India wali maa 28th January written episode update


India wali maa 28th January written episode update

India wali maa 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Kaku shouting at the men,. Rohan was shocked to see his mother,. Kaku forbids them touch a single brick of this society,. She walks to Kumar and tells the goons that women here are not weak, they stand by the society committee,. She now passes Rohan and walks to bull dozer,. She promises the tax committee one lac in 24 hours,. But if they still want to vacate the society, they will have to pass the bull dozer over their bodies,. The women join hands with Kaku,. Deepak asks, if they even know who they are taking a stand against,. Kaku comes to Rohan and tells, she knows well whom she stand against,. 

Rohan stops Deepak and the goons’ forbidding them to touch her,. Hasmukh came out of the house and watches Rohan,. Deepak lends them 24 hours,. Rohan nods,. The women in the society clap for Kaku,. Kaku turns to see Hasmukh who was angry and goes inside,. The women of Anand Nagar were high in spirits,.

Rohan comes home and was extremely tensed,. He thinks about Kaku and was impatient,. Mr,. Murti spots him and asks, how those people got all the money,. Rohan was extremely tensed,.

Hasmukh had done packing when Kaku comes in,. He tells Kaku he has to leave, and not to interfere in Rohan’s business,. Kaku tells Hasmukh she already knew Rohan was the builder,.

Mr,. Murti tells, the residents never posed such strong resistance earlier,. Were they backed by someone ?

 Deepak points towards a lady, but Rohan covers that he will handle the matter,. The lady was one of the resident,.

Hasmukh tells Kaku she has done enough, people of this society have their own houses and must work on their will,. He asks, Kaku to come along, they will not live here anymore,. Kaku asks, Hasmukh if he wants to leave these people in such trouble,. She always respected his decisions, but now she will take the decision,. No matter it is Rohan, but she will teach Rohan a good lesson now; even if it is by tough means,. Hasmukh asks, Kaku if she will be able to punish Rohan, whom she holds so dear,. Kaku was determined that before being a mother comes her humanity,.

Cheenu comes to Rohan who threw arrows on dart angrily,. She asks, why he seems tensed,. 

Rohan asks, her to leave him alone,. Cheenu taunts if Rohan lost from the society people,. She knew it, but was he intrigued by women of the society; he is a loser,. Rohan tells, he is a son, who couldn’t run a bulldozer over his parent’s house,. Kaku and his Papa are living in the same society now,.

Kaku and Lakshmi carried their prepared pickle back,. Ladies from society were concerned,. Hasmukh comes to inquire Kaku,. Kaku tells, the shopkeeper took whatever he could sell,. They will need a buyer for all this,. They wonder where they will get the buyer,.

Cheenu gives a glass of water to the terribly tensed Rohan,. She was sorry for provoking him, but she had no option,. She wanted to know what he was hiding from her Abba,. Rohan asks, how she knew he was hiding,. 

Cheenu tells, atleast she knows him this much,. Rohan tells, Cheenu must have told Meenu which song will cheer him up in stress; he also knows her this much,. Cheenu tells, this means Kaku and Hasmukh did not go to Bujh,. Rohan wonders why his mother was there in such conditions,. She stood against him,. He wonders how Mr,. Murti would have treated her,. Cheenu offers Rohan some help,.

Cheenu comes to Anand Nagar,. 

She thinks about Rohan’s need for help, he wanted to know why his parents were living here,. She meets Lakshmi and asks, about Kaku, cautious not to let her know Rohan is Kaku’s son,. Lakshmi tells, Kaku is not home, but Hasmukh is here; he is unwell,. Cheenu waits outside for Kaku,. Kaku comes holding huge bags of Dhaipla,.   

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