Ishq mein marjawan 19th January written episode update


Ishq mein marjawan 19th January written episode update

Ishq mein marjawan 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Vansh pouring the kerosene and lighting the fire to burn the car,. Riddhima gets shocked seeing the fire,. She asks, Bappa to protect her,. She opens the door,. She coughs and falls back,. She says, how shall I go out,. She tries again,. Her saree gets stuck in the door,. Kabir comes there and blows off the fire,. Vansh is shocked,.

He shouts Kabir, how dare you put off the fire,. Kabir says, I m rectifying your wrong work, you are igniting fire near the house,. Vansh argues,. Dadi comes and asks, what are you doing, Vansh,. Kabir gets a call and goes,.

 Dadi says, if you do this, Riddhima will doubt you again, don’t give her any reason that she finds your past,. Riddhima thinks what does Dadi want to do, is Vansh really hiding something, why,. Vansh says, maybe you are right Dadi,. He goes,. Riddhima asks, what story is Vansh hiding, what is this car doing here in VR mansion if its related to my parents’ accident,. She gets down the car and goes,. Kabir sees her and hides,. He thinks fate makes way for us when we are determined to get something, its time to make Riddhima’s doubt stronger against Vansh,. He says, car’s condition is such when it strikes somewhere, I think it had hit someone, you are going in a right direction, I m a policeman and have experience,. 

She says, there is a difference in being policeman and a good policeman,. He says, I know you love Vansh a lot, you have to know about this car, you have to go to a special department to get this info, forensic dept, they check such cars and give the details, this is the task, how will you make this car reach the forensic dept, think,. He goes,.

Riddhima says, I should change, my clothes are stinking of kerosene,. Vansh comes and holds her close,. She says, I didn’t know you are here, I have to go and take a bath,. She thinks I can’t go close to him, how to make him away,. She says, anyone will come,. He gets close to her,. He gets away and says, fine, you need a shower, go and take it, I will wait for you,. He goes,. She says, his mood changed, because of my refusal or the kerosene smell,.

Vansh goes to Angre and asks, how can you be so careless,. Angre asks, what’s the matter,. Vansh says, Riddhima could have died because of me, I should have checked the car before pouring kerosene, Riddhima has reached the car, she was there,. 

Angre says, you mean she was inside the car when you went to burn the car,. Vansh says, yes, Angre,. Angre says, oh God,. Riddhima thinks and says, maybe I m thinking wrong, I have to find the car keys at any cost, where can I find it,. She hears Vansh and Angre’s talk,. Angre asks, what will you tell her if she asks, you,. Vansh says, she didn’t ask me, she trusts me, I m feeling guilty, she can never reach the car’s truth,. She gets shocked and says, Vansh has a connection with my parents’ death, so he doesn’t want me to know about the car, I will reach the truth,. She goes,. Angre says, you know her nature, she is stubborn, its about her parents’ death, how will we stop her from reaching the truth,. 

Vansh sees the marriage pic,. He says, I have to do something big that she gets completely distracted,. He thinks stay away from this secret, Riddhima,. Riddhima sees him and thinks I will find the key, the secret is just two steps away,. She plays music,. Pal ek pal…,.plays… They dance,. She looks for the keys in the shelf,. Vansh lifts her,. They romance and smile,.

Riddhima hugs him,. She sees the keys,. She thinks maybe that’s the car keys,. Vansh says, I have to say something, will you marry me again,. She asks, again, you mean all the rituals… He says, yes, I want to leave old memories and have new memories,. He gets on knees and asks, will you try to become my wife again,.

 He proposes her,. She smiles and holds his hand,. She says, I will always be ready to become your bride, I love you,. They hug,. Ishq mein marjawan…,.plays…,.

He thinks you will be busy in the functions, your focus will not be on the investigations,. Riddhima thinks very soon the lock to this mystery will get open,. He says, you can tell me if there is anything,. She says, nothing,. He says, anything, trust me, I m yours, you will find me standing by you,. She says, I know, actually, there is a matter,.

She says, this time, we will call everyone, we will make guest list,. She sits to make a guest list,. He says, I have some business friends,. He names them,.

 Riddhima asks, how can I write in speed,. He thinks she started getting distracted, as I wanted,. She looks at the keys,. He thinks I will find out what’s going on in your mind,.   

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