. Aryan comes and tells, Dadi got normal now,. Vansh asks, what had happened to you Dadi,. Dadi tells, don’t know, Riddhima came with a drink, I didn’t like the taste, she asked me to have it, I felt strange like I m saying things unwillingly,. Vansh thinks Riddhima fed her truth serum to reach my juvenile home secret,.
He asks, what did she ask you,. She tells, she asked me about your pics aged between 15-18 years, I couldn’t lie and told you that you were in juvenile center,. He asks, did you tell my crime,. She tells, no, forgive me,. He asks, her to relax,.

Riddhima recalls Vansh’s words,. She thinks what is Vansh hiding it from me,. Something goes in her eyes,. Vansh comes and blows in her eyes,. She thanks him and slips back,. He holds her close,. Ishq Mein Marjawan…plays… He scolds her for feeding truth serum to Dadi,. He tells, you are thinking to hurt Dadi to get incomplete answers,. She asks, him not to ask anything if he can’t give answers,. He stops her,. He makes her wear red bangles,. She asks, why this now,. He tells, you should have not done this with Dadi, don’t you know you have crossed limits,.

She tells, you had hid the truth, I was helpless to do this, my intentions weren’t wrong, I can never think of hurting Dadi, my mission is to reach the truth,. She breaks the bangle by her hand,.
She tells, when its important to reach the truth, we have to be wrong,. He sees the blood on her hand,. He does the aid,. He asks, do you know what crime I have done, I know you have my case file, but I m telling you, you can never reach that secret, leave it now, you can never reach the truth, I m a secret myself, you can never reach me,. She stops him,. She tells, I didn’t lose, I don’t think I m doing wrong, its related to my parents’ death, I will reach it,.

He tells, you don’t try that with anyone else, you won’t talk to anyone about the secret, you won’t go out, you understand, do anything, but please don’t break my rules, make sure you won’t step out of the house,. She tells, you make any rules, if I have loved you truly, I will reach this secret before our marriage,. He tells, okay, try well, don’t give any excuses,. He leaves,.
Next day, Riddhima is going out,. Vansh stops her,. He tells, I had made rules that you won’t go out,. She tells, I have to go to parlor,. He tells, parlor will come home for you,. She tells, I have to buy few things,. He tells, you think I can’t get the things at home,.

She tells, I felt I know you, I feel I have to know you, I have to go, check and buy things,. He asks, her to learn trusting others,. He tells, someone will shop according to your taste, you can’t go out,. He lifts her and takes her to the room,. She tells, truth will break all the locks and come out, trust me, I m doing this to save our love and relation,. He tells, trust is most imp in love and relation, your actions show how much you trust me,. She tells, you can’t stop me like this,.
He tells, I have no option than to make you away from all this, better stay away,. He gets a handcuff,. She tells, don’t do this,.

He handcuffs her, tying the other end of the chain to the bed,. He tells, I can’t see you in trouble, you are responsible for this, you will stay at home now,. He goes,. She asks, him not to do this,. She looks for her phone,. She tries to get the phone,. She gets her phone,. She calls someone for help,. Vansh comes with the breakfast,. She hides her phone,. He asks, her to have food, there is some time for mahurat,. She tells, you think groom will trap bride in the room and bride will be happily ready for the marriage, no Vansh,. Vansh tells, when a mum stops her child from going towards fire, she seems like a villain to the child, I m the lucky groom who will deck up my would be bride, I have this right on you,.

She sits upset,. He asks, her to have food,.
He tells, you love me, for the sake of my love, just have food, function will take much time,. She eats the food,. Her phone vibrates,. Vansh asks, about the vibration,. Kabir beats up the juvenile center officer,. He asks, why was Vansh in custody, tell me his crime,. The officer tells, I won’t say anything, you can beat me as much as you want,.

Kabir tells, I have to know the truth to ruin him, Riddhima won’t stand against Vansh without knowing the truth,. Kabir beats the man,. He asks, Riddhima to pick up the phone,. Riddhima asks, why can’t you tell me the truth, Vansh,.  

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