India wali maa 29th January written episode update


India wali maa 29th January written episode update

India wali maa 29th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Kaku was excited to see Cheenu and introduces her as her daughter,. Lakshmi goes to bring chair for her,. Kaku gives Lakshmi money and sends her to get sweets for everyone, and specially her daughter,. The money was short,. Lakshmi appreciates Kaku’s efforts for their society,.

Kaku sits with Cheenu,. Cheenu complains that she didn’t share with her about Hasmukh’s ill health,. Kaku tells, she tried to call Cheenu but her phone was off, then later Cheenu was happy and she decided not to worry her,. Cheenu insists them to come, the flat she and Hasmukh occupied is still in her possession,. 

Kaku asks, if Rohan sent her for this,. Cheenu nods,. Kaku takes her to the stall where ladies worked,. Kaku tells Cheenu that these people had lost hopes, and will,. But today, their faces show determination,. She cannot leave them helpless now,. Kaku tells Cheenu that children of this society consider her as their mother,. Rohan will now witness the power of a mother,. Cheenu only stared at Kaku, and tells, this is a new Kaku for her,. Kaku, she knew, always worried for Rohan and backed him,. Today, she is a different woman, a mother of this whole society,. She hugs Kaku in appreciation,.

Lakshmi brings Dhaipla, and pickle for Cheenu to taste,. A lady asks, Cheenu to taste it, Kaku taught it to them,. All ladies appreciate that Kaku taught them to survive and saved their houses,. 

They all chant for Cheenu,. Cheenu gets a call and comes to a side,. Rohan asks, Cheenu if Kaku agreed to leave the society,. Cheenu smiles and tells, for a few days she felt life was meaningless, but now she got her purpose,. She is with Kaku, and will support her in protecting the society,. Rohan asks, how they can live in such filthy place,. Cheenu tells, at least they have respect in this society, she tells Rohan about Hasmukh’s stroke and ill health,. Rohan was concerned and wonders why they did not tell him,. Cheenu suggests him to get an answer from himself,.

Kaku brings Cheenu home,. Hasmukh was snoring,. 

Cheenu teases Hasmukh by holding his nose,. He murmurs, Cheenu! Don’t tease me,. He opens his eyes to see Cheenu in real,. They hug and cry,. Cheenu complains to Hasmukh for not sharing with her the real troubles,. She also shares her minor problems with them, what if she also hides her tensions,. Hasmukh sat silent,. Cheenu forbids him to pose cute,. Hasmukh hugs Cheenu again,. Cheenu wanted to do something for them,. Kaku tells Cheenu to go home, and progress in her work,. Cheenu was annoyed that she is their daughter, and must share their troubles,. Kaku finally shares her tensions,. She tells, they have to collect 70 thousand for these society people,. 

She tells, they all had to supply chilli pickle and Dhaipla,. Now, they have no buyer,. Kaku asks, them about the specialty of their product; such as they prepare pickle and Dhaipla together,. It is instant food, and also ‘food on the go’,. In Bangalore, people are busy and need instant foods,. She suggests them to call all the restaurants, general stores and offer their combo,.

Outside, they were making calls,.

 Cheenu, Kaku, and Hasmukh all come together and discuss that they only got minimal orders,. Mr,. Kumar suggests about going to the council of the area to request them for favors; then they will surely favor them,. Kaku decides to go,. Cheenu qualifies they will all go,.   

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